Last updated 2015-09-28 09:59:10

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100% DARLING (3)Diana - Adored Royal Lying In Neat Grave Mary Carr and Angela Brett
100% DARLING (4)Dearest Amour, Real Love Is Never Gone. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% DARTH VADERDonned A Really Terrible Helmet, Voyaged After Dimwitted Empath Relative. Jeff Anonymous
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% DARWINDank Australian Region Where Ideas Natter Rico Leffanta
Places:Towns & Cities
100% DARYLDoes Act Really Young, Luckily Jan Morgan
Names:First names
100% DASTARDDimwitted Activist Superior To All Retarded Dumbos Angela Brett
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains
100% DATA CENTRALIZATIONDo All The Acronyms Created Editorially Need To Relate And Lexically Indicate Zero Affiliation To Imagination Or Not? Sean Lamb
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% DATEDinner Advancing The Entertainment Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% DATE (2)Designated As Temporal Event Angela Brett
100% DATESDo Anything To Escape Situation Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% DATSUNDrive At Top Speed Until Nackered Had a Datsun 15 years ago. Painted this on its hood in big letters. Got heaps of laughs and no body said they had heard it before, but has bound to have been thought of. I can't guarantee I was the first. Later Bro
Transport:Car Makes & Models
100% DAUPHINDispatching An Unusual Present Hastens Idiot's Nemesis Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King Henry V
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King Henry V
100% DAVEDid Astronaut View Eternity Tony McCoy O'Grady (The main human character in 2001 was called Dave)
Names:First names:Male
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% DAVE (2)Desires A Veal Entrecote Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:You Are What You Eat
100% DAVENDiscovered Apronyms Via Entering Name Angela Brett, after somebody posted on the Apronyms forums, 'It's Daven here I was searching google for your name and found this'
Names:First names:Male
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% DAVIDDid A Valiant 'Impossible' Deed Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Male
100% DAVID (2)Delicious And Very Interesting Dessert Me my Mom and Stepdad where thinking of different acronyms and this one was the funniest we thought of.
Names:You Are What You Eat
100% DAVID (3)Does All Vital Income Depart? Jan Morgan - Someone I know that struggles with income
Names:First names:Male
100% DAVID LETTERMANDuring A Very Irksome Disease, Laughter Excelled To Tremendously Enrich Recovery. Man Astounds Network. joybutton
Entertainment:TV shows:Talk Shows
100% DAWDLEDally A While, Don't Look Energetic Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% DAWNDoes Absolute Worthwhile Nurturing Jan Morgan - a good person I know
Names:First names:Female
100% DAWN (2)Deceiving Antagonistic Warmonger Nature Jan Morgan - a not so nice person I know
Names:First names:Female
100% DAYDawn Arrives, Yes! Roger Williams
95% DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIMEDawn Arrives Yesterday, Like It Generally Has These Several Aeons. Very Irritating and Needless Gaffe Since There Isn't More Eveningtime. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DAYSDaze At Year Start! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Hope these Rough DAYS do not lead to a Rough Year! Glad: not a drink over half my 58 year sojourn. No New Year Party for this Organic Vegan.
100% DAYTONADrivers Are Yearning To Open Necessary Acceleration Jan Morgan - Drivers Start your engines for the race
Sports & Recreation
100% DDSDoesn't Do Spleens! Angela Brett (DDS usually stands for Doctor of Dental Surgery)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Healthcare Occupations
100% DDTDarn Dat Toxin! Jeff Anonymous
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% DEADDidn't Earlier Admit Defeat Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Death
100% DEAD (2)Drank Ethanol And Drove Angela Brett
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
People & Relationships:Death
100% DEAD (3)Defunct Entity, Already Departed Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Death
100% DEAD (4)Doesn't Exhale Anymore - Deceased Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Death
100% DEADMAN'S BUTTONDevice Employed As Defensive Mechanism Against Napping Staff By Using The Tension Of Normality Sean Lamb. The Deadman's Button is a device installed in lomotives that must remain depressed by the engineer (usually under his/her foot) to prevent the brakes from being applied; the theory is that if the engineer had a lapse of consciousness (falling asleep, heart attack, whatever), his foot would come off the button, thus applying the brakes.
100% DEALERSHIPDruggies Earn A Living Encouraging Regularly Smoking Hashish In Pipes Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DEANDoes Educating At Night Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Male
100% DEARTHDoes Every Asset Represent The Hole? Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% DEATHDecaying Elderly Advances To Heaven. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Death
100% DEATH (2)Devout Expect Afterlife - Tentatively Heaven. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Death
100% DEATH (3)Dealt Everyone, According To Hoyle. Rico Leffanta, who explained to a puzzled Angela that E. Hoyle (1672-1769) wrote THE rule book for card games, hence the international expression "according to Hoyle".
People & Relationships:Death
100% DEATH (4)Delights End At This Hour. Timothy Chambers
People & Relationships:Death
100% DEATH (5)Don't Ever Assume Tomorrow'll Happen Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Advice
People & Relationships:Death
100% DEATH (6)Discerned Eternally, Assuming There's Heaven/Hell Angela Brett -- If we simply cease to exist upon death, then we are alive for the entire time we're aware of anything at all, which (from the individual's perspective) is equivalent to living forever. If we each have an eternal 'afterlife' in which we know we're dead, then we are only alive for an insignificantly finite amount of time and dead ever after. Thus the 'eternal life' promised by Heaven is more an eternal death. I doubt many would disagree that Hell is also an eternal death.
People & Relationships:Death
100% DEATH EATERDutiful Entities Arrange Treacherous Haunts, Evil Advantage Tries Explosive Rebellion Jan Morgan
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Harry Potter
100% DEBACLEDoing Everything Because A Clitoris Loves Excitement Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% DEBBIEDoesn't Every Boy Become Instantly Enamoured Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Female
100% DEBBIE (2)Duties Entail Being Brave In Endeavors Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% DEBIANDebian Exists Because It's Altogether Nicer. Criggie (Debian is a linux distribution)
100% DEBRADivine Emissary Beeing Resisted Aggressions Angela Brett -- according to http://tools.oxygen.com/babynamer/Content.cfm?ContentTypeID=1002&NameID=16085&BabySiteID=7712592, Debra comes from Hebrew 'Dvorah' meaning Bee, and According to the Jewish scriptures, Deborah was one of the earliest judges, or leaders, of her people. Considered a divinely inspired prophetess, she mobilized the Jewish nation (which was only beginning to regard itself as such) to affirm its relationship to God and to resist the aggressions of the neighboring Canaanites.
Names:First names:Female
100% DEBRISDeafening Explosions Bring Residual Incendiary Sediment Sean Lamb (debris is always left over after an explosion, so...)
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% DEBRIS (2)Destroying Everything Brings Rubble Into Sight Sean Lamb
People & Relationships:Disaster
89% DEBUGGERDevice for Exterminating Bugs (Used Gingerly), Gaining Extra Rightness Gavin Lambert
100% DECADICDials Elegantly Click - Actually Digital, If Countermodern Jeff Anonymous, referring to pulse telephone dialing, a digital system, and the rotary dial phones that implement it. I keep a Western Electric 500-type rotary phone next to my iBook to remind me that while newer isn't always better, elegance is timeless. Or more practically, it doesn't fall off the desk.
80% DECEMBERDecorate Early for Christmas... Else Maybe Big Event is Ruined. Angela Brett
89% DECEMBER (2)Darkness Encompasses, Christmas Encroaches, Much Busy Expenditure of Resources. Tony McCoy O'Grady
89% DECEMBER (3)Definite Enlightenment Comes, Ensuring Messiah's Birth is Enthusiastically Remembered. Dustan Dowsing
100% DECEMBER (4)Dreadful -Expletive- Conditions - Expect More Bloody Endless Rain Tony McCoy O'Grady
0% DECENCY DEMANDSDespite Escalating Crassness (I) Essentially Need (to) Caution You... Dire Expletives Militate Against Normal Discussion Standards Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Advice
100% DECIBELDo Echoing Chords Injure Bandmembers' Eardrums, Lately? Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DECIMAL POINTDot Emphasising Change In Magnitude... Any Leftward Part's Obviously Integral, Nearby's Tenths. Angela Brett
91% DECLENSIONDead in English, Commendably. Latin Exists, Needing Some Inflection Of Nouns. Jeff Anonymous, noting that except for personal pronouns, case is basically gone fron English, and declension with it.
100% DECOMPOSEDeath Ends Complex Organic Molecular Processes - O Sweet Eternity Tony McCoy O'Grady, after reading COMPOSE
People & Relationships:Death
100% DEDEDoes Every Duty Eloquently Jan Morgan - Trudy's sweet daughter
Names:First names:Female
100% DEDICATEDDescribes Edifice, Declaring It Called After The Exalted Dead Tony McCoy O'Grady - thinking of buildings which are named - or renamed - in honour of national heroes/heroines
100% DEDICATED (2)Doing Everything Described In Command, And Then Extra - Devoted! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% DEDICATED (3)Doesn't Ever Deviate. Is Concerned About The Exact Difficulty Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% DEDICATIONDutifully Engraved Discourse Inside Cover, Author Thanks Inspiration Of Novel Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature
100% DEEDDue Extreme End: Divorce Angela Brett, referring to the title of a property which has to be split in a divorce.
People & Relationships:Law & Order
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% DEERDoe's Experience Ever Replayed Angela Brett, referring to Bambi
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% DEER (2)Dawn/Dusk Eats, Evironmental Ritual Jan Morgan
100% DEFAULTDesigner Encapsulated 'Favourite' As Usual Look / Theme Tony McCoy O'Grady who feels that not all default settings are the most logical, therefore they are probably the favourite of the makers
100% DEFENSEDetective's Evidence-Finding Etiquette Not Strictly Endorsed Angela Brett (If TV shows are to be believed, people often get off because the evidence which proves their guilt was not obtained in the right way.)
People & Relationships:Law & Order
93% DEFINE APRONYMSDictionary Entry Found In Next Edition: Acronyms' Peaks! Represent O'Grady's Neologism! Yare Mnemonic Self-definitions! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% DEFINESDictionary Entry Found In Next Edition Says/States Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% DEFROSTDiminish Established Frigid Rigid Obduracy Somewhat Temperately Rico Leffanta
Assorted Verbs
100% DEGRADEDead Entities Gently Rot And Decay Eventually Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Death
100% DEGREEDiploma Evinces Generally Recognized Extensive Education. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DEITYDoesn't Exist; It's Truly Yourself Angela Brett
100% DEITY (2)Designer Evolution: Image Toward Yahweh Angela Brett
100% DELAWAREDutch Explored, Leading Attempts, Wildlife And Refuge Extensive Jan Morgan - leading Attempts = Dupont Products and several wildlife & refuge places
Places:States & Regions
100% DELIVERYDirect Everything Lost If Verification Exists Register Yawn Rico Leffanta
100% DELLDon't Eat Live Leads Tony McCoy O'Grady
Computers:Do Not Eat
86% DELPHIDouble-talking Eminence Left People Half-Informed. Tony McCoy O'Grady... the oracle at Delphi never gave plain prophesies, they were always open to at least two interpretations.
Places:Towns & Cities
100% DELTADepositing Effluvium, Land's Terribly Aqueous Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DEMENTORDistressful Entities, Memories End Negatively Tragic, Objectionable Ramifications Jan Morgan
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Harry Potter
90% DEMETRIUSDespite Eye-juice Muddling Everything True Romance Is Ultimately Settled Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:A Midsummer Night's Dream
83% DEMOCRITUSDeterministic Explanation of Motion... Omniscient Creator Refuted, Instead, The Universe is Stochastic. Angela Brett
100% DENDoesn't Even Network DEN = Directory-Enabled Networking (Microsoft)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% DENIALDespite Evidence, Nobody Is Admitting Liability Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships
100% DENIMDon't Eat - Nutrition Is Minimal. Angela Brett
Household Objects:Threads & Fabric:Edible(?)
100% DENISEDiverse Energetic Nice Individual Seeks Eternity Jan Morgan - someone I know
Names:First names:Female
78% DENMARKDanes Enjoy Nothing More (than) A Real Knees-up. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DENTISTDon't Extract Nine Teeth, I've Second Thoughts! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Healthcare Occupations
100% DENTIST (2)Dohn Eggtak Ny Teeh, I'n Sehen Taws Tony McCoy O'Grady, simulating the sound of someone trying to talk while in the dentist's chair.
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Healthcare Occupations
100% DENTURESDentists Extract Natural Teeth Using Revenue Enhancement Schemes Rico Leffanta
Household Objects
100% DEPENDSDetermined Efforts Personally Exceeds, Noted Dependability Standing Jan Morgan
Assorted Verbs
100% DEPOSITDon't Empty Purse On Sprees... Invest Treasure. Angela Brett, who had only deposit slips next to her bed to write on when the acronyms started coming late at night.
100% DEPOSIT (2)Deems Every Penny Of Sufficient Interest, Thanks! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DEPRESSEDDon't Expect Progress, Rather Expect Stasis, Sadness & Enduring Dejection Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% DEPRESSED (2)Dismal Expression Portends Reverse Extreme, So Sulking Ensues, Dramatically Patricia Rix, thinking of manic depressive
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Ailments:Mental Illness
100% DEPRESSIONDowncast Expression? Perhaps Reason's Evident - Sad Situation's Isn't Over Now Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% DEPTH OF FIELDDistinctly Elemental Photographic Technique Helps Offer Fine Focus In Every Little Detail Sean Lamb (beginning photography students learn that a smaller aperture gives a greater depth of field in their photos)
Art & Literature
100% DESDEMONADefiantly Endures Suspicion, Dreadful End Makes Obsessive's Nature Apparent Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Othello
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Othello
100% DESERTDry Earth; Seldom Ever Rains There. Roger Williams
100% DESIGNDelightfully Exciting Sketch Is Genuinely Novel Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature
100% DESKTOP SUPPORTDoesn't Everyone Seek Knowledge To Operate Personal Systems? Users Persistently Perplex Our Resourceful Technology Sean Lamb
100% DESMOND MORRISDarwin Examined Simian Mysteries Over Naked Dames Maybe Our Relationships Recall Innate Secrets Rico Leffanta
Art & Literature:Writers
100% DESPERATIONDire Extreme Situation - Prompt Emergency Rescue And Treatment Is Obviously Needed Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% DESTROYDemolish Everything Simply To Remove Other Youth Kenny Roy
Assorted Verbs
100% DETECTEDDetailed Examination That Eventually Caught The Evil Doer(s) Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% DETECTIVEData Encoded To Enable Clinical Trials In Veterans' Environment Tony McCoy O'Grady, when someone asked on the Acronyms Forums for an acronym to describe an online data acquisition program for the Department of Veterans Affairs. See http://www.co.nz/cgi/forums/list.cgi?id=acronyms&user=&session=&root=1054739638 for more information.
Computers:Internet:VA Data Acquisition
100% DETERMATHATIONSDaily Explain/Energise/Engineer! Test/ Extend Reality! Multiply Algorithms / Tools Habile! Advance/Adapt! Transfinites: Infinities/Increasing/Infinitely, Observe Nuances! Sciences/Study! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
93% DETERMINATIONDon't Ever Tire... Even Real Mountains In Nature Are 'Tamed'. Imaginary Ones No-sweat! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% DETERMINEDDoing Everything To Ensure Results - Make Intense, Necessary, Efforts Daily Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% DEUTERONOMYDelightfully Erudite Undertaking, Ten Edicts Read Out, Nous Of Moses. Yes! Eric Bridgstock
Religion:Bible books
100% DEVIDivine Eternal Vacillates Inspiration Rico Leffanta
Religion:Hindu Goddesses
100% DEVILDemonic, Evil Villain Is Lucifer Angela Brett
100% DEVIL (2)Doesn't Enjoy Virtue In Life Angela Brett
100% DEVON TARRSTEPSDawdling Eventually Ventures Onward Nicely, Truly Ancient Road, Rock Steps Traverse Every Pedestrian Safely Jan Morgan -- ancient people built these steps to cross a river, very natural looking stepping stones that don't get your feet wet when you crossed them.
100% DIABETESDisease Is Awful. Body Excretes (Tragically) Excess Sugar Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DIAGRAMDrawings (Incorporating Artistic Graphs?) Reinforce Article's Message Tony McCoy O'Grady
84% DIALOGUE STYLE ACRONYMS[Tony] "Did I Attempt Lately One Great Untried Endeavour?" [Angela] "Sure Thing, You Listed Elements..." [Jeff] "... And Countries" [Tony] "Right, One Needs Your Mates Sometimes." Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% DIALUPDelves Into Analogue Line's Untapped Potential Angela Brett
100% DIAMONDDivine Intervention Affects Marriage, Or Necessity, Destiny. Angela Brett, referring to what is traditionally the diamond (60th) wedding anniversary.
Time:Special Occasions:Wedding Anniversaries
100% DIANDrives Inhabitants Around Nature Rico Leffanta
Religion:Roman Gods & Goddesses
100% DIANADied In A Nasty Accident Angela Brett, referring to Diana, Princess of Wales.
100% DIANA (2)Deceives Idiot And Nurtures Ally Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's All's Well That Ends Well
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:All's Well That Ends Well
100% DIANA DORSDoes It And Never Apologises Demimonde Of Reckless Society Rico Leffanta
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% DIAPERDirty It And Parent Efficiently Replaces Angela Brett
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% DIAPER (2)Disposable Is A Preferred Experience, Really Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% DIAPER (3)Drips Intercepted And (Perfectly Efficiently) Retained Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects:Clothing:Underwear
100% DIARRHOEADashing In And Running Repeatedly, Hogging Outhouse, Evacuating Again. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DICEDeals In Chance Events Sean Lamb
Household Objects
100% DICK HEADDecidedly Ignorant Childish Kid Heeding Endless Arrogant Drivel Mary Carr
People & Relationships:Insults
100% DICTIONARYDo I Consider Term Is Often Needed And Real? Yes! Angela Brett
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% DIDODie I Do. Oh... Lizzie - Dido stabbed herself on a funeral pyre and was consumed in the flames after Aeneas rejected her.
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends
100% DIE BRUCKEDying Is Easy But Realistically Use Children Knight Errants Rico Leffanta
100% DIEGODid It Ever Get Optional? Jan Morgan - since when does San Diego get abbreviated to just Diego? It's not long enough to warrant such a shortening of the city name!
Places:Towns & Cities:USA
100% DIESELDirty Internal Engines Should Emit Less Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DIETDare I Eat That? Angela Brett
Food & Drink
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
94% DIFFERENTLY WELLDon't Immediately Find Fault... Each Rudeness, Each Not-Totally-Like-You-ness Will Enhance Lecherous Luxury Angela Brett, after Patricia responded to Tony's MASSAGE THERAPY (3) with, "You are brilliant, though sick!" and Tony replied, "I'm not sick, just 'differently well'"
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% DIFFERENT THOUGHT'Deep' Is Famed Family Elder, Reckoned Everything's Numeric Total. This Handier One Usually Graphically Helped Thinking. Angela Brett, explaining: I named my POWERBOOK 1400CS 'Different Thought' as I thought she might be a distant relative of 'Deep Thought' of 'Hitch-hikers' Guide to the Galaxy' fame, and also because of the Apple slogan, 'Think different.' Different Thought's web pages are at http://acronyms.co.nz/angela/mac/differentthought/
Computers:Macintosh & Newton:Hardware:Angela's Apples
100% DIFFICULTDoes It Feel Funny? It Contrasts Usual Light Tasks. Angela Brett
Assorted Adjectives
100% DIGDelve Into Ground Roger Williams
Assorted Verbs
100% DIGLETTDwells In Ground, Likes Eating Tender Tubers Angela Brett (Diglett is Pokemon #50)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% DIKEDivinely Inspires Kinky Escapades Rico Leffanta
Religion:Greek Gods & Goddesses
100% DILEMMADeep Indecision: Let's Employ Much Muddled Analysis Leo Boyes
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% DILIGENTDoggedly Impacting List, I've Gotta Expand New Terms! Angela Brett, after diligently expanding a lot of the terms from the unsuccessful searches list.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% DIMDark In Matters Jan Morgan
Assorted Adjectives
100% DIMPLEDepression In Mid-Phizog Looks Endearing Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Body Parts
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene

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