

You can see the full category hierarchy on the Category Map.

Loose apronyms:
Perfect Apronyms OnlyAll Apronyms
100% BACHELORBecause Anyone Continuing His Education's Low On Romance? Angela Brett, B.SC.
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% B.SC.Biological Scientific Calculator Angela Brett, after graduating with a B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science) majoring in MATHEMATICS.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% CNECan't Network Everything CNE's real definition is Certified Netware Engineer
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% CNE (2)Certification Nullifies Education CNE's real definition is Certified Netware Engineer
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
75% CNE (3)Creating Networks of Ether CNE's real definition is Certified Netware Engineer
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% DDSDoesn't Do Spleens! Angela Brett (DDS usually stands for Doctor of Dental Surgery)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Healthcare Occupations
100% DEGREEDiploma Evinces Generally Recognized Extensive Education. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DIPLOMADegree Is Presented, Lots Of Merrymaking Activity. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DOCTORATE OF PHILOSOPHYDoes One Consider That One Really, Actually, Truly Exists? Or Find People Have Imaginary Lives Only? Should One Pinch/ Hit You? Angela Brett (I think different, therefore iBook)
100% MCPMastered Crappy Programs Angela Brett (MCP usually stands for Microsoft Certified Professional)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
75% MCTManaging to Charge Thousands Sean Lamb (MCT really stands for Microsoft Certified Trainer)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% MCT (2)Must Continue Training Sean Lamb (MCT really stands for Microsoft Certified Trainer)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% PH.D.Pathetically Haughty Dunce Carl Brett
Re-expansions of existing acronyms