You can see the full category hierarchy on the Category Map.
purity | |||
100% | AASLEAGH | Awful Alcohol's Still Left, & Everyone's Already Got Hangovers! |
Angela Brett (Aasleagh is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as being, 'A liqueur made only for drinking at the end of a revoltingly long bottle party when all the drinkable drink has been drunk.' Words & Wordplay:Liffs |
100% | AL COHOLIC | A Lager Can Often Have Overwhelming / Lasting Irreversible Consequences |
Three more, please, Barman! Names:Prank Calls |
100% | BAR | Barney's A Regular/Resident! |
Angela Brett Food & Drink:Food Outlets |
100% | BAR (2) | Bring Along Rowdies! |
Patricia Rix Food & Drink:Food Outlets |
100% | BAR (3) | Beers Aren't Rationed |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Food & Drink:Food Outlets |
100% | BAR (4) | Beer's Available Readily |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Food & Drink:Food Outlets |
100% | BAR (5) | Belch Again, Repeatedly |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Food & Drink:Food Outlets |
100% | BAR (6) | Bottles Available Readily. |
Roger Williams Food & Drink:Food Outlets |
100% | BEER | Brewer's Exciting Effervescence, Rabblerouser. |
Mary Carr |
100% | BEER (2) | Bubbly Elixir Everyone Relishes |
Tony McCoy O'Grady |
100% | BEER (3) | Beverage Erotically Exciting Rogues |
Jerry Ryan PER Hoboken Elks Lodge #74 |
100% | BEER (4) | Because Everyone Enjoys Recklessness |
My Brain |
100% | BEER (5) | Brewed Extracts Elicit Ramblings |
Mick Bridgstock |
100% | BEER (6) | Brewed Extracts Excite Ruffians |
Mick Bridgstock |
100% | BEER (7) | Beverage Eliciting Exaggerated Raucousness |
Kenny Roy & Tamaryn Roy |
100% | BOUQUET | Bottles (Of Unusual Quality) Usually Exude Tannins |
100% | BOURBON | Booze Our Uncle Relays Barefoot Obligating Nightcaps |
Rico Leffanta, from when bourbon was "home brew" which barefoot hillbillies ran around delivering, especially during prohibition. Of course, it was always someone's "uncle", and a delivery included the "nightcap" to ensure the brew was true. |
100% | BRANDY | Beautifully Robust Alcohol Napoleon Drank, Yes? |
Tony McCoy O'Grady |
100% | BREW | Beer Revolts Every Woman |
Rico Leffanta People & Relationships:Love & Lust |
100% | BUDWEISER | Beer: Uncontrolled Drunks Will Endure It's Side-Effects Regularly |
Tony McCoy O'Grady |
100% | BUDWEISER (2) | Because U Deserve What Every Individual Should Enjoy Regulary. |
Acronymous Anonymous |
90% | CHAMPAGNE | Creating Heaps of Acronyms Means People Are Greatly Numerically Encouraged. |
Angela Brett, to celebrate the 1500th acronym. |
100% | CHAMPAGNE (2) | Celebratory Hooch, Always Makes People At Gatherings Nicely Extrovert |
Eric Bridgstock |
100% | CHAMPAGNE (3) | Charm Has Always Made Pretty Any Girl Near Eventide |
Rico Leffanta |
100% | CIDER | Can Incessant Drinking End Relationships? |
Angela Brett |
100% | CIDER (2) | Certainly It's Delicious & Extremely Refreshing. |
Roger Williams |
100% | DEAD (2) | Drank Ethanol And Drove |
Angela Brett People & Relationships:Death |
100% | DUNTISH | Don't Undertake Numeracy Tests If Severely Hungover |
Tony McCoy O'Grady (Duntish is defined in 'The Meaning of Liff' by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd as being, 'Mentally incapacitated by severe hangover.') Words & Wordplay:Liffs |
100% | EGGNOG | Every Glass Gives Nuance Of Grog |
Tony McCoy O'Grady - Many recipes for eggnog contain varying amounts of alcohol, some have very little. |
97% | ESTIMATING AND COMPARING CAPACITY | Essential Skill Today Is Measuring Approximately - That Is, Nearest-Guess About Next Drink's Content Of Methanol-like Poison. Alcoholics Reason, 'If New Glass Contains A Paltry Amount, Cheers, I'll Take Yours.' |
Angela Brett Science:Mathematics:Measurement |
100% | GIN | Great, If Neat! |
Tony McCoy O'Grady |
100% | GLASS (2) | "Gimme Lotsa Alcohol!", Some Say |
Gavin Lambert Household Objects:Eating Utensils |
100% | GLASS (4) | Good Lagers Are Sipped Slowly |
Tony McCoy O'Grady Household Objects:Eating Utensils |
100% | GRAVITY BAR | Guinness Room's Awesome View Impresses Tourists, Your Beers Are Ready. |
Angela Brett (The Gravity Bar, at the Guinness brewery in Dublin, has an almost 360 degree view of the city.) Places:Buildings |
100% | HANGOVER | How Agonizing! Not Good! Oh, Vengeful Elixir Residue! |
Roger Williams Science:Biology:Healthcare:Ailments |
100% | LAAGER (2) | Lazy Alcoholic's Articulation, Groaning Epithesis Represented? |
Angela Brett |
100% | LAGER | Lads Agree, Great Exhilarating Refreshment |
Tony Moore |
100% | LCBO | Large Canadian Booze Outlet/Organization |
Angela Brett (LCBO usually stands for Liquor Control Board Ontario) Re-expansions of existing acronyms |
100% | LIQUOR | Liquid I Quaff Unceasingly, Often Refreshing. |
Angela Brett |
100% | MAC'S SPECIAL LIGHT | Mysterious Ale Containing Strange Substances, Purposefully Encouraging Comas In All Liberal Liquor Ingesters, Giving Hangovers Tomorrow. |
Dustan Dowsing, after seeing a brand of beer called Mac's Special Light. (Angela thought it was the LED on her PowerBook which flashes when it's sleeping!) |
100% | MEAD | Meadow Extract, Alcoholic Drink |
Mary Carr |
100% | NEAT | Not Even Adding Tonic |
Angela Brett |
100% | PISSED (2) | Priests In Seminaries Shouldn't Ever Drink |
Angela Brett Religion |
100% | PISSED (3) | Perhaps I Shoulda Stopped Excessive Drinking! |
Patricia Rix |
100% | PLONK | Purchaser's Likely Of No Knowledge |
Angela Brett |
100% | SHERRY | Sip Happily (Enjoying Richness) Refreshes You |
89% | SPEIGHTS | Southern People Enjoy It; Goody-goodies Hate The Stuff. |
Angela Brett (Speights is a brand of beer) |
100% | SPEIGHTS (2) | Special Piss Enjoyed In Great Hotels Throughout Southland |
Apronymous Anonymous |
100% | STRONG | Sozzled Toper Reeks Of Neat Gin |
Tony McCoy O'Grady |
100% | SWISH (4) | Substance Which Is Singularly Horrible! |
Patricia Rix (if you don't know what swish-barrel whisky is, you're lucky!) |
100% | TIA MARIA | Thanks In Advance, My Appreciative Reaction Is Anticipated. |
Tony McCoy O'Grady |
100% | TEQUILA | Taking Excessive Quantities Usually Induces Lasting Addiction |
Tony McCoy O'Grady |
100% | UBIQUITOUS | Using Bourbon In Quantity Usually Identifies The Omnipresent Universal Spirit |
Rico Leffanta |
100% | VODKA | Vial Of Dendrite-Killing Alcohol |
Angela Brett |
100% | WHISKEY | We Have Irish, Scotch, Kentucky - Enjoy Yourself |
Tony McCoy O'Grady |
100% | WINE | Will It Never End? |
Angela Brett |
100% | YOU DON'T WANT TO DRINK THAT | Years Of Underaged Drinking Only Numbs The Wit, And Needs Toughness To Overcome. Dignity Remains In Not Knowing The Hard Ale's Taste. |
Angela Brett, who was intending to do YOU DON'T WANT TO PANIC People & Relationships:Advice |