Main:People & Relationships:Family


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Loose apronyms:
Perfect Apronyms OnlyAll Apronyms
100% ABORTIONA Baby Only Remains 'Til It's Ordered Not Angela Brett
100% ADOPTEDAngel Dancing On Pin Turning Either Direction Rico Leffanta, referring to that very Catholic question: "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?" If you are adopted (and are, one presumes, angelic) you must dance according to the direction of your new parents - whatever direction that may be, or fall from the only thing stable in your life...
90% ANCESTORSA Nice Collection, Enriches Service To Others, Reaching Self-exploration Jan Morgan - Searching out our ancestors helps us learn about our heritage and serves the rest of the family to know about where we came from
100% BABYBoisterous And Bouncy Youth Angela Brett and Dustan Dowsing, inspired by Quantum Reid, Angela Brett's nephew - see his homepage at
100% BABY (2)Burping And Belching Youth Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BABY BLUEBonnie And Bouncy, Your Bairn Looks Unusually Elegant Tony McCoy O'Godfather
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% BONDEDBaby Of New Dad Enjoys/Endures Doting Angela Brett
100% BROTHERSBrats Repeatedly Offending Their Honest, Erudite, Responsible Sisters Rico Leffanta
100% CHILD (2)Comics Hope It's Laughter's Daughter Rico Leffanta
100% CHILDCARECare Handler, Infants, Little "Dumplings", Capable Adults' Responsibility, Employment Jan Morgan - Little Dumplings can be considered an endearment used for toddlers
100% CHILDRENCurious Homonym In Language... Dearness Refunds Expenses Ninefold. Angela Brett
100% COUSINChild Of Uncle's Sibling Is Nephew Tony McCoy O'Grady
67% DADearly-loved Agnate Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DADDick Added DNA Angela Brett
100% DAD (2)Desired A Daughter Angela Brett
100% DADDYDear Adult Dutifully Dotes, Young Jan Morgan
100% DNADaddy Not Available DNA usually stands for Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
80% DYADDuo of You And Daddy Angela Brett, who first heard of the term during a lecture on parent-child relationships.
100% FAIL SAFEFamily! Adult In Loving Sweet Abode! Fails Employers! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% FAMILYFather And Mother, I Love You. Angela Brett
86% FAMILY (2)Friends And Macs Included... Loved-ones, Yes? Angela Brett
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% FAMILY (3)Freaks Aligned Monolithically In Living Yearbooks Rico Leffanta
100% FAMILY (4)Friends Are Members, In Life's Years Jan Morgan -- our family should be our friends throughout the years
100% FAMILY HOME EVENINGFun Activities, Meetings Involve Lessons You've Held On Monday Evening, Entertaining Ventures, Edible Nibbles Involve Nice Group Jan Morgan
91% FAMILY TREEFinds Ancestral Members, Interred and Living. Your Tribal Relatives Expand Exponentially. Eric Bridgstock
100% FATHERFearless Adult That Hinders Equal Responsibilities Mary Carr
100% FATHERSForbid All Teenage Happiness - Especially Recreational Sex Rico Leffanta
95% FIRST TIME HOME BUYERFamily Is Readying Sibling To Take Into Mortgages (Earliest "House Of My-own" Experience's Best Undergone Young) & Expensive Repayments Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GENEALOGYGenerations Evoke New Excitement And Love Of Genealogy Yearnings Jan Morgan - Genealogy is the study of our heritage and finding our ancestors
100% GODMOTHERGood Old Dame Minding Other Transient Humans Extra Responsibilities Mary Carr
100% HELPING CHILDRENHas Endless Listening Patience - It's Needed. Genuine Concern Helps If Little Darlings Require Extra Nurturing Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HI MOMHere Is Model Of Maternity Tony McCoy O'Grady
93% I AM A CHILD OF GODIdentity About Me, Absolutely Coming Home In Last Days (to) Omnipotent Father, Great One Divine Jan Morgan
100% IN LAWI Never Loved Anyone Worse Rico Leffanta
100% IWIIncreased Whanau, Ivory Angela Brett (Iwi means either 'tribe' or 'bone' in Maori, Whanau means 'family')
Science:Biology:Body Parts
Science:Linguistics:Maori Words
100% KIDSKinship In Daughters & Sons Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% KIDS (2)Keep It Down - Sshhh! Angela Brett
100% KINKid's Into Naughtiness Sean Lamb
100% KIN (2)Kinship Is Necessary Sean Lamb
100% KIN (3)Kindred In Nature Jan Morgan
100% KITHKindness In Their Hearts Angela Brett
100% KNOCKED UPKnowing Nothing Of Carnal Knowledge, Encounter's Disastrous - Unwanted Pregnancy! TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% LITTLE BROTHERLife Is Terribly Tough. Look, Everyone's Big Relative Often Tries Heavyhanded 'Exactive' Relationship Tony McCoy O'Grady, who knows that elder brothers often try to 'blackmail' younger brothers (he's both a younger and an older brother!).
100% LOVINGLeave Out Violence In Next Generation Angela Brett, in response to the same request as WATCH OUT, referring to people who grow up to be abusive because their parents were, and they don't know any other way of parenting.
People & Relationships:Emotions
People & Relationships:Abuse
100% LOVING (2)Leave Out Violence Involving Next Generation Tony McCoy O'Grady, putting a slightly different slant on Angela's LOVING.
People & Relationships:Emotions
People & Relationships:Abuse
100% MAMaternal Ancestor Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% MA (2)Maternal Android Rico Leffanta
89% MILITANTMother-In-Law Implying Trials And Never-ending Tribulations Rico Leffanta
100% MOMMaker Of Me Angela Brett
100% MOM (2)Meals Outta Mammaries TMcO'G
100% MOM (3)Made Our Mitochondria Angela Brett
100% MOMMIESMom Or Mum? Mummies Is English Spelling Angela Brett
100% MOMMYManipulating Ovaries Manufactures Maternal Yearnings imposed
100% MOTHERMajestic, Orderly, Tit-Heralding Energetic Reposedness Mary Carr
100% MOTHER MARYMy Own 'Tree' Has Exact Relative & Moniker, Approximating Religious Yarn Angela Brett (whose mother is Mary) when somebody searched for Mother Mary on the acronyms website.
100% MOTHERSManiacal Obsession Teaching Heaven's Early Redemption Schemes Rico Leffanta
100% MUMMY (2)My Uterine Membranes Made You! Angela Brett
100% MY GRANDMOTHERMine, Yours, Grand-Relatives All Nag Descendents. Money, Otherwise, To Heirs Eventually Relinquishing. Robert Anonymous
100% NEW BABYNeonate Enters World Blubbering And Burping Yuckily. Angela Brett
100% NEWBIENot Even Weaned, Baby Is Extraordinary Jeff Anonymous, noting that an unweaned baby is basically a 'newbie' to life.
91% NIECES' BUMSNice Infants, Exuding Cuteness - Except Soiled Behinds Unfortunately Make a Stink! Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% NITWITNiece/Nephew In The Wife's Irrevocable Trust Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Insults
100% PAPaternal Ancestor Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% PA (2)Paternal Android Rico Leffanta
100% PEDIGREE CHARTPersonal Effort Determines Interlocking Generations, Respecting Every Evidence, Chooses Heritage At Relations Task Jan Morgan - a form used in organizing a family for genealogy purposes
100% SCIONSomeone Classic In Origin, Now Robert Anonymous
100% SISTERSSiblings Intentionally Showing To Everyone Reality's Secrets Rico Leffanta
100% SMALL BABYSure, Maybe A Little Little, But 'Ardly Begun Yet! Angela Brett
100% SPOOKSpectacular Projection Of Our Kids Rico Leffanta
100% SPROGSmall Person - Renewer Of Generation Angela Brett
100% TONSILTissue Or New Son-In-Law Rico Leffanta
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% UIFSAUltimatum Insures Families Secure Alimony Sean Lamb - UIFSA really stands for the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act, an act that will enable the state that issues the first support order to have jusrisdiction over the payor (sic) regardless of which state the payor resides in. I used 'Families' instead of 'Fathers' because there are quite a few deadbeat moms out there with the deadbeat dads (growing up with a father prosecuting child support cases taught me that lawbreaking is an 'equal opportunity employer').
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
People & Relationships:Law & Order
96% UNWANTED CHILD FINALLY ABORTEDUnprepared, Naive Woman Argues Need for Termination. Embryo Dies & Can't Have Infantile Life - Development Further Is Not Allowed, Lest Little Youngster Abide Bastardism Or Rations To Eat & Drink. Angela Brett
Assorted Phrases
100% "WHAT A FINE FAMILY" SAID TONYWe're Heartened At Tony's Accolade, Finding Intelligence Not Exclusively Familial, And Must Improvise Like Yokels, "Such An Impressive Designation! Thanks, O Noble Youth!" Patricia Rix, after what Tony said about the Rix family (which seems to have a genetic predisposition for acronymania)
100% WIDOWSWomen In Danger Of Winning Solitaire Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% WIFEWedded Individual - Female, Essentially. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% WIFE (2)Woman In Futuristic Experiment Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% WIFE (3)Wed Is For Ever Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% WIFE (5)Wanted Immediately For Ever ALBERT JOSE. I found it myself.
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% YOUR MOMYouth's Opinions Usually Reflect Much Of Mother TMcCO'G
100% TRIPLETThird Related Infant - Parents Love Each Tenderly TMcCO'G
100% TRIPLETSThree Related Infants Psychically Linked Eternally Together Somehow Roger Williams
100% TWINSTwo Weaned Individuals Needing Sustenance Jan Morgan