Last updated 2015-09-28 09:59:10

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Perfect Apronyms OnlyAll Apronyms
100% TEENSThey're Expensive - Ever 'Needing' Stuff Angela Brett
100% TEENS (2)They Eat, & Endlessly Need Sleep Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TEETHTerrible Event Engages Traumatic Hesitation Jan Morgan
Science:Biology:Body Parts
78% TEH TYPOTo Err is Human - Throughout Your Proofreading it's Obvious! Angela Brett
Art & Literature
100% TELECASTERTelevision's Earliest Linkmen Established "Celebrity" Announcing Sports' Teams Endeavours & Results TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
Sports & Recreation
89% TELECOMMUNICATIONThis Evidently Lets Everyone Chat Over Many Miles. Unfortunately Now It Can't, And Techie's Inspecting Out-of-order Network. Angela Brett, when she was supposed to be having lunch with Steve but ended up in the PABX room of TVNZ while he fixed routers or somesuch.
100% TELEGRAPHThin Electric Lines Encircling Globe. Relays And Poles Help. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TELEPHONETalk Endlessly, Letting Every Private Home On Network Eavesdrop Tony McCoy O'Grady, thinking of the 'party line' telephones of days gone by.
90% TELEPHONE (2)Taken Everywhere Lately (by) Eager People Having Only Nerdy Existence Patricia Rix
100% TELEPHONE (3)Talk Endlessly, Leisurely, Enjoying Personal Hobnobbing Over Neverending Expanses Roger Williams
100% TELESCOPEThis Enhances Longsightedness - Even See Cosmic Objects Parsecs Extrasolar. Angela Brett
79% TELETUBBIESTerribly Excitable, Like Energetic Toddlers Under Blue-sky, Baby-sun, Interact with Electronic Servants Angela Brett
Entertainment:TV shows
83% TELEVISIONTransmitting Events Live for Electronic Viewing - Interactive Substitute Is On the Net! Angela Brett
Entertainment:TV shows
100% TELEVISIONSThey Essentially Leave Each Viewer In Stupor... Intelligence Often Not Stimulated. Angela Brett
Entertainment:TV shows
100% TELLING LIESTo Every Lying Liar, It's Not Generating Lies, It's Exaggerating Stories Sean Lamb
100% TELLURIUMThis Element Looks Little Unusual, Really Is Ultra Mundane. Tony McCoy O'Grady
75% TELNETTransmitting Endorsements over Large Network Environments to Trespass Acronymous Anonymous
100% TELNET (2)The Easy Lane - Not Even Tricky Jeff Anonymous (Reflecting on the lack in Telnet of the encryption found in SSH)
100% TELNET (3)To Email, Learn Numbered, Esoteric Tetrads Angela Brett - I occasionally check my email using a telnet client, and many of the necessary POP commands have four letters and a message number.
100% TEMPERATUREThermometer Emulating Masculine Peg Exercise Recoils After The Unit Reaches Ebullition Rico Leffanta
100% TEMPER TEMPERTry Empathising More Please, Exercise Restraint, To Enrage Means Producing Exasperate Reactions Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Advice
100% TEMPLETruths Enlightened, Marriages Promise Love Eternal Jan Morgan - a beautiful sacred building dedicated to learning eternal truths
People & Relationships:Love & Lust:Marriage & Divorce
100% TEMPLETONTackles Eating, Mouse Primarily Large, Exciting Tale Of Nature Jan Morgan, referring to the rat in Charlotte's Web
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters
100% TEMPOTackles Emotive Motion, Pacing Opportunity Jan Morgan
86% TEMPUSThis Evil Man Plans to Undo Superman! Angela Brett, referring to Tempus, a villain in Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman who tried to go back in time and kill Superman as a baby.
Entertainment:TV shows
100% TEMPUS FUGITTime's Ever Moving (Picking Up Speed?) Fill Underused Gaps In Time! TMcCO'G
100% TENThis Exceeds Nine. Angela Brett
100% TENACIOUSTrying Everything, Never Acceding. Carrying Instructions Out Until Satisfied Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% TENDERFOOTTry Every New Duty Expected Ranking For Own Order Trusted Jan Morgan -- Boy Scout rank
Sports & Recreation:Scouts
100% TENNESSEETourist Encounters National Notorieties, Elvis' Songs, Sights Engaged Embattlements Jan Morgan - Civil War Conflicts
Places:States & Regions
100% TENORSThey Emit Notes Of Rare Sweetness Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TENSTwenty = Eleven + Nine. Score! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% TENS (2)Thirty = Eleven + Nineteen. September! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Thirty days in September. 3 TENS!
100% TENTTrampers Erect Neat Tarpaulin Angela Brett
Sports & Recreation
100% TEQUILATaking Excessive Quantities Usually Induces Lasting Addiction Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Drinks:Alcoholic
100% TERBIUMThis Exhibits Rare Behaviour - It's Unusual, Magnetically. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% TERMINATETerrible Ending Reaches Massive Inferiority/Insensitivity/Incompatibility, Never Again To Engage Jan Morgan
Assorted Verbs
100% TERMINATORThinks Every Republican Mind: If Now Austrian Takes Office - Rapture! Chris Kjelgaard
100% TERMINATOR (2)True Election Reporting Media Ignores - Naturally, Actor's Talks Overly Recorded! Chris Kjelgaard
100% TERMITESThese Entities Readily Munch It 'Til Everything's Sawdust Roger Williams
100% TERMS AND CONDITIONSThey Explicitly Restrict Mature Signers' Actions. Never Disobey Commands, Or No Deal! In Truth, Individuals Often Nonchalantly Skim. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% TERRYTowelling - Envelope Robe Round Yourself Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects
100% TERTIARYTrained Educators Resolve To Inform Arrogant & Resentful Youths Tony McCoy O'Grady, remarking that the same resentful youths go through the entire educational process ;-)
100% TESSA JOWELLTelling Everyone's Sob Story And Just Off With External Leader's Lolly John Richard Jones
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% TESTTopical Examination - Scoring Time! Angela Brett, inspired by one of her lecturers calling tests 'opportunities to score.'
100% TEST (3)Trial Every Single Thing Angela Brett, while testing the submission form.
Assorted Verbs
100% TEST (4)Tune Expansions! Subdue Trials! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% TESTESTickle 'Em Sexily & They'll Eject Sperm Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
Science:Biology:Body Parts
90% TESTICLESThey Engineer Sperm That Is Coitally Leaked, Enveloped in Semen. Angela Brett
Science:Biology:Body Parts
100% TESTIMONYTrue Emotional Strong Testimony, In My Own Notions, Yearning Jan Morgan - our feelings of what we know and believe to be true in our own eyes and the hope of it
100% TESTISThis Emits Sperm To Inseminate Someone Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Body Parts
92% TEST RESULTSThe Eventual Score's Tallied, Rendering Each Student Unsympathetically 'Learned' or 'Totally Stupid'. Angela Brett
91% TETRAQUARKThe Experiment That Revealed A Quixotic Unstable Arrangement Ran at KEK. Angela Brett
83% TEXASTea's Energies e-Xhumed, Alamos Stand Jan Morgan -- Tea is a nickname for Oil
Places:States & Regions
100% TEXAS (2)They Enthuse Xaggeratingly About Size! Tony
Places:States & Regions
100% THAILANDThey Had Army Insurrections Lately, Although Now Democratic. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THAISATemple Holds An Interesting Surprise Announcement Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Pericles
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Pericles
100% THALIARDTyrants Henchman's Always Late In Arriving... Right Dastard! Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Pericles
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Pericles
100% THALLIUMThis Heavy Atom, Like Lead, Is Ultra-Malign. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THANKSThey Have Announced Nice Kind Sentiments. Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% THANKS!This Has Angela Nearly Kissing Steve! Angela Brett, when Steve Wozniak bought her an iBook to replace her lost PowerBook 1400cs (see RANSOM)
92% THANKSGIVINGThey Had All Now Knelt, Singing Gratitude (Including Venerable 'Indian' Natives) to God TMcCO'G
Time:Special Occasions
100% THANKS, I HAD A GREAT TRIP... NOW TO CATCH UP ON A BAJILLION APRONYM SUBMISSIONS.The Holiday Aftermath... Now Kiwi Sits In Home And Diligently Adds Great Recent Expansions, All The Time Remembering In-Person Networking On World Tour. Office Calls Angela To Code Humbly Using PCs, Oh, Not Again! But Apple Junket Invigorated Language-Learning Ideas Of Next Application Program! Regrettably Only Nighttime Yield -- Maybe Someday, Unfettered By Monetary Imperative Seeking Salary, I'll Output New Software. Angela Brett, on returning from a 103 day trip which began with Apple's Worldwide Developers' Conference. At WWDC I found out about several things in the next version of Mac OS X which will be very useful for my next COCOA app, but as I have to go back to my WINDOWS job to replenish my bank account after such a long trip, I won't have much time to actually write the app.
Sports & Recreation:Travel
100% THANK YOUThat 'Happybirthday' Acronym Noted Keenly. Years Overtaking Unbelievably Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR TONY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!
Time:Special Occasions
100% THANK YOU!True, Hearty Appreciation Now! Kindness You Offer: Unexpected! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. THANK YOU! Angela Brett for both of your VERY ENCOURAGING e-mails. THANK YOU! to all of the APRONYMISTS who continually engage my mind in new, unexpected ways.
100% THANK YOU VERY MUCHThis Here Acknowledgement Notes Kindness You Offered Unbidden. Valiantly-Earned Remarks You Might Uneasily Call 'Hokum' Tony McCoy O'Grady (Many people indicate that gratitude is unnecessary, or overstated)
People & Relationships
93% THAT'S CHILDISHTry Having Adult Thoughts, Such Completely Half-baked Ideas Lack Development, I Suggest Helpfully Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Advice
87% THAT'S NOT FUNNYThis (is) Horrid And Thoroughly Superfluous. Never Offer Thoughts Founded Upon Nasty Notions (of) Yours Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
100% THEThat Hitherto Explained... Angela Brett
100% THE ACRONYMISTS' CHARTERTake Heed Everyone And Carefully Read Our Necessary Yardstick Manifesto (Imaginary Sometimes - Theoretical Sometimes) Contained Herein Are Rules That Everybody Recognises Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the set of imaginary rules described at http://www.co.nz/cgi/forums/list.cgi?id=acronyms&user=&session=&root=1006583985
Communication:Acronyms Forums
100% THE ACRONYM TIMESThis Habitual Email Announces Creative Ramblings Of Nutters. Your Masterpiece Titillates Intelligent Minds Everywhere, Supposedly. Angela Brett, as a subject for an email about the latest acronyms.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% THE ACRONYM TIMES (2)This Here Epistle Always Contains Recently Originated Novelties. You Might Try Inventing More Examples Soon. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
94% THE ACRONYM TIMES (3)This Has Every Aide-memoire Chosen Recently; Obviously Now Your Mnemonic Tally Increases Making Effort Successful Rico Leffanta
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% THE ACRONYM TIMES (4)To Help Erudition, Angela Considers Reasonable Offerings; Now You Must Try Initiating More Estimable Suppositions Rico Leffanta
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% THE ACRONYM TIMES (5)Tony Has Expectations Angela'll Challenge Rico Over Nonsense. You're Meant To Indicate "Make Expansions Sensible". Tony McCoy O'Grady, in a reply to an issue of THE ACRONYM TIMES which featured an acronym of Rico's which didn't seem to make sense.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% THE ACRONYM TIMES (6)Take Heed Everyone And Carefully Read Our New Year Message That Itemises Many Extraordinary 'Spansions Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% THE ACRONYM TIMES (7)Take Heed Everybody, As Calendar Rolls Over Newyear, You're Meant To Invent More Expansions, Surely? Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% THE ACRONYM TIMEZONESTony Has Experienced Altered Chronological Rhythm. On NZST You Might Travel Inter-Meridian, Entering Zone Of Nearly Earliest Sunrise. Angela Brett, when Tony complained that the acronym forums (http://www.co.nz/cgi/forums/start.cgi?id=acronyms) said he'd posted something in NZST, when he only does things in BST or GMT.
Communication:Acronyms Forums
91% THEAETETUSThe Hallowed Euclid Acknowledged (his) Educated Thesis, Examining Two Unusual Shapes. Angela Brett (Theaetetus - try saying that six times fast - was the first to study octahedrons and icosahedrons.)
100% THE AFRICAN QUEENTragic Humphrey Encounters A Fearsome River In Crossing Africa. Notable Qualities Ultimately Exposed - Everybody's Noble. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THE AMAZING IRISH SINGING FROGThis Happy Electronic Amphibian Masterfully Adds Zest In Novel Gift I Received. I Smiled, Hearing Singing - Including Name Given. Ingeneous Numbercrunching Generates Forté Ribbits Of Goodwill. Angela Brett and Dustan Dowsing, describing a HyperCard stack featuring an amazing Irish singing frog which Tony made for Angela on her birthday.
Time:Special Occasions
100% THE APRONYMS TIMESTony Has Engineered 'A Propos' Reference Onto Name, Your Meaning (Shorter) Thus Imitates Meaning (Expanded) Somehow. Angela Brett
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
100% THE APRONYMS TIMES (2)Tony Has Engineered 'A Propos' Reference Onto Name, Your Meaning Shouldn't Turn Into Muck Expansion->Skeleton Angela Brett
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
100% THE APRONYM TIMESTargeting Humans Enjoying Apronyms: Publicly Revealing Original Nomenclature You May Think Is Mightily Effective - Semimonthly! Gavin Lambert, when the ACRONYMS website was renamed APRONYMS in order to be more specific, and THE ACRONYM TIMES needed a new name too.
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
100% THE ARGUSTravelling Harbors Excursion Adventures, Results Growth, Unusual Ship Jan Morgan - Boy Scout Adventure Camp to sail 100 year old ship
Sports & Recreation:Scouts
100% THEATERThis House Exposes Audiencde To Excellent Repertoire Tony McCoy O'Grady
92% THEATER OF WARTool Holding Exciting Archive That Enables Researchers Obtain (From Web-based Application) Results Tony McCoy O'Grady (see DETECTIVE)
Computers:Internet:VA Data Acquisition
100% THEATREThe Hospital's Experts Amputate Threatened / Ruined Extremeties Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THE BASTARDThrough His Elevation Becomes A Swaggering Tartar - Afterwards Rouses Defenders Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's King John
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:King John
100% THE BEST FEELINGTrue Happiness Evoke Brilliant Emotional Stability - To Feel ExceptionallY Elevated, Lingering In Nice Glow Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Emotions
100% THE BIBLETruly Heaven Exists, Because In Book Lies Evidence Angela Brett
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% THE BIBLE (2)Truly Heaven's Exit, Because In Book, Lies Evident Angela Brett, to go with THE BIBLE
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% THE BIG GOOSE AT WAWAThis Here Exceptionally Big, Interesting Goose Gets Only One Spot, Enticing Attentive Tourists. What A Wonderful Area! Patricia Rix (Wawa is the town in NW Ontario where the road turns to take you to the West. The Canada Goose statue is made of small metal plates.)
100% THE BIG NICKEL AT SUDBURYTake Heed Everyone: Besides Its Gigantic Nickel, It's Common Knowledge Evenings Lately At Times Seem Unusually Dull, But Underground Rocks! Yes! Patricia Rix (Sudbury is a mining city in the North which besides the big nickel, the underground mine tours and the country song "Sudbury Saturday Night" by Stompin' Tom Connors, boasts a fantastic hands-on science museum with a seismograph and also an underground lab for capturing and studying neutrinos.)
100% THE BIRDSTypical Hitchcock Enterprise Brings Intense, Remarkably Directed Scenes. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THE BOY WHO LIVEDTiny Harry's Event, Boggle Of Yesterday, When He's Obviously Loved, Invites Victory, Ends Disaster Jan Morgan -- Harry Potter phrase
Art & Literature:Fictional Characters:Harry Potter
100% THE BYE-LAWTake Heed - Exclude Believing Yourself Exempt :- Law Applies Whenever! Tony, when Angela mentioned some already expanded apronyms on the forums, to which the rule that IF YOU PUT A WORD IN CAPS YOU MUST ACRONYMISE IT applies, unless we have a new rule, or bye-law. Maybe - just maybe - we could allow that if one provides pointers to already created expansions one could be deemed to be compliant.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% THE CLASSROOMTeacher Has Evident Control - Learners Assemble, Some Studying Regularly, Others Openly Messing Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THE CORRSThose Heavenly Earthlings - Champions Of Rock & Roll Siblings Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THE CORRS (2)The Have Excellently Crooned Outside Regular Recording Studios Angela Brett, who has a recording of The Corrs singing live and thinks it sounds just as good as their studio recordings.
91% THE CRANBERRIES TRADERSTimbre Has Enchanting Characteristics, Ridiculous-thinkers Await New Bootlegs Eagerly & Really Rare Items are Expensive - Singles, Too, Require Ample Dough, Especially Rarer Songs. Angela Brett - Ridiculous-thinkers is a reference to the people on the Ridiculous Thoughts mailing list, a discussion/trading list about the Irish band The Cranberries.
100% THE DOG HATES THE CATThey Have Enmities Developed Over Generations, Huge Antipathies That Exceed Specification - They Have Eternally Chased And Tumbled TMcCO'G
100% THE ENSIGNTruths Here Emerges, Enriching Nourishment Surely Is Good News Jan Morgan -- Magazine for LDS adults
100% THE FRIENDTruths Heard Engaged For Reading In, Enriching News Daily Jan Morgan - Magazine for LDS children
100% THE GAMBIAThey Heavily Export Groundnuts - And Most Business Is Agricultural. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THE GAMETeenage Hookers Erotically Garbed Await Mens' Enquiries Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
93% THE GATES OF HELLTypical Horrid Evildoer, Generally A Terrifying Extortioner. Sickened On Finding His Explorer (is) Little Liked Tony McCoy O'Grady
MacGirl & KeyBoard:Supervillains
100% THE GRAPES OF WRATHTruly Historic Epic. Graphic Representation As Poverty Erodes Spirit Of Farm Workers Reduced - Absolutely - To Hunger. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THE GREAT ESCAPETunnels Headed Everywhere. Germans, Ridiculed, Eventually Arrange That Eccentric Steve Couldn't Achieve Perfect Escape. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THE HOBBITThe Hopelessly Egotistical Hoary Old Bilbo Baggins's Ingenious Tale Carl Brett
Art & Literature:Book Titles
Art & Literature:The Lord of the Rings
100% THEISTTrusts Heaven-Eternal Is Surely There Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THE LAST UNICORNTurned Human, Experienced Love, And She Tackled Unchallenged Nemesis. Innumerable Captive Others Released Next. Angela Brett
100% THE LORD OF THE RINGSTravellers Have Escapades! Look Out, Ringbearer - Danger Often Faces Those Heading East. Remaining Innocently Noble Guarantees Success. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Book Titles
Art & Literature:The Lord of the Rings
100% THE LORD OF THE RINGS (2)Tale Has Extremely Long Opening; Rapidly Develops Once Frodo, The Hero, Enters Rivendell. Is Notoriously Grandiose Saga. Patricia Rix
Art & Literature:Book Titles
Art & Literature:The Lord of the Rings
100% THE MAD IRISHMANTony Has Eccentric Methods And Does Ingeneous Reptile Impersonations - Singing Happybirthday & Mentioning Angela's Name. Angela Brett and Dustan Dowsing (see THE AMAZING IRISH SINGING FROG) The Mad Irishman, or TMI, is a term coined by TOO (The Other One, a.k.a Angela's sister) often used to refer to Tony.
100% THE MASTER'S TOUCHTo Have Edifying Moral Advantages. So Talented. Engages Reliabe Savior's Trust Of Understanding Choices, Hopeful Jan Morgan -- the poem which reminds us: The worth of a soul is great by the touch of the masters hand
Art & Literature
100% THEME PARKThese Have Entertained Many Escapists, Particularly Adults Reliving Kiddiehood Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THE NEW ERATruths Heard Emerges News, Enriches With Eagerness Reaching Adolescents Jan Morgan -- magazine for LDS Teens
100% THEN WHAT?Total Headrest Ensues. Not What Horny Angela Thought! Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Angela mentioned that she wanted to finish an email and get to bed before midnight, but she only had 9 minutes left - Tony said "Don't worry, the hero always arrives just before the clock on the bomb has ticked down to zero. Expect a tall dark stranger to burst into your room any minute now." To which Angela replied "And whisk me to bed in the nick of time? Then what?!" so Tony responded with this acronym.
Assorted Phrases
100% THE OLYMPICSTheir Historic Events, Old Legacy Yields Memories, Plays In Contest Sports Jan Morgan
Sports & Recreation
100% THEOREMTruth Here Established Of Reusable Entities Mathematical Samuel C. Perhaps ‘elements’ over ‘entities’.
100% THEORYTony's Heir Emulates Oldman's Rowdy Yappings Jeff Anonymous and Angela Brett, theorising on TRICKERTREAT's identity.
Communication:Acronyms Forums:Mystery Posters
100% THEORY (2)Treating How Everything's Organised & Related, Yeas? Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THE PLANTake Heed Embrace Purposeful Life, A Necessity Jan Morgan -- Name of a music CD of The Osmonds
100% THE RAPISTTelling Him Everything Regarding A Painful Incident's Superfluous Torture. Angela Brett, to contrast THERAPIST
People & Relationships:Law & Order:Criminals
100% THERAPISTTelling H(im/er) Everything Regarding A Painful Incident Subdues Trauma Tony McCoy O'Grady
Science:Biology:Healthcare:Healthcare Occupations
100% THERAPYThe 'Healing' Equals Reliving A Painful Youth Angela Brett
94% THE REAL SANTA CLAUSThe Happy Elves Registered Employer, A Loaded Sleigh, A Night Travelling Across Clouds, Loads All Up-hung Stockings ?
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
93% THERE IS NO SPOON"They" Have Everything Replicated Electronically, It Seems. Nothing's Objective - Some Program's Operating Our Non-existence TMcCO'G, referring to the quote from the movie 'The Matrix'
100% THERSITESThinks Harlot Essentially Responsible, She Initiated The Entire Siege Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Troilus and Cressida
82% THESAURUSThe Handy Encyclopaedia of Synonyms Acronymisers Use Religiously in Unusual Situations. Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay
100% THESAURUS (2)To Help Expansion Setters - A Useful Resource - Use Studiously. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Words & Wordplay
100% THESAURUS (3)Tony Has Exceptional Skills, And Uses Reference Utility Sometimes. Angela Brett
Words & Wordplay
100% THESEUSThinks Hippolyta Extra Special - Eventually Union Succeeds Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:A Midsummer Night's Dream
100% THESEUS (2)Thinks He Evidently Should Execute Unsuccessful Suitor Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's (and/or John Fletcher's) The Two Noble Kinsmen
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Two Noble Kinsmen
100% THE SIMSTry Humorous Experiments. Simulated Individuals Manufacture Statistics. Sean Lamb
100% THE SIMS (2)Ten Houses? Extremely Small If Many Sims! SeaHen
100% THE SIMS (3)Try Having Every Sim In Motion Simultaneously! In The Sims, time passes only for one household at a time
100% THESISTake Heed! Everything Stated Is Stolen. Roger Williams
Art & Literature
94% THE SOUND OF MUSICThis Had Emetic Scenes. One Utterly Nerve-Deadeningly Offensive Film Made Use (of) Singing, Irritating, Children. Tony McCoy O'Grady
93% THESSALONIANSTake Heart. Existent Sufferings Surely Are Limited. Only Never Indulge Anxious, Non-useful Speculation. Sue Johnson
Religion:Bible books
89% THE STINGTriple-crossing Heroes Execute Scheme That Involves Nasty Guys. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THE SUNTitillating Headlines, Excessive Sport, Unnecessary Nudity. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% THE TITLEThe Handling Element That Intrinsicly, Tersely, Laughlingly Encapsulates. Tony McCoy O'Grady, during a discussion of the title of this stack.
100% THE ULTIMATE ACRONYMThe Highest Expansion Uses Large Talent - I'll Make A Toast, Every Acronym Creator Rejoice! Our Newest Yield's Magnificent! Angela Brett, when Tony used 'The Ultimate Acronym' as the subject line of an email announcing that he and Patricia had thought of an acronym for EVERY WORD IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% THEULTIMATENONVIOLENTMANTested Humanly: Evidence Undeniable! Life -Trouncing Insidiously Murdering: Against! Test Evidence: New Opportunities: Nullify Violence. Is Obvious! Life Exists New! Trusting Man Almighty Now! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
People & Relationships
94% THE WAY THINGS ARETo Have an Easier World And Yet To Have Interesting New Glitches Shows A Reasoning Error Angela Brett
Assorted Phrases
86% THE WHOTrashed Hotels. Eventually Walloped by Heroin Overdose. Eric Bridgstock
100% THE WHOLE SHEBANGTerribly Huge Expansion: Worldly Hours Of Liquiditity Expunged Simply. Horrible Expansion Be Alliterative, Nice, Good. Jeff Anonymous, referring to the forum thread at http://www.co.nz/cgi/forums/list.cgi?id=acronyms&user=&session=&root=984136095
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
Communication:Acronyms Forums

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