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Loose apronyms:
Perfect Apronyms OnlyAll Apronyms
100% ABBAAgnate Biblically Begat Adam Angela Brett
100% A B CEE DEES OF LIFE!Almighty Beautiful Craft: Earth. Eve: Devil's/Deception Eatingly Entertained. Sinners Offered Forgiveness. Life/Love/Law Intact Forever. Emmanuel! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% ABELAdam's Boy, Eve's Lad Angela Brett
Names:First names:Male
100% ABEL (2)A Briefly Experienced Life Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Male
91% ADAM AND EVEA Deity's Accident... Men Are Not Deliberately Evolved. Viva la Eva! Angela Brett
100% ADAM AND EVE (2)Apple Devoured. Absurd Mistake - Attempting Nugatory Deception. Edict: Vacate Eden! Roger Williams
100% ADOPTEDAngel Dancing On Pin Turning Either Direction Rico Leffanta, referring to that very Catholic question: "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?" If you are adopted (and are, one presumes, angelic) you must dance according to the direction of your new parents - whatever direction that may be, or fall from the only thing stable in your life...
People & Relationships:Family
100% A FASTAll Feasts Are Stopped Today Jan Morgan - see FASTING
Food & Drink
100% AGNOSTICA God's Not Observable, So Truth Isn't Certain Angela Brett
100% AGNOSTIC (2)As God's Not Obviously Shown, This Individual's Cynical Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ALTARA Little Table Attracts Reverence Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ANGELA Near-Godly-Existence Lifeforce Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ANGEL (2)Always Near God's Everlasting Love Yru Redhead
100% ANIMISMAny Natural Item May Invoke Spiritual Manifestation Rico Leffanta
97% ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISMA Non-church Theory Intensely Discussed In Social Elements: Stating That Any Belief Linked Into Statehood Has Much Enormous Negativity - That Any Religion Is A Nationalised Institution Shouldn't Materialise Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ANUBISAncient Netherworld-Underworld Being Is Supreme Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Death
100% APOCALYPSEAwesome Propounding Of Cataclysm Awaiting Lets You Ponder Supreme Eternity Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Disaster
100% APOSTLEA Person Once Selected To Lead Eucharist Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% APPLE (5)Adam -- Please Partake. Love, Eve Roger Williams
83% APPLE (8)Actual Plant Product Linked to Eden Roger Williams
Food & Drink
91% ARMAGEDDONA Raging, Metaphysical Altercation - Good & Evil Destroy Delicate Order of Nature? Angela Brett
100% ARMAGEDDON (2)Anxiously Reading Magazine About Goddesses, Engineering Doomsday Decorations On Nebulae. Angela Brett, to accompany a short story she's writing. If you really want to read the story, email and ask for it.
100% ARTICLES OF FAITHAims Religiously Taken In Careful Learning, Educated Sole Objectives For Faith Aiming In Truths, Hope Jan Morgan - 13 points of what the LDS people believe
100% ATHEISMAll That Has Existed Is Strictly Mechanistic Angela Brett
100% ATHEISTA True Heathen's Existence Is Sans Theology Angela Brett
100% ATHEIST (3)All Those "Hereafter Exists" Ideas - Silly Twaddle! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% ATHEIST (4)Anybody That Has Ever Investigated Scientific Theory? Angela Brett, after a friend said that because some articles in NEW SCIENTIST magazine are about evolution, everyone who has ever written for the magazine must be an atheist.
100% ATHEIST (5)A Theistic Hypothesis Existed In Simpler Times Angela Brett
100% ATHEISTICAll The Hard Evidence Implies Scientific Theory Is Correct Angela Brett
100% ATHEISTIC (2)Apronym Touting Heavenly Entity Is Somewhat Tongue-In-Cheek? Angela Brett
100% ATHEISTIC (3)All Those Hapless Evangelists Insist Sticking To Initial Conjecture Angela Brett
100% AZYMOUSApparently Zero Yeast Meliorates Our Unleavened Sacrifice Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
67% BABelief-system: Ancient Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BABELBrought About (Biblically) Every Language Angela Brett
100% BAHBorn Again Heathen Used when some streets evangelist asks me if I am a believer or they try to press a pamphlet in my hand. It usually draws them back & I can make my escape. Dave Buhmann
100% BETHLEHEMBirth's Exceptional, The Heralds Laud & Extol. He's Evidently Messiah Tony McCoy O'Grady
Places:Towns & Cities
100% BIBLEBooks Inside Book, Lasting Evangelism Angela Brett
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% BIBLE (2)Believers Instruction Book - Life Encompassing Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% BIBLE (3)Basic Instruction By Life's Engenderer George Rix
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% BIBLE (4)Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth Jide Alakija, Read the bible everyday and it just suddenly clicked one day what the bible meant to me.
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% BIBLE (5)Because It Brings Light Eternal Jan Morgan
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% BIBLE (6)Because It's Believed, Learn Extensively Jan Morgan
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% BIBLE (7)Best Ideas Build Loving Eternity Jan Morgan
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% BIG GOAL: LEAP!Believe In God. God Obey. Advance Love. Love / Encourage / Affirm People! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% B IS FOR BABird Identifies Soul For Old Religion's Believing Adherents. Tony McCoy O'Grady (see C IS FOR CAATINGA)
86% BISHOPBigwig Is Supposed to Hear & Obey Pope Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BLESSEDBeing Loved Especially Should Secure Eventual Deification Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BLESTBenevolent Lord Extends Special Treatment Saint Tony McCoy O'Grady, who hopes that Blest [as searched for on the Acronyms website] is not a Pokemon character, but the older spelling of Blessed.
100% BOOK OF MORMONBasic Objective Of Keystone, Original Features, Memories Of Residents, Migrates Over Nation Jan Morgan - History Lessons
Art & Literature:Book Titles
100% BREAD OF LIFEBuy Regularly, Eat And Die Or Follow Love's Inspiration For Eternity Rico Leffanta
100% CALVARYChrist At Last Validated And Respectfully Yielded Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CATHOLICConcerned About The Holiest Of Liturgies In Churches Tony McCoy O'Cardinal
100% CELESTIAL GLORYChallenging Everyones Life Exam, Standards Testing In Applicable Living Great Love Of Radiant Yearnings Jan Morgan
100% CELTS (2)Christians Extinguished Local Theology, Sadly. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Nationalities & Races
100% CHANTChorus Hollering, And Nobody's There Rico Leffanta
100% CHARISMACharlatan Has A Roguish Innocence, Seducing Moronic Audience Tony McCoy O'Grady - TV preachers are often described as 'Charismatic'.
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% CHERUBSChubby Harpist Ecstatically Rapturous, Usually Boys Seemingly Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CHOOSE THE RIGHTChildren Hereby Offers Own Solutions Eternally, To Heaven Eventually, Raising Individual Goodness Highly Triumphant Jan Morgan
100% CHRISTCertainly His Resurrection Is Supreme Truth Tony McCoy O'Grady
90% CHRISTIANCatholics Have Religious Icon... Saviour That Invoked Angels at Nativity. Angela Brett
90% CHRISTIAN (2)Creation Hypothesis is Right... Ignore Signs That Indicate Another Notion Angela Brett
86% CHURCHCommunity House Usually Reserved (for) Christian Happenings Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% COMMUNIONChristians Offer Messiah Morsels... Ultimately Not Innards Of Nazarene Angela Brett
100% COMPASSIONATE SERVICEComforts Others, Many People Are Seeing Service In Our Needs And Trials Endured. Sees Every Responsibility, Vital In Caring, Everyone Jan Morgan
100% CONFESSIONALCatholic Or Not, 'Fess Even Small Sins In Our Now Audioproof Locker Jeff Anonymous
100% CONSECRATIONComplete Obedience Necessary, Sacred Efficacious, Concentrated Righteous Attributes To Initiate One's Nirvana Jan Morgan
100% CONTROL DESTINYConscious Or Not, The Reality Of Life's Deterministic... Everything's Sums, Trajectories, Integrals, 'Ncluding You! Angela Brett
88% CONVERTChange One's Neighbour's Vision (by) Extensive Religious Teaching Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CONVERTING PAGANSChristians Overthrow Native Views, Existing Religious Teaching's Implicitly No Good, Presumed 'Actual' God's A Necessary Substitute. Angela Brett
100% CRIMINALS: GET WEALTH, POWER, FAME!Criminals Repent: Invest Mind/Money In Nurturing Altruism/Achievements, Living Sacrificially. Get Eternal Treasure. Wealth Earned Assures Life's/Lasting/Luxe: True Happiness. Power: Omnipotent's Wonderful Encouragement Receive. Fame: Almighty's Measureless Empathy! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. The Organising Principles of Expansion: 1. Each Word of Apronym Expands to one sentence. 2. Each Word of Apronym is the Expansion of its Initial in the APRONYM. These contraints strengthen the APRONYM, because the expansion is more predictable. I like that.
People & Relationships:Law & Order
People & Relationships:Advice
100% CROSSCruciform Reminder Of Suffering Saviour Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CULTCommunity Usually Lacking Theology Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CURSEDCompletely Uncouth Ruffian Swore, Execrating Deity! TMcCO'G
100% DAVIDDid A Valiant 'Impossible' Deed Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Male
89% DECEMBER (3)Definite Enlightenment Comes, Ensuring Messiah's Birth is Enthusiastically Remembered. Dustan Dowsing
100% DEITYDoesn't Exist; It's Truly Yourself Angela Brett
100% DEITY (2)Designer Evolution: Image Toward Yahweh Angela Brett
86% DELPHIDouble-talking Eminence Left People Half-Informed. Tony McCoy O'Grady... the oracle at Delphi never gave plain prophesies, they were always open to at least two interpretations.
Places:Towns & Cities
100% DEVILDemonic, Evil Villain Is Lucifer Angela Brett
100% DEVIL (2)Doesn't Enjoy Virtue In Life Angela Brett
100% DOCTRINE AND COVENANTSDoes Offer Collective Truths, Religious Ideas, Necessary Examination, Always Near Decisions Can Offer Vital Enlightenment, Nourishment As Needed To Searcher Jan Morgan - Latter Day Saints important recorded doctrine
100% ENDURE TO THE ENDEternal Nature Deems Unusual Righteous Endurance. Today Or Tomorrow's Heavenly Earth Eventually Negotiates Divinity Jan Morgan
100% ENDURE TO THE END (2)Every Nurtured Dealings Usually Rely Endlessly Towards Our Truth Healing End. Eternity Never Dies Jan Morgan
100% EPIPHANYExternal Presentation - It Possibly Happened Around New Year Tony McCoy O'Grady - The Christian celebration of "The Epiphany" recalls the visit of 'The Magi' to the new-born Saviour - His first presentaiton to non-Jewish people, it is celebrated on January 6th
Time:Special Occasions
100% FAITHFeeling As If There's Heaven Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Female
100% FAITH (2)Full Assurance. Invisible = Trusted Hope! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Reference: Hebrew 11:1.
100% FAITH (3)Fantastic Adventures In Trusting HIM CJ
100% FAITHFULFacts: Almighty = Individuals' Trust! Hebrews 11. Fulfilled Unseen's Love/Law! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% FAITHFUL (2)Faithful Accept Infinite's Truth! Hold Fully Unlimited Love! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% FASTINGFeasts Are Stopped To Interprete Neccessary Glimpses Jan Morgan - a prayerful fast helps you make important decisions and can help in crisis situations like illnesses
Food & Drink
100% FEMALE (2)From Eden; Makes Adam Largely Excited Ian Rywalt
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
89% FENG SHUIFar Eastern New-age Guidance; Should Have Uncluttered Interior Eric Bridgstock
100% FENG SHUI (2)Fashionable Energy Nurturing. Get Some Help Understanding It. Eric Bridgstock
89% FENG SHUI (3)Fixes Energy Negatives. Gets Shot of Harmful Unwanted Items Eric Bridgstock
100% GARDEN OF EDENGobbling Apple Revealed Dear Eve's Nakedness... One Figleaf Enhanced Decency Enough? No! Angela Brett
100% GARDEN OF EDEN (2)Gained A Rich Domain, Evil Negotiates Offense, Failed Experimental Decree Exiles Newlyweds Jan Morgan
100% GEEKS (3)God's Electronic - Every Kilobyte's Sacred Angela Brett
People & Relationships
100% GENERAL CONFERENCEGives Extraordinary Navigation, Exceptional Resolve Acknowledged, Listening Covers Our Needs For Eternity, Reports Effect Noteworthy Concerns, Endeavors Jan Morgan -- world wide meeting of LDS church that delivers counsel to its members
Time:Special Occasions
100% GLORYGod's Love Often Revives You Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GODGreat Omniscient Deity Angela Brett
100% GOD (2)Great Omnipotent Deity Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GOD (3)General Overall Deity Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% GOD (4)Great Omnipresent Deity Angela Brett
100% GOD (5)Goliath's, Or Davids? Angela Brett... A lot of people seem to fight each other because they believe in different gods - the Old Testament is littered with stories of God helping the Israelites defeat their enemies. I wonder how bible stories would read if told by the other side.
100% GOD (6)Generous, Or Destructive? Angela Brett - some churches (at least Reverend Lovejoy's one on The Simpsons!) lean towards the idea that if we don't do exactly what God says we'll all burn in hell. Others describe a more benevolent God.
100% GOD (7)Gender's Often Debated Angela Brett - Most texts refer to God as 'He' although there are jokes about God being female and logically (if logic even applies to gods) God is neither.
People & Relationships:Genderalisations
100% GOD (8)Guess One's Desires Angela Brett (there are so many arguments and no direct ways of finding out what a god might want us to do.)
100% GOD (9)Gestalt Of Devotees Angela Brett
100% GOD (10)Greets Our Dead Angela Brett
100% GOD (11)Goodness On Demand Angela Brett
100% GOD (12)Giver, Observer, Destroyer. Angela Brett
100% GOD (13)Generated Our Domain Angela Brett
100% GOD IS GOODGenerator Of Divine Inspiration Should Get Our Ongoing Devotion Angela Brett
100% GOD LOVES YOU VERY MUCHGreat One Doesn't Look On Viciously, Expecting Something You're Obviously Unable. Vices Embraced... Remember Your Most Unsaintly Characteristic -- Humanity! Angela Brett (If God loves me very much, He wouldn't send me to HELL whatever petty evil I were involved in... and certainly not for simply being imperfect.)
100% GODS (3)Glut Of Different Sorts Angela Brett
100% GODS (4)Glut Of Denominational Schisms Angela Brett
86% GO FORTH AND MULTIPLY!God Ordered Freedom Of Related Twos Habitating Ark. Noah Decided to Make Use of Lovemaking To Increase Population of Live Young. Angela Brett
78% GOLIATHGiant Offed by Little Inferior Aiming for The Head. Angela Brett
100% GOSPELGiving Orders So People Expect Love Rico Leffanta
100% GOSPEL (2)God's Own Scriptural Prospective, Eternally Learning Jan Morgan
94% GOSPEL PRINCIPLESGlory Of Salvation, Purpose Eternal Living, Pertinently Relevent In Natural Concepts Into Progressing Lives (for) Eternal Salvation Jan Morgan
100% GO TO HELLGoing On Tour Of Hades, Enduring Lucifer's Location Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
100% GRACEGod Regularly Advances Considerable Encouragement Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:First names:Female
100% GUARDIAN ANGELGod's Unique Agents, Religiously Drawing Individuals Along, Nearer And Nearer Gaining Eternal Life Tony McCoy O'Afterlife
100% GYPSYGreases Your Psychic Secret Yearnings Rico Leffanta
100% HALOHer Angelic Love Observed Rico Leffanta
78% HARPISTHeaven's Angels Required to Play Instrument of Sweet Twanging. Angela Brett, after Tony enquired as to whether Chinese heaven has harpists, when Angela described a Chinese writer mentioning people 'harping around in heaven.'
100% HATINGHumans Attack Those Idolising Neighbouring Gods Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Emotions
Military:War & Terrorism
100% HEAVENHighly Ecclesiastical Angelic Vista - Eternal Nirvana Angela Brett (the Angelic one ;^)
100% HEAVEN (2)Hyperdevelopment: Emmanuel Almighty - Virgin Energises Newborn! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% HEAVENLY FANTASYHaving Experienced A Vision Eternal, Never Let Yourself Forget And Not Try Again Seeing Yahweh Tony McCoy O'Gradyoga
93% HEAVENLY FATHERHis Endearing Answers, Voice Eternal Never-ending Love Yous. Faith Answers True Heartfelt Enlightened Response. Jan Morgan
100% HELLHot Environment, Lucifer's Location Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% HIMHoly Immortal Mightiness Tony, in response to the capitalised 'HIM' in FAITH (3)
100% HOLY GRAILHallowed Object Long Years Gone - Remotely Accessible In Legend Tony McCoy O'Grady
93% I AM A CHILD OF GODIdentity About Me, Absolutely Coming Home In Last Days (to) Omnipotent Father, Great One Divine Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Family

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