Last updated 2015-09-28 09:59:10

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100% VENUSVolcanic Environment Near Unbearable Sunshine Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% VENUS (2)Virgin Encompassing Neanderthal Under Stress Rico Leffanta
Religion:Roman Gods & Goddesses
100% VERBOSEVocal Exercises Replacing Burning Off Sexual Energy Rico Leffanta
81% VERBOSE ACRONYMIST[Jeff] "Verily, Everyone Really Barks Over Some Exclamations." [Tony] "Angela Can Relate Our (k)-Nowledge." [Angela] "Yessir, May I State... 'True'?" Jeff Anonymous
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% VERDIVirgins Embrace Romantic Divine Intervention Rico Leffanta
100% VERMONTVery Enchanting Rich Mountains Observed Natural Treat Jan Morgan - Green Mountains/ Beautiful Foliage/ Maple Syrup
Places:States & Regions
100% VERONICAVicarious Expanders: Remember, Our Niche Is Creative Acronyms. Angela Brett, after somebody who apparently hadn't read the submission guidelines at http://acronyms.co.nz/guidelines.html submitted a common jargon-variety expansion for VERONICA.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% VERSICHERUNGVirtually Everyone Requires Some Insurance. Can't Have Everything Right Unconditionally - Nobody's God! Steve Keate (Versicherung is German for 'insurance')
Science:Linguistics:German Words
100% VERSICHERUNG (2)Vendors Everywhere! Request Sales In Carparks, Homes, Even Right Under Neighbour's Gazebo. Angela Brett
Science:Linguistics:German Words
93% VERSION HISTORYVerbosely Each Revision's Stated... It's Obviously Necessary (Hardly! It Simply Tells of Older Releases - Yawn!) Angela Brett, referring to the Version History of the stack at http://acronyms.co.nz/changes.html
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website:Page Titles
100% VERY GOOD!Victorious Exclamation. Really You Give One Obvious Delight. Tony McCoy O'Grady, after he typed 'VERY GOOD!' in an email to Angela and she reminded him that capitalised phrases ought to be acronymised.
Assorted Phrases
100% VERY IMPORTANT PERSONVague Eulogistic Reportage - Yawn! - Invites My Perusal Of Rumours That A Notable Tabloid Personality Escorted (Romantically) Someone Of Note Tony McCoy O'Grady (nowadays VIPs are anyone who romances another VIP)
Names:Famous people
People & Relationships
100% VESTAVulcan Espouses Sparks To Ardent Rico Leffanta
Religion:Roman Gods & Goddesses
100% VETVery Expensive Trip! Patricia Rix
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Healthcare Occupations
100% VFATVerily, Files Are Truncated Sean Lamb (VFAT = Virtual File Allocation Table; the filesystem type that Windows 98 uses)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% VIAGRAVaginal Interface Aid, Genitalia Rapidly Ascends. Steve Keate and Angela Brett
100% VIAGRA (2)Virility Is A Gift Readily Available Angela Brett
100% VIAGRA (3)Vitality Imbued Again... Get Ready, Agnes! Steve Keate
100% VIAGRA (4)Vital In Arousing Geriatric's Responses Again Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% VIBEVery Intense Buzzin' Environment Hippy McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
87% VICE PRESIDENTVery Important Character, Even Provides Refreshment & Entertainment, Singlehandedly Induces Department's Esprit-de-corps, Neat Trick. Dundee
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% VICKIVivacious Individual, Conducts Key Inspiration Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% VICKYVivacious Individual Conducts Key Yearnings Jan Morgan - a person I know
Names:First names:Female
100% VICTIMVillain Is Cruelly Torturing & Injuring Me. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% VICTOR HUGOVerbs Idols Charms Taunt Our Religion Halting Unity God Ordained Rico Leffanta
Art & Literature:Writers
100% VICTORIAVivacious Individual, Conducts Trade Of Refreshment In Alcohol Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% VIDEOTAPEViewing Is Delayed, Even Old Television Appears Pathetic Eventually Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% VIENNAViolin Inspired Events; Nasty Nazi Associations. Eric Bridgstock
Places:Towns & Cities
100% VIETNAMVictorious In Ending That Nasty American Matter. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% VIEWVista In Every Window Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns
100% VILEVery Intensely Loathsome Entity Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% VILLAINViolent Individual Largely Lacking Any Innate Niceness Tony McCoy O'Grady
MacGirl & KeyBoard
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Criminals
100% VILLAINSViolent Individuals Little Liked Amongst Innocent Normal Society Tony McCoy O'Grady
MacGirl & KeyBoard
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Criminals
100% VINDALOOVolcanic Indian Norm Daunts A Lot Of Others Angela Brett
Food & Drink
100% VINNYViolence Is Not Nice, Y'know Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to soccer's 'hard man' Vinny Jones, who has turned to acting in films and plays 'hard' roles
Names:First names:Male
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
92% VIOLA/CESARIOVery Involved Over Ludicrous Alter-ego Creation Embroiling Sebastian. Agreeable Resolution Is Outcome Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Twelfth Night
100% VIOLETVery Intense On Lady's Eyelids - Tempting Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives:Colours
100% VIOLINSVirgin's Immaculate Orchestration: Love's Instrument Needs Strings Rico Leffanta
91% VIPER SNAKEVenomously Inducing Pain with Enormous Razor Sharp Needles And Killing Efficiency Rulgnaj Yerdon
100% VIRGILVerily, I Really Generate Immense Literature. Virgil
Art & Literature:Writers
100% VIRGINVagina Is Ready, Girl Is Not. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% VIRGINIAValued Individual Reaches Goals In Noted Inspirational Analysis Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% VIRGINIA (2)Views In Region Greatly Involve National Interesting Attractions Jan Morgan
Places:States & Regions
100% VIRGINIA MCMATHVivacious Individual (Repetitiously Giggles) Invites Neighbours In And Masterfully Conducts Many Audacious Tahitian Hulas Rico Leffanta (Virginia McMath is better known as Ginger Rogers)
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses:Little known real names
100% VIRGOVaguely Intelligent Readers Given Opinions Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% VIRGO (2)Very Industrious, Risks Graphic Overachievement Jan Morgan -- can be very critical of others, risks feelings
100% VIRIIViolently Invasive - Readily Initiating Illnesses Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% VIRLValiant Individual Reaches Learning Jan Morgan - someone I know
Names:First names:Male
100% VIRNA LISIVirgins In Rome Now Agree: Love Is Seldom Intimate Rico Leffanta
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% VIRTUAL DOCTORVeterans' Information Resource That Uses A Large Database Of Clinical Trials; Online Retrieval. Angela Brett (see DETECTIVE)
Computers:Internet:VA Data Acquisition
100% VIRUSViolates Information, Ruthlessly Uses Space Angela Brett
83% VIRUS (2)Virulent Infection Results in Unpleasant Symptoms. Angela Brett
83% VIRUS (3)Virtually Inexhaustible Resources Used by Spammers Sean Lamb (Viruses are becoming the preferred method by spammers to deliver trojans that turn unsuspecting users' computers into spam relays)
100% VISA CARDVastly Increases Spending Ability... Can Also Raise Debts Angela Brett
100% VISIONVoluptuous Image Sensually Invading Ordinary Nightmare Rico Leffanta
Assorted Nouns
100% VISION (2)View Introduces Savior, Is Of News Jan Morgan - Sacred visitation News to those that believe in Savior and want what He Revealed
100% VISITING TEACHERSVital Intuitive Sisters Invited To Initiate News Goes To Effeminate, Attentively Caring Home Environment Recommended Significantly Jan Morgan -- Someone who comes by church members' homes to see how the lady of the house is doing
Religion:Religious Occupations
100% VISITING TEACHERS (2)Vital Intuitive Sisters Invited To Initiate News Gets Timely Enlightened Appointment Checking How's Effeminate Responsibilty Significant Jan Morgan - Someone who comes by church member's home to see how the lady of the house is doing
Religion:Religious Occupations
100% VISITOR PASSVeturing Into Some Interesting Television Offices? Restricted! Please Ask Security Staff. Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns
100% VISIT USAVacations Including Scenes Illustrating The Ugliest Sexual Adventures Rico Leffanta
Assorted Phrases
100% VISORVison Interrupter Shading Optical Resources Rico Leffanta
Household Objects:Clothing
100% VITAL SIGNSVery Important That All Life Signals Indicate Good News & Salubrity. Angela Brett
100% VITAMINSVital Ingredients To Assure Mankind Is Not Sickly Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% VIVALDIVain Italian Violinists Always Like Dulcet Inventions Sean Lamb
91% VOCATIONALVery Old-school Collegiate Attempted Teaching Its Obstinate Novices A Lesson Patricia Rix (Vocational was the V-word in the High School I attended, OSCVI)
100% VOCODERVictoria, Or Cellos, Or Deranged? Extensive Range. Angela Brett (they are all Macintalk voices)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
100% VOCODERSVoice Of Computer's Often Deliberately Extra Robotic Sounding Angela Brett (thinking of the Macintalk voices Votron, Trinoids and Zarvox in particular)
100% VODAFONEVoice Or Data Apparently Fry Owners' Neurons Eventually. Angela Brett (Vodafone is a cellphone network)
100% VODKAVial Of Dendrite-Killing Alcohol Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% VOGULVierd Old Grand Ulgric Lingo Jeff Anonymous (Vogul is a Finno-Ugric language of the Ugric group, spoken East of the Ural Mountains)
100% VOICEVocal Option Is Coming Eventually Jason Wilcox
100% VOL-AU-VENTSVoiced One Laugh And Uncertainly Ventured Extra - Needed To Stop Tony McCoy O'Grady, after he'd said "How's that for starters" and Angela had replied that it wasn't as nice as vol-au-vents.
100% VOLCANOESVolumes Of Lava Come After Numerous Orgasmic Earthquakes. Scram! Roger Williams
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% VOLDEMORTVillain Opposes Lot During Education, Mudbloods Offend Racist Terrorist Jan Morgan
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Harry Potter
100% VOLLEYBALLVirgins, Or Leaping Lasses, Exercise Yielding Balls At Layman Level Rico Leffanta
Sports & Recreation
100% VOLTAIREVery Often Lies Triggered Arouet Into Ridiculing Ethics Rico Leffanta
Art & Literature:Writers
100% VOLTAIRE (2)Volumes Of Literature Tell All In Random Epistles Rico Leffanta
Art & Literature:Writers
89% VOLUMNIAVictorious Offspring Lacks, Unlike Mother, Necessary Insights (on) Anger Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Coriolanus
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Coriolanus
100% VOLVOVulgar Old Ladies' Vehicle, Obviously Steve Keate (see STEVE)
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% VOLVO (2)Veers Obstructively, Lobbing Vehicle Over Steve Keate, referring to the unusually high number of Volvae involved in motorcycle accidents.
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% VOLVO (3)Vehicle Out-Lasts Vintage Owners Tony McCoy O'Grady (Volvos are notably sturdy and reliable)
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% VOLVO (4)Vehicle's Owners Look Very Overbearing Tony McCoy O'Grady
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% VOLVO (5)Vehicle Out Lives Vehicle's Owner My friend and I used to amuse ourselves on car trips by doing these for whatever cars we would see - this is my favorite.
Transport:Car Makes & Models
83% VOMITViolent Outpouring of Meal Into Toilet Angela Brett and Dustan Dowsing
100% VOMIT (2)Viscous Odorous Mess - Ill Tummy Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% VONDAVendetta Of Nymphs, Does Attack Jan Morgan - someone I know
Names:First names:Female
100% VOTEVariety Offered, Tabulated Elections Jan Morgan
100% VOTERVoice Of The Electorate's Registered TMcCO'G
100% VOUCHERValue On Usage; Can Habitually Expire Rapidly Edwin Hermann (with the semicolon, the expansion talks about it having a value when you redeem it, and that the voucher can expire quickly, without the semicolon it talks about the value often expiring fast.)
100% VOYAGERVulcans Often Yearn About Getting Ears Remodelled Bones McCoy O'Grady
Entertainment:TV shows
100% VROOMV8's Roar - Obvious Onomatopoeic Meaning. Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% VROOM (2)Vehicle Revs Overly On Motorway Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% VROOMSTICKVacuum Roaring Overhead... Occult Magic Starts To Incorporate Contemporary Knowledge. Angela Brett, considering what modern witches might fly around on.
100% VULCANVesuvius's Unpredictabilty = Life's Chancy Around Naples Tony McCoy O'Grady - Vulcan was the Roman God of Fire and lived beneath a volcano, several ore mentioned as being home to him.
Religion:Roman Gods & Goddesses
100% VULCAN (2)Vigorously Uses Logic. Comedic Antics? Never! Gavin Lambert
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Star Trek
100% VULCANODONVery Unsophisticated Lizard, Certainly Ate No Other Dinosaurs. Outstretched Neck. Angela Brett
100% VULGARVery Unlovely Lacks Gentleness And Refinement Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% VULPIXVery Uncooperative Letter Prevents Impeccable Xpansion Angela Brett (Vulpix is Pokemon #37)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% VULTUREViolent Uncle Looking To Upset Ravisher's Enterprise Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships
100% VULVAVery Useful Lips Venus Arouses Rico Leffanta
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% VYINGValiant Youths In National Games Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
100% VYING (2)Victory's Yours -- If Nobody's Good. Angela Brett
Assorted Verbs
100% WAWeird Anthropomorphoid Jeff Anonymous (in reference to the noise made by ASH of Pokemon, and the fact he is anything but human)
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% WAAAAH!Wail Annoyingly And Acquire A Hug Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% WAAAH!Wouldn't Allow Angela Any Honours Angela Brett, after Tony took a lot of the honours for first and last acronyms under each letter.
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% WABAINWood Alkaloid Brings About Immediate Narcosis Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% WACKYWeird And Crazed Kooky Youth Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% WACOM TABLETWoeful Artist Consumed Overly Metallic Tool And Burst Lardful Extreme 'Tomach. Jeff Anonymous
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% WAFFLEWoman Arrested For Finding Love Elsewhere Rico Leffanta, to go with BAFFLE
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% WAGEWon't Acknowledge Greater Effort Angela Brett
People & Relationships:The Workforce
80% WAGE (2)Weekly Amount Given (to) Employees Angela Brett
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% WAGE (3)Weekly Average Gross Earnings Steve Keate
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% WAGE (4)Won't Allow Gratuitous Extravagance Angela Brett and Steve Keate
People & Relationships:The Workforce
100% WAGONWe Are Getting On Now. Angela Brett
100% WAHINESWomen Absolving Hula In Naked Environmental Shows Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
Science:Linguistics:Maori Words
100% WAIFWhat An Insignificant Figure! Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% WAIFSWe Are In Financial Strife Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% WAITANGI DAYWait And In Time All Negotiations Gradually Invalidate Deals Agreed Yesterday Rico Leffanta (Waitangi Day is when New Zealand celebrates the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, which there always seems to be disputes about.)
Time:Special Occasions
100% WAITERWalks Around Indoors, Tending Eaters' Requirements Tony McCoy O'TableSix
Food & Drink
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% WAITING ROOMWe Aren't In Train, I'm Now Getting Restless Over Our (Mis)adventure. Angela Brett (Tony and I missed our train to Limerick by about a minute, and had to wait a few hours for the next one.)
100% WAKE UP!We're All Keenly Expecting Undelayed Play! Angela Brett, when an opponent on an online game was not responding.
Assorted Phrases
100% WALESWherein Abide Leek-Eating Sheep Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% WALES (2)Where Aliens Love English Sisters Rico Leffanta
100% WALES (3)Why Aren't Languages Ever Shared? Jan Morgan
83% WALES (4)We All Love English Second-homers/Settlers Leo Leek, London
100% WALKABOUTWhen All Local Kiddies Are Bedecked, 'Onouring Uppity Tourist Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% WALKERIAWas A Little Killer. Eventually Renamed. Is Alwalkeria. omnicronos (according to http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/dinosaurs/glossary/indexw.shtml, Walkeria was a small bipedal carnivore. And, according to http://www.isgs.uiuc.edu/dinos/de_4/5ce8942.htm, it changed its name in 1987 - just enough to avoid recursion)
100% WALKERTONWater - A Liquid Killer - Exacerbated Residents' Troubles Over Night Patricia Rix (Walkerton was catapulted into horror and infamy a year and a half ago when it was found that one of the town's wells was contaminated with E. coli to the extent that the water wasn't even safe to wash in. As many as 2000 people got sick, and 7 of them died directly from the E. coli, with perhaps 10 others dying from other causes after being weakened by the bacteria, and many many are left with chronic serious illnesses. You couldn't give away a house in Walkerton during this time, so they were pretty well stuck with it, using bottled water for ingesting, and washing in bleach-water.
Places:Towns & Cities:Canada
100% WALKING SHOESWhere Amazingly Long Kilometers, Is Noticeably Going Slim, Has One Eliminating Sizes Jan Morgan -- walking hopefully accomplishes loss of weight
Household Objects:Clothing
Sports & Recreation
100% WALKING SHOES (2)Wants Amazingly Lean Kilograms, Is Noticeably Getting Slim, Has One Eliminating Sizes Jan Morgan -- walking hopefully accomplishes loss of weight
Household Objects:Clothing
Sports & Recreation
100% WALKMANWhile A Listener's Kinetic, Music Around Noggin. Tony McCoy O'Grady, who wasn't sure whether Angela would know the term 'noggin' for head.
91% WALL STREETWant A Lot (of) Lolly? Selling Things Really Expensively Earns Thousands! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% WALNUTWallopping A Lot Normally Ups Tonnage TMcCO'G - referring to the old saying "A woman, a dog and a walnut tree, the more you beat them the better they be." (This is not in accordance with Tony's opinions!!)
Food & Drink
100% WANKERS NEEDEDWe All Need Kinetic Exercise Regularly. Sign Now! Enrolment's Easy, Don't Even Delay Tony McCoy O'Grady (see SHOVE OFF)
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
100% WANTWomen Are Naked Too Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% WARWhen America Retaliates Angela Brett, after terrorists crashed commercial jets into the Pentagon and the WORLD TRADE CENTER.
Military:War & Terrorism
100% WAR (2)Will America Retaliate? Angela Brett (see WAR)
Military:War & Terrorism
100% WAR (3)Wastage All 'Round :( Angela Brett
Military:War & Terrorism
100% WARDWorship At Reach, Drove Jan Morgan (see WARD CONFERENCE) drove = throng or group
100% WARD CONFERENCEWanting A Real Determination Covers Our Needs For Eternity Reports Effect Noteworthy Concerns, Endeavors Jan Morgan -- a ward conference is a meeting one step below a STAKE CONFERENCE
100% WARD CONFERENCE (2)Wanting Accurate Reasonable Detail, Covers Our Needs For Eternity Reports Effect Noteworthy Concerns, Endeavors Jan Morgan -- a ward conference is a meeting one step below a STAKE CONFERENCE
100% WARDENWe All Require Dramatic Exit Now Angela Brett, after being eveacuated from a building due to a fire alarm.
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% WARDEN (2)We Anxiously Request Direction - Exit Nearest. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% WAREHOUSEWhere A Retailing Empire Holds Over Unsold Stock Excess Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% WARFAREWe Are Ready For A Rapid Exit Angela Brett
Military:War & Terrorism
100% WAR ON TERRORWhat A Rip Off! Nervous Tony's Extreme Reaction Restricts Our Rights! Leo Boyes
Military:War & Terrorism
100% WARPWood's Awry, Rain Penetrated Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% WARP (2)With Abnormally Rapid Progress Gavin Lambert (referring to 'warp speed' in shows like Star Trek)
Art & Literature
100% WARP SPEEDWhere Are Real Physics? Some Plot Elements Entail Distortion Gavin Lambert
Art & Literature

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