Main:Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic


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AASLEAGHAwful Alcohol's Still Left, & Everyone's Already Got Hangovers! Angela Brett (Aasleagh is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as being, 'A liqueur made only for drinking at the end of a revoltingly long bottle party when all the drinkable drink has been drunk.'
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
AL COHOLICA Lager Can Often Have Overwhelming / Lasting Irreversible Consequences Three more, please, Barman!
Names:Prank Calls
BARBarney's A Regular/Resident! Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Food Outlets
BAR (2)Bring Along Rowdies! Patricia Rix
Food & Drink:Food Outlets
BAR (3)Beers Aren't Rationed Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Food Outlets
BAR (4)Beer's Available Readily Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Food Outlets
BAR (5)Belch Again, Repeatedly Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Food Outlets
BAR (6)Bottles Available Readily. Roger Williams
Food & Drink:Food Outlets
BEERBrewer's Exciting Effervescence, Rabblerouser. Mary Carr
BEER (2)Bubbly Elixir Everyone Relishes Tony McCoy O'Grady
BEER (3)Beverage Erotically Exciting Rogues Jerry Ryan PER Hoboken Elks Lodge #74
BEER (4)Because Everyone Enjoys Recklessness My Brain
BEER (5)Brewed Extracts Elicit Ramblings Mick Bridgstock
BEER (6)Brewed Extracts Excite Ruffians Mick Bridgstock
BEER (7)Beverage Eliciting Exaggerated Raucousness Kenny Roy & Tamaryn Roy
BOUQUETBottles (Of Unusual Quality) Usually Exude Tannins TMcCO'G
BOURBONBooze Our Uncle Relays Barefoot Obligating Nightcaps Rico Leffanta, from when bourbon was "home brew" which barefoot hillbillies ran around delivering, especially during prohibition. Of course, it was always someone's "uncle", and a delivery included the "nightcap" to ensure the brew was true.
BRANDYBeautifully Robust Alcohol Napoleon Drank, Yes? Tony McCoy O'Grady
BREWBeer Revolts Every Woman Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
BUDWEISERBeer: Uncontrolled Drunks Will Endure It's Side-Effects Regularly Tony McCoy O'Grady
BUDWEISER (2)Because U Deserve What Every Individual Should Enjoy Regulary. Acronymous Anonymous
CHAMPAGNE (2)Celebratory Hooch, Always Makes People At Gatherings Nicely Extrovert Eric Bridgstock
CHAMPAGNE (3)Charm Has Always Made Pretty Any Girl Near Eventide Rico Leffanta
CIDERCan Incessant Drinking End Relationships? Angela Brett
CIDER (2)Certainly It's Delicious & Extremely Refreshing. Roger Williams
DEAD (2)Drank Ethanol And Drove Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Death
DUNTISHDon't Undertake Numeracy Tests If Severely Hungover Tony McCoy O'Grady (Duntish is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as being, 'Mentally incapacitated by severe hangover.')
Words & Wordplay:Liffs
EGGNOGEvery Glass Gives Nuance Of Grog Tony McCoy O'Grady - Many recipes for eggnog contain varying amounts of alcohol, some have very little.
GINGreat, If Neat! Tony McCoy O'Grady
GLASS (2)"Gimme Lotsa Alcohol!", Some Say Gavin Lambert
Household Objects:Eating Utensils
GLASS (4)Good Lagers Are Sipped Slowly Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Eating Utensils
GRAVITY BARGuinness Room's Awesome View Impresses Tourists, Your Beers Are Ready. Angela Brett (The Gravity Bar, at the Guinness brewery in Dublin, has an almost 360 degree view of the city.)
HANGOVERHow Agonizing! Not Good! Oh, Vengeful Elixir Residue! Roger Williams
LAAGER (2)Lazy Alcoholic's Articulation, Groaning Epithesis Represented? Angela Brett
LAGERLads Agree, Great Exhilarating Refreshment Tony Moore
LCBOLarge Canadian Booze Outlet/Organization Angela Brett (LCBO usually stands for Liquor Control Board Ontario)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
LIQUORLiquid I Quaff Unceasingly, Often Refreshing. Angela Brett
MAC'S SPECIAL LIGHTMysterious Ale Containing Strange Substances, Purposefully Encouraging Comas In All Liberal Liquor Ingesters, Giving Hangovers Tomorrow. Dustan Dowsing, after seeing a brand of beer called Mac's Special Light. (Angela thought it was the LED on her PowerBook which flashes when it's sleeping!)
MEADMeadow Extract, Alcoholic Drink Mary Carr
NEATNot Even Adding Tonic Angela Brett
PISSED (2)Priests In Seminaries Shouldn't Ever Drink Angela Brett
PISSED (3)Perhaps I Shoulda Stopped Excessive Drinking! Patricia Rix
PLONKPurchaser's Likely Of No Knowledge Angela Brett
SHERRYSip Happily (Enjoying Richness) Refreshes You TMcCO'G
SPEIGHTS (2)Special Piss Enjoyed In Great Hotels Throughout Southland Apronymous Anonymous
STRONGSozzled Toper Reeks Of Neat Gin Tony McCoy O'Grady
SWISH (4)Substance Which Is Singularly Horrible! Patricia Rix (if you don't know what swish-barrel whisky is, you're lucky!)
TIA MARIAThanks In Advance, My Appreciative Reaction Is Anticipated. Tony McCoy O'Grady
TEQUILATaking Excessive Quantities Usually Induces Lasting Addiction Tony McCoy O'Grady
UBIQUITOUSUsing Bourbon In Quantity Usually Identifies The Omnipresent Universal Spirit Rico Leffanta
VODKAVial Of Dendrite-Killing Alcohol Angela Brett
WHISKEYWe Have Irish, Scotch, Kentucky - Enjoy Yourself Tony McCoy O'Grady
WINEWill It Never End? Angela Brett
YOU DON'T WANT TO DRINK THATYears Of Underaged Drinking Only Numbs The Wit, And Needs Toughness To Overcome. Dignity Remains In Not Knowing The Hard Ale's Taste. Angela Brett, who was intending to do YOU DON'T WANT TO PANIC
People & Relationships:Advice