Last updated 2015-09-28 09:59:10

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94% SPREADING GOD'S WORDSome People Relish 'Educating' Anyone Distantly Interested (or Not.) Goodness Gracious, One Daren't Slacken With One's Religious Duties. Angela Brett
100% SPRINGSee Plants Resplendant In New Greenery Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SPRING (2)Several Plants Rising In New Growth Eric Bridgstock
100% SPRINGERSome People Revel In Nasty, Grossly Entangled, Relationships Tony McCoy O'Grady, as an entry to the Radio Times Def.i.n.i.t.i.a.l.s competition
Entertainment:TV shows:Talk Shows
100% SPRINGER (2)Self-Publicists Riled, Invariably Nauseous, Generally Elevate Ratings Eric Bridgstock and Tony McCoy O'Grady,
Entertainment:TV shows:Talk Shows
100% SPRINGER (3)Stunt-People Readily Instigate Nasty Grapples (Evidently Real) Angela Brett, as an entry to the Radio Times Def.i.n.i.t.i.a.l.s competition
Entertainment:TV shows:Talk Shows
100% SPRINGER (4)Should People Resolve Issues? No, Get Even! Retaliate! Angela Brett
Entertainment:TV shows:Talk Shows
89% SPRINGER (5)Staged Punch-ups Regarded Inevitable, Never Get Elegant Result Eric Bridgstock
Entertainment:TV shows:Talk Shows
91% SPRING LAMBServe People Rosemary In Neat Garnish, Leave A Mint-sauce Boat Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% SPRINKLERSSpritzing Precipitation Rains In Navigational Kinetics. Liquid Enriches Rotating Sections Jan Morgan -- watering system
Household Objects
100% SPRINTSome People Run In No Time Rico Leffanta
Sports & Recreation
100% SPROGSmall Person - Renewer Of Generation Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Family
80% SPUDStar Performance (from) "Under Down" Eric Bridgstock, when after hearing about EAT POTATO's success.
Words & Wordplay
100% SPUNKSpouse Pursuing Usable New Kitchen Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships
100% SPYSecrets Passed Yonder Sean Lamb (spies transmit secrets to faraway places, so...)
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% SQUABBLESome Quarrel Usually About Boys Being Loved Elsewhere Rico Leffanta
100% SQUADSpecial Quorum Under Army Directions TMcCO'G
100% SQUAREShape Quadrilateral, Unvaryingly A Rightangled Equilateral Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SQUARE (2)Sound Questions! Utterly Account! Reveal Everything! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Situation: Congressional Panel investigating competitors' lies. Response of victim: an Honest, Gifted CEO.
Assorted Adjectives
100% SQUARE (3)Secure Quarters! Unlimited! Advancing! Renewing Employment! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Assorted Adjectives
100% SQUARESSome Quadrangles Use Angles Right; Even Sides. Roger Williams
100% SQUARKSupersymmetry's Quark -- Unconfirmed As Real Knowledge Angela Brett
100% SQUEALSome Questions Unquestionably Evoke Agreeable Lies Rico Leffanta
Assorted Verbs
100% SQUIRRELSmall Quiet Unique Interesting Rodent Really Enjoys Land Jan Morgan
100% SRIShowers Riches Individually Rico Leffanta
Religion:Hindu Goddesses
100% SRI LANKASells Rubber In Large Amounts, Now Knows Autonomy. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% SSHSuperb System Handler Jeff Anonymous (SSH usually stands for Secure Shell)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% SSH (2)Silent! Someone'll Hear! Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns:Noises
100% STABSimilar To A Bunt Edwin Hermann
Assorted Nouns
100% STABILITYSex Takes A Backseat If Love Is Tormenting You. Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
83% STACKSimple Tool to Access & Contain Knowledge Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
100% STACK (2)Stunning Thing Atkinson Created - Kicking! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Software
100% STACYShe's Truly A Cute Youth Tony McCoy O'Grady - who doesn't usually expand names, but in this case makes an exception as he knows a Stacy (or maybe Stacie) who is a very foxy young woman!
Names:First names:Female
100% STAGSomeone Tied And Graffitied Angela Brett, after seeing a man tied to a lamp-post almost naked and written on, on his stag night.
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% STAGECOACHStar Tries Acting, Goes Everywhere Corralling Outlaws And Catching Horses Rico Leffanta
100% STAGE FRIGHTStand Terrified - And Get Extremely Forgetful. Resting In Greenroom Helps Thespians Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% STAGE FRIGHT (2)Some Theatrical Audiences Generate Extreme Fear Resulting In Getting Horribly Terrified Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% STAIRSolution To Ascent Inside Residence Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% STAIR (2)Specific Tread And Its Riser Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects
100% STAIR WALKINGSteep Track Ascends Inside. Residents Will Ascend Lifting Knees If Not Geriatric Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation
100% STAKE CONFERENCESeriously Teaches Actual Knowledge Encouragingly. Covers Our Needs For Eternity, Reports Effect Noteworthy Concerns, Endeavors Jan Morgan (see STAKE PRESIDENT)
100% STAKE PRESIDENTScreens Temptations And Keeps Empathy. Person Responsible Entirely, Service Is Delegated, Even Negotiates Trials Jan Morgan -- Step Above Bishop
Religion:Religious Occupations
100% STAMINAStrength Takes A Massively Important Natural Addition Tony Moore
Sports & Recreation
0% STAMMER*Some Strange Sickness Sometimes Sets Traps And Makes Me Enunciate Repetitively Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% STAMPSend This Air-Mail Please. Angela Brett
100% STAMP (2)Shipping Trade Attracts Most Philatelists. Angela Brett
83% STAMP (3)Sticker That's Applied to Mail Packages Sean Lamb (most US stamps are self-adhesives now...)
100% STAND UPStop The Abuse, Nobody Deserves Unfair Persecution Angela Brett, in response to the same request as WATCH OUT
People & Relationships:Abuse
100% STANNARIESSome Tin Accumulated. Now Not Accessed - Reason Is Economic Suitability. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% STANZASo Tony's Accuracy Nears Zero... Aarrghh! Angela Brett, because Tony continues to use the word 'verse' when he means 'stanza' even though he knows that a verse is only one line of poetry.
Art & Literature
100% STARSomething That Astronomers Research Angela Brett
100% STAR (2)Starts To Achieve Ranks Jan Morgan -- Rank in Boy Scouts
Sports & Recreation:Scouts
100% STARBUCKSeaman That Apparently Registered Big (Universal) Coffee Kitchen Tony McCoy O'Cappuchino
Names:Famous people
Food & Drink:Food Outlets
100% STARCHSweets, Tators, Are Rich Carbohydrate Hazards Jan Morgan
Food & Drink
89% STARGATESpurious Technological Appellation Referring to Gigantic Apertures Transporting Explorers Susan S.
Entertainment:TV shows
91% STAR KNIGHTSquire Turned Astronaught... Readily Killing Nasties [so] It's 'Good Heavens!' Truly. Angela Brett, who doesn't know what the person who searched for 'star knight' on the website was actually referring to.
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% STARK NIGHTSun's Taking A Rest? Know-Nothings Imagine God's Hidden That Tony McCoy O'Grady
99% STARLIGHT, STAR BRIGHT, THE FIRST STAR I SEE TONIGHT. I WISH I MAY, I WISH I MIGHT HAVE THIS WISH I WISH TONIGHT. Some Think A Real Love Is Given Hope Through Sayings That Are Recited By Reflective Individuals. Gloomy Humans Think That Hopeful Expressions Fail to Instill Real Security That Solider Tactics Allow. Rational Individuals Still Eternally Evade Those Oppressive Notions; Instead Giving Homage To Ideas Which If Studied Have Insufficient Manifested Antecedents. Yet Individuals Wantonly Insist Stars Have Incredible Magical Influence. Granted, Horoscopes, Too, Have Astrological Views. Embittered Troublemakers Have Insisted Stubbornly, When Inquired, Showing How Improbable Wishful Interpretations Succumb. However, Thousands Offer Narrations Interminably; Getting Hope Timelessly. Roger Williams
Words & Wordplay:Ridiculously long apronyms
100% STARSShining Things Are Radiation Sources Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% STARS (2)Still Twinkling After Repeated Seasons Roger Williams
90% STAR SIGNSSaggitarius Taurus Aries Rubbish, Shows Innocent Gullible Nature of Society Tony McCoy O'Grady
96% STARTED THINKING SIDEWAYSSummersaultingly Turned All Rational Thoughts Endways. Directed The Head In Novel Kinds of Ideas Never Generally Suggested. Inspected & Developed Every Worthwhile Avenue, Yielding Success Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
MacGirl & KeyBoard
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% STAR TREKShows Typical Alien Reactions To Romantically Enterprising Kirk Rico Leffanta
Entertainment:TV shows
100% STAR WARSSextet Tells Adventures, Revolutionary Wars, Achieving Renowned Status Jan Morgan
100% STAR WARS (2)Sextet Tells Astronomical Revoutionary Wars' Adventures, Renowned Status Jan Morgan
100% STAR WARS FOURSome Teen Aged Rascal Wins A Real Space Fight. Obviously Un Realistic. Jeff Anonymous
100% STATE OF THE ARTSpending The Amount That's Expected, One Finds They Have Encompassed All Recent Technologies Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
100% STATE YOUR GOALSSomehow To Acronymise, Totally, English. Yeah, Obviously Unnattainable... Real Goals Often Are. Let's Strive! Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% STATE YOUR GOALS (2)Set Targets At The Earliest - You'll Obviously Use Reseach Guidelines & Outline Aims Logically, Succinctly Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Advice
100% STATISTICSShrunk To Averages, The Information Steers Toward Incorrect Conclusions Sometimes. Angela Brett
100% STATISTICS (2)Skewed Towards Assumptions, The Information Steers Toward Incorrect Conclusions Sometimes. PiMaster, as a modification of Angela's STATISTICS.
100% STATISTICS (3)Squint To Assess The Information So Truth Isn't Clearly Shown Angela Brett, after a statistics lecturer said, "look through your eyelashes, make it blurry," which Angela thinks pretty much sums up what statistics is about.
100% STATISTICS (4)Some Times Angela Thinks It's Stupid That Information's Clouded So. Angela Brett
100% STATISTICS (5)So Taking Averages That Imply Stupid Testimony, I Can Seduce. Roger Williams
100% STATUESculpted Thing - Art That's Unmoving, Ever Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature
100% STDSee Telephone Directory Angela Brett (STD usually stands for Subscriber Trunk Dialling)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% STEAMSometimes The Engines Are Magical Sean Lamb
100% STEELSome Twosomes Enjoy Everlasting Love Angela Brett, referring to what is traditionally the steel (11th) wedding anniversary.
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% STEEL (2)Steps Toward Eternity: Eleven. Lovely! Angela Brett
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% STEPStart To Evince Progress Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% STEP (2)Some Think Elevator's Preferable Angela Brett
Assorted Nouns
100% STEPHANIESoftly Touches Emotional Person, Has A Natural Involvemet Exclusively Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% STEPHANOSozzled Twit - Easily Pictures Himself As Next Overlord Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Tempest
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Tempest
100% STEPHENStride That Egglaying Poultry Has? Evidently Not! Angela Brett, thinking of Step-hen
Names:First names:Male
100% STEVESwings To Extremes Very Erratically. Angela Brett, describing Steve Jobs according to what she's read about him. (If he happens to be reading this... hey, no offense... oh great, all-powerful iCEO (who owns lots of G3s and therefore deserves my respect.) You're doing a great job, just as long as you don't can HyperCard. :)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
Names:Famous people
83% STEVE (2)Society of Technical Extraordinaires, Virtually Everywhere. Steve Keate, because there are so many Steves involved in the computer industry.
Names:First names:Male
100% STEVE (3)So The Erotic Virgin Escaped Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Male
100% STEVE (4)Somebody That Expands 'Volvo' Evilly Angela Brett, after Steve expanded VOLVO
100% STEVE (5)Some Terrifically Exciting & Varied Expansions Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% STEVE (6)Served Tepid, Everyday Vegetable Ensemble Angela Brett (this describes Steve K's taste in vegetables, but not his personality! Well, perhaps he can be vegetative but not tepid)
Names:You Are What You Eat
100% STEVE (7)Saves Tact, Engages Vital Effort Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% STEVEDOREStows Tributes Everywhere Vegetates Eventually Diverts Official Records Elsewhere Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% STEVE IRWINSilly Twit's Escapades Very Environmentally Intrusive - Rarely Walks In Noiselessly Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:Famous people
100% STEVE IRWIN (2)Snake Tries Ejecting Venom - Energetic Intruder Really Wields It Neatly Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:Famous people
100% STEVE JOBSSaved The Empire - Very Embarrassingly Judged Opinion 'Bull-Sh*t' Tony McCoy O'Grady (Steve Jobs said that rumours of HyerCard's demise were b*llsh*t, when the project had already been shelved, if not actually killed off.)
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
Names:Famous people
91% STEVE KEATEStarted To Expand 'VIAGRA' Except Keenly Enlisted Angela To End (it) Angela Brett
100% STEVE KEATE (2)Snores To Excess, Volume Explosive! Kind Enough A*sehole To Endure Mary Carr and Angela Brett
100% STEVENStupid Teen, Excessively Vicious-Even Nauseating Nevica the MAN
Names:First names:Male
92% STEVE WOZNIAKStarted To Engineer Various Electronic Wizardry (Often Zany New Inventions) As a Kid. Angela Brett, who thought she ought to do one for Steve Wozniak after reading LINUS TORVALDS
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
Names:Famous people
86% STEVIASweetener That's Effective, Variously Identified (as) Azucaca Tony
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% ST GOARSomewhere To Get Off And Rest Angela Brett (My Contiki tour stopped there for a night, I think it was only because we couldn't get to Munich that day)
Places:Towns & Cities
100% ST GOAR (2)Somewhere To Go On A Roadtrip Angela Brett (My Contiki tour stopped there for a night, I think it was only because we couldn't get to Munich that day)
Places:Towns & Cities
100% STICK 'EM UPSee This? It Could Kill Everybody. Make Unarms Prominent! Angela Brett ('unarms' are arms without arms, that is, unarmed arms. An alternative ending is 'Money Upfront, Please!')
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% STICK 'EM UP (2)See These? I Collect Kingly-Embossed Monies, Undo Purses! Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% STICKY ENDSaying That I Could Kill You Evoked Nasty Death Angela Brett -- don't threaten people, they might be armed with glue guns or worse.
People & Relationships:Law & Order
People & Relationships:Death
100% STIFLESmother The Intimate Flow Love Exudes Rico Leffanta
Assorted Verbs
100% STINKStench That Is Not Kosher Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Nouns
100% STIPULATESet Terms In Place Under Legal Agreement That's Enforceable TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% STIPULATE (2)Sincerely, That Is Promised; Upholding Literally All Terms Expressed. Roger Williams
100% STITCHEDSewn Together In Tiny Challenges Her Eyesight Detailed Rico Leffanta
Assorted Verbs
100% STIXSomething Timberlike Is Xyloid. Angela Brett, after discovering the word Xyloid (meaning woodlike or pertaining to wood) and thought that since it was a real X word and not an eX word then it ought to be included in an acronym just so there'd be another X that hadn't been cheated on... unfortunately she had to cheat on the acronym anyway to get an X into it. But hey, it explains the word nicely, doncha think?
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% ST JOHN'S WORTSupposed To Jolt Our Happiness; No Salesman/Scientist Would Openly Refute This. Angela Brett, who has heard that St. John's Wort is good for depression. Choose the S word based on your scepticism level.
Food & Drink:Condiments:Herbs
100% ST KITTS & NEVISSunshine's The Key In This Tropical State. Nowadays Expect Visitors Into Sunshine.Sunshine. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% STOATSSteal The Ova And Threaten Species Angela Brett
100% STOCKASTICSales That Oscillate Chaotically Keep Any Stockpiling Tendencies In Check. Angela Brett, after reading a paper which mentioned stochastic sales, and thinking that perhaps 'stockastic' would be a better term.
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
100% STOCKS AND SHARESSeeking Tons Of Capital, Keen Shareholders Always Need Detailed Statements - Hopefully Annual Returns Escalate Sharply Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% STOMACHSomewhere To 'Organicise' Meals Amid Concentrated HCl. Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% STONEDSmoke/Sniff/Shoot This, Or Never Experience Delirium Angela Brett
100% STONED (2)Supposedly Typical Of Non-Educated Dopes Angela Brett
100% STONEHENGEStructure Takes Orbital Notion, Eccentric Habits, Engages Nocturnal Galactic Events Jan Morgan
100% STONERSmoking 'Tokes', One Never Experiences Reality Patricia Rix
100% STONER (2)"Sinless? Throw One Now", Exclaimed Redeemer Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% STOPSuspend Trading On Provider Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to HALT.
100% STOP THE ABUSINGStrive To Over-Power The Hurt - Every Avengement Brings Unnecessary Suffering. It's Not Good! Angela Brett, when someone searched for 'stop the abuse'. I couldn't find a good E word.
People & Relationships:Advice
People & Relationships:Abuse
100% STORYSingle Tale Of Romantic Yarn Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature
100% 1ST PLACESomebody That's Perfect Loves A Competitive Event Angela Brett
Sports & Recreation
100% STRAIGHTSexual Targeting's Repulsive, And I Genuinely Hate This! Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:LGBTQIA
89% STRAIGHT (2)Screwed-up Through Religious Affiliations? Idiots Generate Hateful Thinking Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:LGBTQIA
100% STRANGE QUARKSeems To Reveal A Name Game, Exaggerating Queerness Understood Amongst Really Knowledgeable Angela Brett ('Strange' is one of the six types of QUARK... along with UP QUARK, DOWN QUARK, CHARM QUARK, TOP QUARK and BOTTOM QUARK.)
100% STRATFORD UPON AVONShakespeare's Territorial Region Accepts Travellors For Ogling Residents' Domain. Unusual Playwright Offers Narratives, Accomplishments Valuable, Offerings Numerous Jan Morgan
Art & Literature
Places:Towns & Cities:UK
100% STRATINOSomeone Transforms Rubber And Tries Inventing New Operation Tony McCoy O'Grady, when someone searched for stratino on HTTP://ACRONYMS.CO.NZ>. He didn't know what it is but found a reference to it (as a brand-name?) in a web-search under the heading 'Rubber and Plastic Transformation'
100% STRAWBERRY IMACStarted To Retch, And Wondered 'Bout Edibility. Really Really Yucky, Its Main Aftertaste's Copper. Angela Brett
Computers:Do Not Eat:iMac Fruit Salad
100% STRESSSome Times Real Easy Stuff Stinks Rico Leffanta, as an explanation for mistyping an acronym.
Assorted Nouns
100% STRESS RELIEFSoothing Tension Relaxes Excruciating Shoulder Soreness. Rubbing Effective Linament In Ensures Flexibiity TMcCO'G
Sports & Recreation:Relaxation
100% STRIDERSilly Tall Ranger Ignores Dodgy Elrond Rapist Carl Brett
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:The Lord of the Rings
100% STRINGSlipped Tying Ribbons? I'm Not Glossy. Angela Brett
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric
100% STRING (2)Something That Resonates In New Guitar Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% STRING (3)Swallow This? Result Is Nasty Gastritis! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric:Edible(?)
100% STRIPPERSSlowly To Reveal Individual Private Parts Erotically's Reputedly Sensous Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% STRONGSozzled Toper Reeks Of Neat Gin Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% STRONG (2)Stick Together: Rivet On? No, Gluon! Angela Brett (A gluon is a 'particle' of the strong force, which holds QUARKS together.)
100% STRONG FORCESticks Together -- Reverse Of Nearness Gives Ferocity Of Reaction; Cannot Escape Angela Brett (The strong force gets stronger the further away the particles are, making it impossible for single quark to escape from its grouping of two or three.)
90% STRONTIUMSerious Toxic Radiation Of ÔNinety' Titled Isotope is Ultimately Mortiferous. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% STUARTShort Tails Usually Aren't Rat's Tails Angela Brett, thinking about the movie Stuart Little, which features a mouse named Stuart.
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% STUART LITTLESupposedly Totally Usual, Adopting Rodents To Live In The Two-Leggeds' Environment Angela Brett, referring to the film in which a family adopts a mouse... the adoption of a mouse is shown as being a normal occurrence, although still apparently worth making a movie about.
100% STUBBORNStays Totally Unbending Basically Believes One Retreats Never Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% STUBBORN AS A MULESticking To Unusual Beliefs By Openly Rejecting Newer And Surer Answers - Making Umpteen Lasting Enemies Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases:Sayings
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% STUDStable's The Usual Dwelling Angela Brett, after passing a stud farm during a bus trip.
100% STUDENT IN DEBTSent The University Dollars, Education Never Turned Into New Desired Employment -- Blast Them! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:The Workforce

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