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ANGELA (7)Academically Neat Goof Equally Loves Acronyms Mary Carr, in a last-minute effort to increase her number of contributions, just before Angela uploaded the acronymist hall of fame. (http://acronyms.co.nz/halloffame.html)
Names:First names:Female
ANTHONYAffluent, Nostalgic Travelling Hippy - Old, Not Youthful. Mary Carr, describing her brother (with a little help from Angela Brett.)
Names:First names:Male
BEDBlank Eyed Doze Mary Carr (Angela's mother)
Household Objects:Furniture
BED (2)Bloody Eyed Drunk Mary Carr
Household Objects:Furniture
BED (3)Beneath Exciting Duvet Mary Carr
Household Objects:Furniture
BEERBrewer's Exciting Effervescence, Rabblerouser. Mary Carr
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
BOTTOMBig Orifices Treat Tons Of Merde! Mary Carr/Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Body Parts
CHRISTMAS (2)Christ Heralds Rejoicing Into Songs, Turning Masses Against Sin. Mary Carr
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
DARLING (3)Diana - Adored Royal Lying In Neat Grave Mary Carr and Angela Brett
DICK HEADDecidedly Ignorant Childish Kid Heeding Endless Arrogant Drivel Mary Carr
People & Relationships:Insults
DOGSDefinitely Odorous Greedy Sods Mary Carr
FAIRYFanciful Aerobic Individual Raising Yawns Mary Carr
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Mythical Creatures
FARMERFriendly, Agricultural 'Real Man...' Endearingly Rugged. Mary Carr
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
FATHERFearless Adult That Hinders Equal Responsibilities Mary Carr
People & Relationships:Family
GODMOTHERGood Old Dame Minding Other Transient Humans Extra Responsibilities Mary Carr
People & Relationships:Family
IRISH (2)Ignorant Rogues In Shamrock Highlands Mary Carr
People & Relationships:Nationalities & Races
KENNETHKeen Extrovert Needs Nice Erudite Thinking Hedonist Mary Carr, on a Kenneth she knows.
Names:First names:Male
LUST (3)Lecherous Unadulterated Sexy Thoughts Mary Carr, on hearing Eric's LUST (2).
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
MAORIMeandering Aborigines Originating Round Islands Mary Carr, referring to the aboriginal people of New Zealand
People & Relationships:Nationalities & Races
MARY (2)Madam, Articulate Royal Yobbo. Mary Carr, describing herself.
Names:First names:Female
MEADMeadow Extract, Alcoholic Drink Mary Carr
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
MECHANICMale Endangered Class, He's Always Nestled Inside Cars Mary Carr
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
MICE (2)Mouse Increasing Cat's Excitement Mary Carr
MOTHERMajestic, Orderly, Tit-Heralding Energetic Reposedness Mary Carr
People & Relationships:Family
MURPHYMuch Understanding Regarding Potato Heralding Yeast Mary Carr
Food & Drink
MURPHY (2)Many Use Resourcefully Potato's Healthy Yield Mary Carr
Food & Drink
POLICE (7)People Organising Litigation Incarcerating Criminals Everywhere Mary Carr
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Occupations
POOR MANPeople Ordinary Opulent Retaining Mana And Nous Mary Carr
People & Relationships
POPE (2)Pastoral Official Pretending Euphoria Mary Carr
Religion:Religious Occupations
PRICKPenis Rests In Coloured Knickers Mary Carr/Angela Brett, while Mary was watching some pricks on television.
People & Relationships:Insults
PUSSY CATPurring Under Suzy's Sweet Yellow Cardie - Absolute Tranquility Mary Carr
RICH MANRandy Ignorant Craving Hideous Money Amid Needy Mary Carr
SNEEZESnotty Nose Effortlessly Energising, Zinging Everywhere. Mary Carr
STEVE KEATE (2)Snores To Excess, Volume Explosive! Kind Enough A*sehole To Endure Mary Carr and Angela Brett
STUDY (2)Stupid Tutors Undermining Delinquent Youth Mary Carr
TINKERTrusting In Nice King's Effective Rulings Mary Carr
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations