Last updated 2015-09-28 09:59:10

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100% DIMWITDirector, Internal Mushroom Warehouse Irrigation Techniques Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations:Humorous Job Titles
100% DINNERDigestion Is Nice, Now Everyone's Replete Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% DINNER (2)Don't Ingest Noisily - Never Eat Radishes Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% DINNER (3)Didn't I Notice Nobody's Eating Ratatouille? Patricia Rix
Food & Drink
100% DINODown Is Not Out Sean Lamb, because dinosaurs always tend to be popular with the kids.
100% DIOMEDESDallies Inconclusively Over Maiden Eventually Duels Eavesdropping Soldier Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Troilus and Cressida
100% DIOPHANTUSDecided Influence On Precise, Handwritten Algebraic Notation. Thought Unpositives Superfluous. Angela Brett
100% DIPLODOCUSDiplodocus Is Plainly Large. One Dinosaur's Outrageous Corpulence Upsets Scientists. Sean Lamb, because dinosaurs always tend to be popular with the kids.
100% DIPLOMADegree Is Presented, Lots Of Merrymaking Activity. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DIPSOMANIAC (2)Drink In Pleasant Surroundings. Our Merriment's Arranged Nightly In Attractive Cellars. Tony McCoy O'Grady (see SHOVE OFF)
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness:Rude Advertising Slogans
100% DIPSYDancing Is Pleasant - So Youthful! Angela Brett, whose nieces love the TELETUBBIES.
Entertainment:TV shows
83% DIRECTIONSDivine Inspiration's Required, Everyone Cannot Truly Interpret Old-wives-tales Northerly Signals Tony McCoy O'Grady
Places:Positions & Directions
100% DIRTY"Doing It" Repeatedly - To Yourself! Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% DIRTY MINDDirtiness Is Relative - Tony, Your Mate, Is Ninetimes Dirtier! Tony McCoy O'Grady, after the HILARIOUS (2) comment.
Words & Wordplay:Rudeness
100% DIRTY OLD IRISHMANDrunkenness Is Retreating - Tony's Years Off Lager Decidedly Improved Relationships, & In Sobriety He May Acronymise Nicely. Angela Brett and Dustan Dowsing. Tony is often referred to as 'The DOI' and it seemed to need acronymising. See also THE MAD IRISHMAN.
100% DISABILITYDoesn't Imply Stupidity... Affected Brain Isn't Limited In Thought, Y'know. Angela Brett
100% DISAPPEARDid I See A Professional Performer Eliminate A Rabbit? Angela Brett
100% DISARMDetectives Insist Submachineguns Are Removed Masterfully Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DISASTERDo Infernos Stop After Several Tsunamis Enter Region? Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% DISCDoes Injure Someone's Colon Jeff Anonymous
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% DISC (2)Does It Still Compile? Sean Lamb (DISC really means Digital Interactive Systems Corp., a company marketing a new computer-in-a-box gaming console)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% DISCIPLINEDutifully I Surrender Control - If Punishment Looms I'm Naughtily Excited Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
77% DISCLAIMERDenying Interlocutor the Satisfaction of Causing Long Agonising Intricate Meditation, (thus) Ensuring Rest. Tony McCoy O'Grady, saying he should have a DISCLAIMER at the end of each message stipulating that "None of the words or phrases above will be accepted if returned for Challenge Acronymising." This after Angela had challenged him to acronymise several LONG WORDs.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
91% DISCOURSESDealing In Strategically Calculated Oral Utterations Regarding Specific Events or Subjects imposed
90% DISCWORLDDrifting In Space Creating Weird Occurrences. Reality Low in Demand. Dustan Dowsing, referring to the series of novels by Terry Pratchett.
Art & Literature
100% DISEASEDamn I'm Sick! Excruciating Aches & Soreness Everywhere Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DISEASE (2)Direly Incapacitated Situation - Each Ache Seems Endless! Patricia Rix
100% DISGUSTINGDirty Item, Smutty, Genuinely Ugly, Stomach Turning! It's Not Good! Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
People & Relationships:Insults
100% DISHABILLEDressing In Slippers Hoping Any Body In Love Loves Eurythmics Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% DISHONORDisgraceful, In Shameful Habits Of Negative Options, Really! Jan Morgan
People & Relationships
100% DISHONOURDisgraceful In Shameful Habits Of Negative Options Used Regularly Jan Morgan
People & Relationships
100% DISKDigestus Interruptus - Slender Kilojoules. Steve Keate and Angela Brett (see DONGLE (3))
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% DISNEYLANDDynamic Imaginative Satisfaction, Notably Enchants Youthful Living Adventurer, Necessarily Delivers. Jan Morgan - Magical amusement park that delivers satisfaction to all who have a youthful heart
100% DISORDERDisorganised Individual Should Occasionally Remove Dirt & Eject Rubbish TMcCO'G - parent to a teenager!
Assorted Nouns
100% DISTRICTDistinctly Irregular - Somewhere That Reaches Into Contiguous Townlands Tony McCoy O'Grady: a 'district' is usually a less than precisely defined region, whereas a townland is usually the smallest recognised area in local geography. A district usually comprises several townlands or parts of them.
100% DITTODouble It, To This Opinion Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
100% DITTO (2)Does Impressions - Transforms To Opponent! Angela Brett (Ditto is Pokemon #132)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% DIVERSEDifferent, Indeed Varied, Entities Reach Separate Ends Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% DIVINGDribbling In Vulvas Incites Naked Girls Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
Sports & Recreation
100% DIVINITYDelicious Item, Variety Is Nutty, Incredible Treat, Yummy Jan Morgan -- Yummy Candy
Food & Drink:Confectionery
100% DIVORCEDone Indulging Vows, Onto Rampant Copulation, Etc. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% DIVORCE (2)Deceitful Infidelity Very Often Responsible. Coupling Ends. Eric Bridgstock
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% DIVORCEDDepressed/Deceived/Dishonest Individual, Vows Obliterated, Restoring Conscious Effort, Denied Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% DIVORCED (2)Destructive Individual, Vows Obliterated, Restoring Conscious Efforts Denied Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% DIVORCED FEMALEDespite Internationallyrecognised Vows, One's Recanted (Claiming Evil Deeds From Errant Mate?) And Looking Elsewhere Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
86% DJANGODance and Jump. A Natural Guitarist's Outstanding! Sean Lamb (who spent a day enjoying the gypsy swing guitar of Django Reinhardt)
100% DJIBOUTIDesert Jutting Into Bay Ordains Unendurable Temperatures Internally. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DMCADon't Make Cables Abroad It's not just DeCSS that US Customs doesn't want coming into the country. Check out http://www.cs.umn.edu/~mcmillen/dmca for another viewpoint. (DMCA usually stands for Digital Millennium Copyright Act)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
People & Relationships:Law & Order
80% DMCA (2)Don't Make Copies of Anything DMCA = Digital Millennium Copyright Act (US Congress)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% DNADaddy Not Available DNA usually stands for Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
People & Relationships:Family
100% DNSDotted Numbers Synonyms Angela Brett (DNS usually stands for Domain Name System)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% DOCHDefinite Open Contradiction (Handy!) Grace Francis
Science:Linguistics:German Words
100% DOCTORDispenser Of Cures, Taker Of Revenue. Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Healthcare Occupations
100% DOCTOR (2)Digital Online Consulting Tool, Or Reference Tony McCoy O'Grady (see DETECTIVE) I can see this in use as someone says "Let's see what the DOCTOR has to say...."
Computers:Internet:VA Data Acquisition
100% DOCTORATE OF PHILOSOPHYDoes One Consider That One Really, Actually, Truly Exists? Or Find People Have Imaginary Lives Only? Should One Pinch/ Hit You? Angela Brett (I think different, therefore iBook)
100% DOCTORSDozens Of Competent Technicians Offer Remedial Skills Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Healthcare Occupations
100% DOCTRINE AND COVENANTSDoes Offer Collective Truths, Religious Ideas, Necessary Examination, Always Near Decisions Can Offer Vital Enlightenment, Nourishment As Needed To Searcher Jan Morgan - Latter Day Saints important recorded doctrine
100% DODGEDucking, Or Diving, Guarantees Evasion Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% DOEDeer - Oestrogen-Enhanced. Angela Brett
100% DOGDull Organism. Growls. Steve Keate & Angela Brett
100% DOG (2)Disgusting Odour - Gross! Steve Keate & Angela Brett
100% DOG (3)Dependable, Obedient Guardian Angela Brett
100% DOG (4)Drools On Groin Steve Keate
100% DOG (5)Defecates On Garden Steve Keate
100% DOG (6)Disgusting Old Growler Roger Williams
100% DOG (7)Digital Office Guard cheater200227 -- got the idea when I found the description of a mechanical dog on the internet
100% DOG BONEDug Out & Gnawed By Our Neighbour's Elkhound TMcCO'G
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% DOG BONE (2)Did Os Get Buried On Neighbour's Estate? Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
91% DOGCOW DEMODevelopers Often Got Clarus's Other-Worldly Dimensions to Expertly Model Output. Angela Brett... referring to Clarus the two-dimensional dogcow who is most famous for demonstrating the effects of certain options in the 'Page Setup' dialogue box for some printers.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% DOGGYDoberman's Obviously Gonna Get You Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DOGMADumping Old Girlfriend Mother Approved Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% DOGSDefinitely Odorous Greedy Sods Mary Carr
100% DOG TIREDDrowsy, Or Getting Tetchy, I'd Rather Experience Dormancy Tony McCanine O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% DOH!Dimwitted Oafish Hick Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Made Up Words
92% DOING NOTHINGDirty Old Irishman and Nutty Girl Natter Over Their Handy Inter Net Gateways Angela Brett.
Assorted Verbs
100% DOLLARDoesn't Offer Love Life Any Rapture Rico Leffanta
100% DOLORESDinner Often Leads Onto Romantic Evening Siesta Rico Leffanta
Names:First names:Female
94% DOLORES O'RIORDAN'Doos' Or 'Las' Often Recur... Every Song Offers Recordings In Oral Realm [that] Don't Articulate Nuttin'. Angela Brett
100% DOLPHINDo Other Linuxes Pursue Human Interface Niceties? Sean Lamb (Dolphin was the code name for Mandrake Linux 9.0; Mandrake has been known as the "user-friendly" Linux)
Names:Code Names:Linux
100% DOMAIN NAMEDotcom Operation Means Acquiring Internet Name Nobody's Already Made Exclusive Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DOMESTICDesignated Ordinary Maid Except Sometimes Transparently In Charge Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% DOMINICDirty Old Man Is Needing Intense Cleaning Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Male
100% DOMINICADensely Overgrown Moist Island, Nevertheless Its Chiefly Agricultural. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DOMINIQUEDoes One's Memory Involve Nice Images, Questioned Until Explained Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
94% DOMITIUS ENOBARBUSDecamps (to) Octavius's Military Interests. This Is Upon Sensing Egypt's Not Overwhelming, Becoming A Robustly Blunt Unwavering Soldier Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and Antony and Cleopatra
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Antony and Cleopatra
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Julius Caesar
86% DONGLEDim Oafs Need Greatly to Learn English Tony McCoy O'Grady, who couldn't believe that there really is a piece of computer equipment called a DONGLE.
Computers:Generic Hardware
86% DONGLE (2)Did Older NewZealanders Grow-up Learning Electronics? Tony McCoy O'Grady, when told that Angela had found someone else who knew what a dongle was, but hadn't heard the term for ten years.
Computers:Generic Hardware
100% DONGLE (3)Devoid Of Nutrition, Gives Little Energy Steve Keate, who is thinking of creating a series of acronyms explaining why not to eat computer accessories.
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% DONGLE (4)Devoid Of Nutriments - Generally Lacks Edibility Tony
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% DON JOHNDeceitfully Organizes Nasty 'Jest' Over Hero's Nature Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Much Ado About Nothing
100% DONNADelivers Obnoxious Nuisance, Navigating Attacks Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% DONNYDelightful Orator Nicely Negotiates Yield Jan Morgan - gives forth his melodic voice to song
Names:First names:Male
100% DO NOT YELLDearest One, No-One Thinks You Endearing, Less Loud! Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Advice
100% DON PEDRODesign Of Noble Prince Ensures Duly Romantic Outcome Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Much Ado About Nothing
100% DON'T BE RUDEDeeply Obnoxious Nasty Thoughts. Begin Eschewing Rather Undue Dirty Expressions Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Advice
100% DON'T PANICDepress One's Natural Thoughts, Please. Angela's Nearly In Control Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Angela posted on the FORUMS to say that parts of the ACRONYMS website weren't working, but not to PANIC because she would be fixing it soon.
People & Relationships:Advice
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
97% DON'T TEASE ME ABOUT USING WINDOWSDole's Obviously Not The Top Earner... And Some Extra Money's Excellent, Although Being On Unfriendly Technology Undeniably Stinks. I'm Not Getting on With It - No Desirability Of Writing Source. Angela Brett, who works as a Windows developer but is a Mac developer at heart.
93% DON'T USE WINDOZEDamnit, Only Nincompoops Try Using Such Extremely Wasteful Interface Nefariously Doled Out by Zillionaire Entrepreneur. Angela Brett
100% DONUT HOLESDefinition Of 'Nothingness', Used To Highlight One's Lacking Essential 'Solidity' TMcCO'G
Food & Drink
100% DOODLEDo One's Own Drawing, Lacking Enthusiasm Angela Brett
Assorted Verbs
100% DOORDon't Open On Route Steve Keate, referring to a car door.
Transport:Car Parts
100% DOOR KNOCKERDigitally Operated Object Reveals Knowledge Now Of Caller's Keylessness - Entry Required. Tony McCoy O'Grady - who made this up just to use R@@@@ as his email address on the Acronym Submission Form
Household Objects
100% DOORSDecently Organized Operating & Running Systems! Tony McCoy O'Grady, who asks "Why use windoze when you can use doors?"
100% DOPEDulls One's Personal Experience Angela Brett
100% DOPE (2)Doesn't Offer People Everything Angela Brett
100% DOPE (3)Does Offer Pseudo-Enlightenment Angela Brett and Steve Keate
100% DOPE (4)Diacetylmorphine, Opium, Pot... Everything! Angela Brett
93% DO RE MI FA SO LA TIDarn, Off-key... Redo Etude Making Its Frequency Aurally Sound. Open Lungs And Then Inhale. Angela Brett
100% DORFDestination Of Rainbow Fizz Angela Brett, referring to the town in the book 'The Solitaire Mystery' by Jostein Gaarder
Art & Literature:Fictional Places
100% DORIS DAYDaughter Of Righteous Idiots Singing, "Daisy Awaits Yokel" Rico Leffanta
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses
100% DORKDefinitely One Renowned Klutz Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Insults
100% DOTDisturbance Of Tint Angela Brett
Art & Literature
100% DOT COMDoesn't Own Tradable Commodities - Owes Money Tony McCoy O'Grady: Dotcoms usually don't 'do' much and frequently lose money or are in debt since their inception.
100% DOTDOTDOTDASHDASHDASHDOTDOTDOTDigital Operator Taps Distress Out To Direct Operations Towards Diverting All Shipping. Help During A Squall / Hurricane - Dispatch A Search Helicopter & Deploy Operative To Dangle Over Those Distressed Or Terrified Tony McCoy O'Grady, who protested that the SOS acronyms are not reexpansions of an existing acronym, nor is SOS a word as it is always pronounced as a series of three letters ESS-OH-ESS. Angela replied that it still is in the dictionary and has a meaning, so is eligible for expansion - and it's 'pronounced' ..._ _ _...
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% DOTESDaydreams Over Those Enchanting Smiles Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Verbs
100% DOUBLE POSTINGDon't Often Use Binary Letter Express - Perhaps One Submitted Twice In Naughty Gamefulness? Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Angela accidentally posted the same message twice on the Acronyms forums.
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% DOUBTFULDubious Outcomes Usually Befall Thoughts Fetched Using Lunacy Kenny Roy
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% DOUCHEDirt's Off Under Cascading Hot Effusion Patricia Rix
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene:Beauty Products
100% DOUGHNUTDiet's Obstacle Unusually Great Hot Never Underestimate Taste! Rico Leffanta
Food & Drink
100% DOUGLAS ADAMSDescription Of Universal Guide Lives As Stories And Drama, And Multiplatform Software Angela Brett, who knows the subject of Douglas Adams' books was only a guide to the galaxy, but it's known universally.
Art & Literature:Writers
0% DOWNCASTDon't Offer Worries Now - (I'm) Contemplating Abject Sad Thoughts. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% DOWN QUARKDuo On Whole Neutron Quiets Up's 'Affirmative' Reaction Kick Angela Brett ('Down' is one of the six types of quark... along with UP QUARK, STRANGE QUARK, CHARM QUARK, TOP QUARK and BOTTOM QUARK. Neutrons are each composed of two down quarks with charge -1/3 each, and one up quark with charge +2/3, giving them an overall charge of zero.)
100% DOWSINGDirty Old Woman Seduced Innocent Nice Guy Angela Brett and Dustan Dowsing, on virginity \=]
100% DOWSING (2)Divination Of Water Source Is Non-Geophysical. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DRACO MALFOYDemonic Racist Adolescent Clone, Obstinate Malicious Arrogant Louse, Foul Opinionated Yahoo Jan Morgan
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Harry Potter
100% DRAFTDeserters Resisted Armed Forces Training Tony McCoy O'Grady
71% DRAFT (2)Doesn't Really Amount to a Frigging Thing Artemis Hunter (who works in publishing, and knows all about the tyranny of "draft" documents)
Art & Literature
100% DRAMATIS PERSONAEDetailed Reading And Misinterpreting All The Individual Shakespearean Plays Ensures Results Spell Out Names Acronymically - Eventually Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays
100% DRATINIDragon Rage And Twister: I'm Now Incapacitated Angela Brett (Dratini is Pokemon #147)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% DRAWBRIDGEDefeats Raiding Assailants When, By Retracting It, Defenders Generally Escape Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% DRAWINGDepicting Realistically A World Indicates Natural Genius Tony VanGogh O'Grady
Art & Literature
100% DREADSDaring Reality Envelops Annihilates Death! Saviour! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
People & Relationships:Emotions
People & Relationships:Death
83% DREAMDelirious Realm of Enchantment And Magic Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% DREAM (2)During REM, Ethereal Amusement Made. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% DREAM (3)Daylight: Reality Ends All Magic. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% DREAM (4)Desired Results Encourages Ambitious Minds Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% DREAMSDaylight Reveals Everything's A Mind Show Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Thoughts
100% DRMDon't Rip Mp3s DRM = Digital Rights Management (Microsoft)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% DRM (2)Doesn't Record Media DRM = Digital Rights Management (Microsoft)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% DRM (3)Doesn't Really Matter Sean Lamb (DRM = Digital Rights Management {Microsoft}; but file sharing will continue after this "feature" is introduced)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% DROLLDeadpan Response Of Little Lightheartedness Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% DROMIO OF EPHESUSDoesn't Resent Overmuch Master's Irritability. Offends Often - Floggings Earned! Perhaps He Enjoys Secure Urban Situation Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Comedy Of Errors
100% DROMIO OF SYRACUSEDeeply Respectful Of Master, Ignorant Of Other Fellow. Servant, Yet Relationship Appears Close Under Strange Events Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Comedy Of Errors
100% DROUGHTDry Riverbed Or Unwatered Ground; Hard Terrain. Eric Bridgstock, after it was asked if anyone would like to acronymise DROUGHT during an acronym shortage.
100% DROUGHT (2)Doesn't Rain Often, Usually Ghastly Hot Temperature Eric Bridgstock
100% DROWSYDozily Reposed On Waking, Stretched, Yawned. Angela Brett
100% DRUGDummy Route Under Ground Rico Leffanta
100% DRUG ADDICTDangerous Reactions, Undergoing Gruesome Agonising Delirium - Doing It 'Cold Turkey' Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to NO STRINGS ATTACHED (Strung Out)
100% DRUG LORDDemented Rotten Urban Gangster - Low On Reasoned Debate Tony McCoy O'Grady, creating yet another supervillain.
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains

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