Alphabetically Challenged? Ready Or Not, You're Making Some.
The ACRONYMS HyperCard stack was the first way we published our acronyms -- before this website, and before they were called apronyms. You can read about how the stack came about here.
The stack and the acronyms in it have changed a lot since the first release, which contained only 1385 acronyms. You can find out how the stack has changed here or just download update lists to get the latest acronyms into an older version of the stack.
If you don't already have a copy of the stack, you can download version 3.4 from here. The download is 2.5MB, which includes:
- Most of the acronyms - you will not need to download any update lists until the next version comes out.
- Tony's acronymising tips
- An acronymic description of how the stack came to be
- A graph of the distribution of acronyms over alphabet letters
- The ability to create web pages much like those on this site - with the acronyms organised into alphabetical listings, categories, your own customised tours, or lists of acronyms by particular acronymists. You can also create hall of fame and graph web pages. Until not too long ago, all of those pages on this website were created by the stack.
- The ability to search for related acronyms just by clicking on a word in an expansion or credit.
- The ability to add your own acronyms, and export them to text files to submit to this website if you choose to share them.
ACRONYMS runs on Mac OS 7.1 to 9.2, or in the Classic Environment in Mac OS X. You will also need HyperCard (version 2.3 or later) or the free HyperCard Player from Apple.
If you use Mac OS X, try the OSX application instead.
If you don't have a Mac, or if you want to see what the stack is like before you download it, you can view the acronyms through an online approximation of the stack's interface, commonly known as the online stack.