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Loose apronyms:
Perfect Apronyms OnlyAll Apronyms
100% ABCAlpha Born Coder! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% ABC (2)Alphabet Backwards' Coda. Angela Brett
100% ADJECTIVESAdditional Details - Just Ensure Correctness. These Items Valuably Enhance Sentences TMcCO'G
83% ALPHAA Letter Previously Handwritten in Athens Angela Brett
100% ALPHABETAll Literate People Have Already Begun English Training. Angela Brett
100% ALPHABET (2)A Lexicographic Pattern Hailed As Big Educational Tool Angela Brett
100% ALPHABET (3)All Letters Placed Here; Altered By Enthusiastic Testers Roger Williams
100% AMIGO"Amicus" Made Iberian, Guys Only Jeff Anonymous, doing failed searches. Amigo is the Spanish (Iberian) variant of the Latin "amicus," also meaning "friend." Both "amicus" and "amigo" apply only to males, "amica" and "amiga" replacing them when dealing with women.
People & Relationships
100% ANTI-Affix Negates The Idea Angela Brett
100% APOSTROPHEA Pointer Of Syncopation, The Rightful Owner(s), Perh... "Hello, Entrant!" Angela Brett, mixing the two meanings of 'apostrophe'.
100% BABBLEBlabbering Academic Blubber Building Language Expertise Rico Leffanta
100% COGNATESCommon Origin Gives Noise-Aligned Terms Equivalent Semantics Angela Brett (A cognate is a word in one language which is similar in form and meaning to a word in another language because both languages are related.)
100% COMMACompetent Orator May Momentarily Aerate. Angela Brett
91% DECLENSIONDead in English, Commendably. Latin Exists, Needing Some Inflection Of Nouns. Jeff Anonymous, noting that except for personal pronouns, case is basically gone fron English, and declension with it.
100% DEFINESDictionary Entry Found In Next Edition Says/States Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% DICTIONARYDo I Consider Term Is Often Needed And Real? Yes! Angela Brett
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% ECHOLALIAEvery Child Hears Obscure Language And Lips It Again Angela Brett
100% ELEVATOREntire Levitation Etymology Varies According To Origin's Requirements Gavin Lambert (referring to how a different name is used for the same thing in other parts of the world)
100% ENGLISHEccentricities Numerous... Grammar Learning Is Superlatively Hard. Angela Brett
100% ENGLISH (2)Essential Near-Global Language Is Superior, Honestly Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ENGLISH (3)Email's Now Global - Language Is Surely Hegemonic! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ENGLISH (4)Each New Generation's Learning Involves Shakeapeare's Heritage Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays
78% ENGLISH (5)European Normative Grammar for Linguistic Interoperability and Syntactic Harmony Alistair Lovegrove
88% ENGLISH (6)Easy, Nice and Great Language If Studied Hard Son Hong Nguyen -- This apronym is recommended to English teachers as an amusing introduction to the language.
100% ENGLISH (7)Everybody Needs Global Language - It Solves Hassles Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ENGLISH (8)Especially Needs Good Learners -- It's Superbly Hard! Jeff Anonymous
100% FIATFascist Is A Tyrant Tony McCoy O'Grady - "fiat" is Latin for "let it be done" and means a formal or solemn command (Star-Trek-speak is "make it so"!)
100% GAMMAGreek Authors Mastered Minimalist Alphabet Tony McCoy O'Grady, commenting that there are only 24 characters in the Greek alphabet
100% HOMOGRAPHYHelpful Orthographic Method - One Graphical Representation And Phoneme Homogeneously Yoked Angela Brett, who doesn't think Homogeneously is the best word for it.
100% INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT CONSULTINGIt's Not That Easy, Remembering Natives All Think In Own National Affectations. Language Dictates Ethnic Viewpoints, Every Line Of Program Must Echo Numerous Thoughts Concurrently, Or Numerous Separate UIs Litter The IDE... Nothing Generalised. Angela Brett, thinking of specifically of international software development.
100% IZZARDIt's Zed. Zounds! Apronyms Rarely Disappoint! Sean Lamb ( defines izzard simply as "The letter z.")
100% KLINGONKnowing 'Language' Is Notably Geeky (Or Nerdy) Angela Brett
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Star Trek
89% LANGUAGELinguists Assay New Generalisations of Utterances And Graphical Expression. Angela Brett
100% LATINLanguage A Touch Intricate Nowadays. Tony -- English is becoming so sloppy that grammar is disintegrating, even though it was never as complex as Latin. Learning Latin must be really difficult now.
100% LATIN SCHOLARLatina Antiqua, Tempore Interfectam, Nunc Supervivet Capitibis Hominum. Olim Lingua Amata Romanorum Robert Anonymous - Translation: Ancient latin, killed by time, now survives with the heads of men. Once the beloved language of the Romans.
100% LINGUA LATINALatin Is Not Gone -- Used 'AM' Lately? Also There's Information Not Anglicizable. Jeff Anonymous, expanding the Latin language's name for itself -- and noting its continued relevance, even in daily conversation where in abbreviated form 'ante meridiem' its head rears, in addition to the fact that there are many literary works that do not translate terribly well into English -- the meter of Virgil, for example, cannot be preserved well in a translation out of Latin.
100% LOGOGRAPHLike Oriental Glyphs - One Graphically Represents A Particular Heading. Angela Brett
100% MEA CULPAMy Extreme Apologies, Capabilities Using Latin Pathetically Abyssmal Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to PEDANTRY
100% MORPHEMEManufacture Of Reductionist Philosophy - Here's Elementary Meaningful Entity. Angela Brett
100% MULTIBABELMost Uninteresting Language Typed In, But After Butchering Elicits Laughter! Angela Brett, referring to which uses the automated translation at to translate English into several different languages and back consecutively. The results can be most amusing!
100% ONOMATOPOEIAOriginal Noise Obviously Mandates Alphabetical Text Ordered Phonetically; Openly Encapsulating Intended Allusion Gavin Lambert
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% PHONEMESPrimary Hearing Objects - Nearly Every Morpheme Employs Several Angela Brett
100% PIG LATINPhrasing Is Genuine Language, Adults Think It Nonsensical Onitay Ackoymay Radiogay
100% PIG LATIN (2)Partially Intelligent Gibberish Leaves Adults Totally Ignorant, Normally Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PROTO-POLYNESIANPrehistoric Relative Of Today's Oceanic People's Oral Language. You'd Never Expect Such Interesting Ancestral Notes. Angela Brett
100% PUNCTUATIONPerhaps Underutilised, Need Commas To Understand Acronyms! Trivial Indeed, One Nods Gavin Lambert
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% QUATORZAINSQuills Used Again To Organise Rhyming Zeugmas As Iambi; New Sonnets! Angela Brett, while trying to encourage people to apronymise Q words.
71% SLANGSome Language Affectations Native to a Group Angela Brett
100% SURVIVE!Sentences Using Real Verbs Invade Victoriously! Engage/Escalate! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. (perhaps describing how to survive on this website)
Assorted Verbs
100% VOGULVierd Old Grand Ulgric Lingo Jeff Anonymous (Vogul is a Finno-Ugric language of the Ugric group, spoken East of the Ural Mountains)