purity | |||
100% | G4 | Grasping 4 |
Hyper Unit Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware |
50% | G4 (2) | Good 4tune |
Angela Brett, because anyone who has a G4 is fortunate. Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware |
100% | GA | Gurgling Annoyance |
Jeff Anonymous (in reference to the baby noise) Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words |
100% | GAB | Grumble, Argue, Bicker |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Communication:Talking |
100% | GAB (2) | Garrulous Annoying Blether |
Angela Brett Communication:Talking |
100% | GAB (3) | Great At Babbling |
Jan Morgan Communication:Talking |
100% | GABBLE | Garbage Articulated, 'Blah Blah...' Lacking Eloquence. |
Angela Brett, not long before checking her email and discovering she'd been beaten to first G acronym by Tony's GAB. Communication:Talking |
100% | GABBY | Girl Always Babbling By You |
Rico Leffanta Names:First names:Female |
83% | GABON | Generally A Big Ore-exporting Nation. |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Places:Countries |
89% | GADABOUT | Guys And Dolls Are Browsing On-line Using Teasers |
Rico Leffanta People & Relationships:Love & Lust |
100% | GADGET | Got Ample Dough? Get Electronic Toys. |
Angela Brett Science:Electronics |
83% | GADOLINIUM | Generally A Denizen Of (the) Lanthanides, It's Now In Use (in) Masers. |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Science:Chemistry:Elements |
100% | GAG | Government Approved Giggle |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Laughter |
100% | GAIL | Girl Always In Love |
Rico Leffanta Names:First names:Female |
100% | GALATIANS | Gazing Astrologers Listened, Awed, To Itinerant Apostle. Now Saved. |
Sue Johnson Religion:Bible books |
75% | GALAXY | Gigantic Area. Long Armed X-axis & Y-axis |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Science:Astronomy |
100% | GALLEONS | Great Armada Lost Lives Entering One Nasty Storm |
Tony McCoy O'Grady (The Spanish Armada was defeated as much by the weather as by the British Navy) Transport History |
78% | GALLIUM | Geophysically At Low Levels, It's Unusual (at) Melting-point. |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Science:Chemistry:Elements |
100% | GAM | Green And Mauve |
Angela Brett ('gam' is the collective noun for weasels, and the story which the h2g2 researchers are writing at http://www.h2g2.com/A255007 is plagued with mauve and sometimes green weasels.) Art & Literature |
100% | GAMBLE | Gain A Million By Losing Empire |
Angela Brett Entertainment |
100% | GAMBLE (2) | Get Additional Money But Lose Everyone |
Angela Brett Entertainment |
100% | GAMBLING | Gaming And Much Bet Laying - Income Newly Generated |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Entertainment |
100% | GAME | Generally About Mass Entertainment |
Gavin Lambert, thinking mainly about sports games and the like rather than board games, but you could extend the parallel... Sports & Recreation Entertainment:Games |
100% | GAME (2) | Great Adventures, Mesmerizes Evening |
Jan Morgan Entertainment:Games |
100% | GAME (3) | Gives Amusement, Makes Entertainment |
Jan Morgan Entertainment:Games |
100% | GAMER | Gathers Around Machines - Evading Reality |
Tony McCoy O'Gameboy Computers:Games |
100% | GAMMA | Greek Authors Mastered Minimalist Alphabet |
Tony McCoy O'Grady, commenting that there are only 24 characters in the Greek alphabet Science:Linguistics |
100% | GAMUTS | Girls Appraise Men Under The Sheets |
Rico Leffanta People & Relationships:Love & Lust |
100% | GANDALF | Great Advisor Negates Death And Looses Fireworks |
Patricia Rix Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Lord of the Rings |
100% | GANDALF THE GREY | Grappled And Nearly Died After Long Fall - Though He's Evidently Gotta Return (Even Younger?) |
Tony McFrodo O'Baggins Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Lord of the Rings |
100% | GANDER | Giving A Nudge Dames Excitedly Reject |
Rico Leffanta People & Relationships:Love & Lust |
86% | GANDHI | Gently Advocating Non-violence, Demands His Independence. |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Entertainment:Movies Names:Famous people:Politicians |
100% | GANT | Guess About Nebulous Timescales |
Jonathan Staniford (see GANTT) Time |
100% | GANTT | Graph Allocating Necessary Tasks & Timescales |
Angela Brett, after a workmate mistakenly referred to a Gantt chart as a 'GANT'. The Gantt chart is named after Charles Gantt, and is not an acronym. Time |
100% | GANTT (2) | Generally Always Need Triple Time |
Angela Brett (see GANTT) Time |
100% | GANTT (3) | Guesstimates Almost Never The Truth |
Angela Brett Time |
100% | GANTT (4) | Generate Arbitrary Net Total Time |
Jonathan Staniford Time |
100% | GANTT (5) | Generous Approximations, No Tiny Target |
Angela Brett Time |
100% | GANTT (6) | Generating Appropriate Notation Takes Time |
Angela Brett Time |
100% | GANZ | Glossary: "All", Not Zero |
Grace Francis Science:Linguistics:German Words |
100% | GAOL | Girls Are Only Lads |
Rico Leffanta People & Relationships:Law & Order Places:Buildings |
100% | GAP | Gear's Awfully Pricey |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Household Objects:Clothing |
100% | GAP (2) | Greatly Annoys Parents |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Household Objects:Clothing |
100% | GAP (3) | Get-Across Problem? |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Assorted Nouns |
86% | GARAGE | Guests And Relatives Accommodated (at) Great Expense! |
Tony McCoy O'Grady, upon hearing that Dustan Dowsing was living in Angela's sister's garage. Places:Buildings |
100% | GARAGE (2) | Greasy And Rude Adolescents Guaranteed Employment! |
Tony McCoy O'Grady People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations Places:Buildings |
100% | GARBAGE MOUTH | Garrulous And Rude & Brutally Aggressive Guy. Every Moment One Utters "Toilet Humour" |
Toilet Mouth O'Grady Communication:Talking |
71% | GARBO | Gifted Actress, Rathered Being On-her-own |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses |
100% | GARDEN | Gives All, Rainbow Delights, Entreats Natives |
Jan Morgan Places |
100% | GARDEN LIGHTS | Generating A Remarkable Display Every Night - Lamps Illuminate Grower's Horticulural Trophy Specimens |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Science:Biology:Plants Household Objects |
100% | GARDEN OF EDEN | Gobbling Apple Revealed Dear Eve's Nakedness... One Figleaf Enhanced Decency Enough? No! |
Angela Brett Places Religion |
100% | GARDEN OF EDEN (2) | Gained A Rich Domain, Evil Negotiates Offense, Failed Experimental Decree Exiles Newlyweds |
Jan Morgan Places Religion |
100% | GARDENS | Grass And Rosebeds Delight Everybody's Natural Senses |
TMcCO'G Places Science:Biology:Plants |
100% | GARFIELD | Gifted (Albeit Rotund) Feline, I Eat Lasagne Daily |
TMcCO'G Art & Literature:Fictional Characters Names:Pet Names |
100% | GARFIELD (2) | Gets Around Really Fast If Espying Lasagne Dish |
Angela Brett Art & Literature:Fictional Characters Names:Pet Names |
100% | GARLAND | Green And Red Leaves Are Nicely Decorative |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Science:Biology:Plants |
88% | GARLAND (2) | Great Actress (Rainbow Lover) Addicted to Narcotic Drugs |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses |
100% | GARLIC | Garnish - A Renowned Love Inhibiting Condiment |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs |
100% | GARLIC (2) | Good At Repulsing Lovers, If Chewed. |
Tony Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs |
100% | GARMENTS | Girls Adorn Runways, Modelling Elegant New Tweed Suits |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Household Objects:Clothing |
100% | GARRETT | Gaelic - Attention Riveted Regarding Everything That's There |
Angela Brett (the name Garrett comes from Gaelic and means 'To Watch') Names:First names:Male |
100% | GARRULOUS | Gabbing About Random Rubbish, Usually Lots Of Useless Subjects |
Rico Leffanta People & Relationships:Personality Traits |
100% | GARY | Guy's Always Reinterrogating You |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Names:First names:Male |
100% | GARY (2) | Gets Alcohol Replenished Yonder |
Jan Morgan - someone I know Names:First names:Male |
100% | GAS | Generally Asphyxiating Substance |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Science:Chemistry |
90% | GAS ATTACK | Got Aerated Stomach? Alka-seltzer Tablets Taken Are Chemical Key. |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Science:Biology:Healthcare:Ailments |
100% | GASBAG | Groan... Another Speech By Al Gore. |
Angela Brett Politics |
100% | GASBAG (2) | Get A Second Book Absolutely Gratis |
Tony McCoy O'Grady (see SHOVE OFF) Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans |
100% | GAS PEDAL | Gains Automotive Speed. Probably Encourages Driving At Limit. |
Eric Bridgstock Transport:Car Parts |
80% | GATANISM | Going Against The Attitude of Niceness and Innovation Surrounding Macintosh |
Angela Brett Computers:Windows |
100% | GATANISM (2) | Gleaning Apple's Trade, And Nerdishly Idolising Satanic Master |
Angela Brett Computers:Windows |
89% | GATANISM (3) | Group of Antimac Terrorists, Adore Non-Intuitive Software Maker. |
Angela Brett Computers:Windows |
100% | GATE | Grants Access To Everyone |
Angela Brett Places |
100% | GATE (2) | Gives Abode Territorial Entrance |
Jan Morgan Assorted Nouns |
89% | GATESIAN | Generally A Terrible Example of Science Inexpertly Applied, N'estpas? |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Computers:Windows |
100% | GAUDY | Garish And Unusually Decadent - Yuck! |
Melanie Merswolke Assorted Adjectives |
100% | GAUSS | Got Answers Using Simultaneous Solutions |
Angela Brett, thinking of Gaussian elimination, a way of solving simultaneous equations. I didn't feel like acronymising the whole thing! Science:Mathematics:Mathematicians |
100% | GAUSS (2) | Great Arithmetic Used Solving Systems |
Angela Brett Science:Mathematics:Mathematicians |
100% | GAUSS (3) | Geometry's An Unexpectedly Strange Subject. |
Angela Brett Science:Mathematics:Mathematicians |
83% | GAVEL | Give A Vital End to Lawsuit |
Sean Lamb People & Relationships:Law & Order |
100% | GAVIN | Good At Very Interesting 'Nyms |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Names:Acronymists |
100% | GAVIN LAMBERT | Generating Acronyms, Velocity Irregular. Natural Laziness Assumed; Maybe Boredom Enhances 'Ronymising Tendencies? |
Gavin Lambert (since I felt it was about time I "ronymised" my own name) :) Names:Acronymists |
100% | GAWAIN | Grail Adventurer, Was Arthur's Ideal Nephew. |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Arthurian Legend |
100% | GAY | Got Aids Yet? |
mark a.k.a. (dad) People & Relationships:Love & Lust:LGBTQIA Science:Biology:Healthcare |
100% | GAY MEN | Got Anagram? Yes, Mangey (Erroneous Naming)! |
Robert Anonymous People & Relationships:Love & Lust:LGBTQIA |
100% | GAYS | Genes Alter Your Sexuality? |
Angela Brett Science:Biology People & Relationships:Love & Lust:LGBTQIA |
100% | GAYS (2) | Gender Aside, You're Sexy! |
Angela Brett People & Relationships:Love & Lust:LGBTQIA |
100% | GEAR DOWN | Generally, Entering A Recession, Dispose Of Workforces Now |
Tony McCoy O'Grady People & Relationships:The Workforce |
100% | GEEK | Gathers Esoteric, Encyclopaedic Knowledge |
Angela Brett Computers People & Relationships:Personality Traits |
100% | GEEK (2) | Greatly Enjoys Enhancing Kernels |
Angela Brett and Steve Keate Computers People & Relationships:Personality Traits |
100% | GEEK (3) | Great Education Enhances Knowledge |
Apronymous Anonymous Education People & Relationships:Personality Traits |
83% | GEEKS | Gain Entry to Every Knowledge Society |
Angela Brett Computers People & Relationships |
100% | GEEKS (2) | Generally Exhibit Exceptional Keyboard Skills |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Computers People & Relationships |
100% | GEEKS (3) | God's Electronic - Every Kilobyte's Sacred |
Angela Brett Computers Religion People & Relationships |
100% | GEEKY | Go Electronic - Everyone Knows You |
Angela Brett Computers People & Relationships:Personality Traits |
100% | GEEKY (2) | Generally Everything Elicits Keyboard Yearnings |
Angela Brett Computers People & Relationships:Personality Traits |
100% | GEEKY (3) | Gigabit/ Exabit Ethernet Kindling Yottabytes |
Angela Brett Computers |
93% | GEEKY ACRONYMS | Geeks Enjoy Expanding Knowledge - Yet Also Created Regularly, Origin: Non-geeks. Yes, Multiple Submissions. |
Gavin Lambert Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms |
100% | GEEKY ACRONYMS (2) | Gotos Evil, Everybody Knows. You Always Can Rely On (Names You've Mangled) Subroutines |
Angela Brett, thinking of abbreviated function names. Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms Computers:Programming |
100% | GEMINI | Gypsies Earn Money In Nonsense Industry |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Religion:Astrology |
100% | GEMINI (2) | Gets Endeavors Mixed In Neurotic Indecisiveness |
Jan Morgan Religion:Astrology |
88% | GEMINUS | Gone! (his) Educational Mathematical Inscription. Noticed ÔUncoplanar' Stars. |
Angela Brett Science:Mathematics:Mathematicians |
100% | GENEALOGY | Generations Evoke New Excitement And Love Of Genealogy Yearnings |
Jan Morgan - Genealogy is the study of our heritage and finding our ancestors People & Relationships:Family |
100% | GENERAL | Generally Evinces Nothing Exceptional - Rarely A Livewire |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Military:Ranks |
100% | GENERAL CONFERENCE | Gives Extraordinary Navigation, Exceptional Resolve Acknowledged, Listening Covers Our Needs For Eternity, Reports Effect Noteworthy Concerns, Endeavors |
Jan Morgan -- world wide meeting of LDS church that delivers counsel to its members Religion Time:Special Occasions |
100% | GENERIC | Generalised Extremely, Not Explicit... Really Inspecific Codswallop. |
Angela Brett, when Bern complained that her HERNIA was too generic. See also: INSPECIFIC Assorted Adjectives |
100% | GENESIS | Generating Everything, Nothing Excepted, Seventh Is Sabbath. |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Religion:Bible books |
100% | GENESIS (2) | God's Early News: Existence Started In Seven |
Roger Williams Religion:Bible books |
100% | GENETIC ALGORITHM | Guesser Employing Nature's Evolutionary 'Tactics' In Creating A Likely Group Of Resolutions. Increase That Heuristic Measurement! |
Angela Brett Science Computers:Programming |
100% | GENETIC ENGINEERING | Godlike Experimenters Now Ensure That It Couldn't Evolve Naturally, Given Its Not Especially Effective Reproduction Inhibiting New Generations. |
Angela Brett, as genetically engineered plants are sometimes made sterile in order to prevent the crops from spreading and/or increase profits for the companies which sell the seeds. This also ensures that the variety could never have evolved naturally, since anything which can't reproduce is a sitting duck (so to speak) for natural selection. Science:Biology |
100% | GENGAR | Grimy Even Nauseating Ghoul Also Repulsive. |
Nevica the MAN. (Gengar is a purple, ugly, ghost pokemon #94) Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon |
100% | GENTS | Great Emergency - Need To Sh*t |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Places:Buildings:The 'Little Room' |
100% | GENUIS | Geeks Enabling Nottingham University's Information Systems |
Tony McCoy O'Grady (see UNITS) Education:University of Nottingham School of Community Health Sciences IT Subgroup |
92% | GENYODECTES | Greatly Erratic Noggin Yet Only Disconnected Evidence of Carnivore That Existed Southward |
Sean Lamb (Genyodectes was discovered in Argentina, but is only known from fragmentary skull remains) Science:Biology:Animals:Dinosaurs |
100% | GEOFFREY CHAUCER | Greatness Endures, Oh Founding Father! Really! Evidently Your 'Canterbury' Had A Unique Creative-English Role |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Art & Literature:Writers |
100% | GEOLOGY | Geology Encapsulates One's Learning Of Gneiss Yields |
Sean Lamb Science:Geology |
100% | GEOMETRY | Golly, Elementary Orthogonal Matrices Excite These Randy Youths. |
Angela Brett, during a boring first-year algebra lecture. Science:Mathematics:Geometry Education:Slow Teaching |
100% | GEOMETRY (2) | Go Euclid! One Man's Elementary Text Remained Years! |
Angela Brett (parts of Euclid's 'Elements' were used as a standard textbook for around 2250 years.) Science:Mathematics:Geometry |
100% | GEOMETRY (3) | Greek Earth Observers Measured Everything, Trusting Real Yardsticks. |
Angela Brett, since geometry began with people actually measuring land and wasn't at all like the abstract science it is today. Science:Mathematics:Geometry |
100% | GEORGE | Gentleman, Eating Out, Rarely Gets Eel. |
Patricia Rix, describing her husband Names:Acronymists |
100% | GEORGE (2) | Gave Existence Onto Rix Generations, Evidently |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Names:Acronymists |
100% | GEORGE (3) | Gives Entertaining Osmonds Rare Gifts, Emerged |
Jan Morgan, referring to George Osmond. Names:Famous people |
100% | GEORGE BUSH | Getting Elected On Recount, George's Eldest Boy Ultimately Succeeded Him |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Names:Famous people:Politicians |
100% | GEORGE PAGE | Gets Entangled Organizing Right Guy's Espousal - Patiently Accepts Girl's Elopement |
Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Merry Wives of Windsor Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Merry Wives of Windsor |
94% | GEORGE WASHINGTON | General, Evidently Once Red-headed, Grew Ever Whiter As Senior. He Inspired Notable Growth Toward Own Nationhood |
Patricia Rix Names:Famous people:Politicians |
100% | GEORGE WASHINGTON (2) | George Eventually Overthrew "Royal George". Everyone Wanted A Similar Hierarchy In National Government. "That's Over! Nevermore!" |
Roger Williams -- George Washington was highly instrumental in the success of the American Revolution. After victory, he was hailed as 'King George' and refused the title. Names:Famous people:Politicians History |
100% | GEORGE W BUSH | Got Every Opportunity Republican Governor Ever Wanted - But United States Harmed |
Chris Kjelgaard Names:Famous people:Politicians |
100% | GEORGE W. BUSH | Get Elected Or Remain Governor Even When Beaten Under Some Hedges |
Rico Leffanta Names:Famous people:Politicians |
100% | GEORGE W BUSH (2) | Got Every Opportunity Republican Gilt Ever Worked - But Unusually Stupid Human |
Chris Kjelgaard Names:Famous people:Politicians |
100% | GEORGE W. BUSH (2) | Gets Evil Offensive Ruler, Genuine Empathy, Warmth, Best Underdog Succeeds Honors |
Jan Morgan Names:Famous people:Politicians |
100% | GEORGE W BUSH (3) | Gives Every Opportunity Republican Grafters Ever Want By Utilizing State Hubris |
Chris Kjelgaard Names:Famous people:Politicians |
100% | GEORGE W BUSH (4) | "Good Egg", Or Really Gifted, Excellent World-Beater? Unimpressive, Say Hecklers |
Chris Kjelgaard. Alternative endings could be "Usually Seems Harmless", "Unusually Strong Head", or "Unfathomable, Says Humanity", etc. Names:Famous people:Politicians |
100% | GEORGIA | Gradually Eased Off Russia's Grip Into Autonomy. |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Places:Countries |
100% | GEORGIA (2) | Gin Eli Original, Rural Gifts In Area |
Jan Morgan - Cotton gin was invented by eli whitney, Gifts = crops of cotton for clothes etc and peanuts for peanut butter etc. Places:States & Regions |
100% | GERADE | Genuine Expression Reaffirming Apparent Dubious Exactness |
Grace Francis Science:Linguistics:German Words |
100% | GERAINT | Gentle Errant Romantic, Arthurian Individual, Noble Traveller |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Arthurian Legend |
100% | GERALD | Gets Enchanted, Reading A Little Drama |
Jan Morgan Names:First names:Male |
78% | GERMAIN | Gauss Expected Robust Male... Actually Ingenious Nom-de-plume. |
Angela Brett. (Sophie Germain wrote to Gauss with her mathematical ideas under a male name, because in her time it was expected that... (see GERMAIN (2)) Science:Mathematics:Mathematicians |
88% | GERMAIN (2) | Girls, Especially, Rarely Maintain Avid Interest in Numbers. |
Angela Brett (see GERMAIN) Science:Mathematics:Mathematicians |
90% | GERMANIUM | Grayish Element. Radar Meant A New Interest (and) Uses Multiplied. |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Science:Chemistry:Elements |
100% | GERMANY | Greeted Eventual Reunification Magnificently After Numerous Years. |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Places:Countries |
100% | GERTRUDE | Generates Enmity Realizing The Rogue Uncle's Despotic Ends |
Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Hamlet, Prince of Denmark Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark |
more apronyms beginning with G |