Last updated 2015-09-28 09:59:10

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Perfect Apronyms OnlyAll Apronyms
100% BUMBLEBEEBusy Useful Mobile Bee Leaves Earth, Big Exclusive Event Jan Morgan
100% BUMMERBig Unpleasantness Makes Me Extremely Regretful Lawrence D'Oliveiro
100% BUNBundled Under Net Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Beauty & Hygiene
100% BUNCHBunnies Usually Never Chase Herds Rico Leffanta
100% BUNNIESBreeding Unstoppably - Not Neatly In Exact Seasons. Angela Brett
100% BURBANKBest Urban Residential Beginnings, A Nice Keepsake Jan Morgan - City in California
Places:Towns & Cities:USA
100% BUREAUCRATBossy Underling Really Enjoys Antagonising Urbane Customers Rarely Apologises Tactfully Rico Leffanta
92% BURKINA FASOBecause (of) Unreliable Rainfall Kiboshes Its National Agriculture, Famine And Starvation Occur. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BURMABrutal Undemocratic Repressive Military Authority. Tony McCoy O'Grady
90% BURNED OUTBroken, Used, Really Not Equal (to) Doing One's Usual Tasks Patricia Rix
100% BURNED OUT (2)Beyond Use & Ruined - Now Employee's Defunct One's Usually Terminated Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Adjectives
100% BURN OUTBecome Useless; Requires No Official, Unusual Training Patricia Rix
88% BURNOUTBlackened Unpopular Residual Notation. Overuse of User's Terminal Tony McCoy O'Grady
93% BURNT TO A CRISPBlistering Uninhibited Rays Neatly Toast The Outer Area of Coverless Rump - Isn't Sunscreen Protected Angela Brett
Assorted Phrases
93% BURNT TO A CRISP (2)Becoming Unbearably Red, Now Taking Ti-tree Oil And Craving Relief In Skin Pigmentation. Angela Brett and Dustan Dowsing
Assorted Phrases
100% BURUNDIBelgium Used Rule Until Nation Declared Independence. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% BUSBackbreakingly Uncomfortable Sleep Dustan Dowsing, after having a sleep on an INTERCITY BUS and finding it had left him with, among other things, a pain in the neck.
100% BUS (2)Big... Umpteen Seats Angela Brett
100% BUS (3)Brought Us Southward Angela Brett, after going from Auckland to Palmerston North in one.
100% BUSHBombs Upon Saddam Hussein Elf Qrin
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% BUSH (2)Big United States Honcho Tony McCoy O'Grady
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% BUSH (3)Bloodthirsty United States Head Angela Brett (substitute whichever B-adjective or Bad-ejective you like in there.)
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% BUSH (4)Best Underdog Succeeds Honors Jan Morgan
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% BUSH (5)Boy Unmasking Stark Hubris Kenneth T. Davis
Names:Famous people:Politicians
100% BUSINESSBest Understood Solution If Nothing Else Satisfies Simply Iniyan G
100% BUSINESS OF POLICE PROTECTIONBecause Unpaid Security Is Not Effective, Somebody Should Offer (For Pay) Officer Left In Charge, Exclusively Premises Requested Of The Employer's Client. This Is Ordinary Nowadays. Angela Brett
People & Relationships:Law & Order
100% BUTCHBabe Union Threatening Cats Howling Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% BUTLER'Bottler' Used To Logically Entitle Retainer Tony McCoy O'Grady - The word "Butler" is a corruption of "bottler" - the member of staff who looked after his employer's wine-cellar.
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Occupations
100% BUTTBelongs Under Tosser's Tush! Patricia Rix (I hate the way smokers treat the whole world as their ashtray)
100% BUTTERFINGERSBoys Usually Try To Explore Romance Flirting Innocently Nice Girls Eventually Respond Senselessly Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% BUTTERFLYBeautiful Unreal Thing That Erratically, Romantically Flutteringly Lightheartens You Tony McCoy O'Grady (Butterflies definitely 'lighthearten' everyone!)
100% BUTTERFREEBeauty Usually Toxic, Twittering Extremities Release Floating Rot. Elevatory Evolution. Angela Brett (Butterfree is Pokemon #12)
Computers:Games:Game Characters:Pokemon
100% BUTTONSBothered User Tries To Overcome Nonsensical Situation TMcCO'G - who would like to be able to press "Submit" without having to scroll the screen.
Computers:Internet:Apronyms Website
93% BUY APPLE SHARESBoast Unbelievable Yearly Appreciation... Products Propagate Lots of Equity, Stock Has Already Risen Extraordinarily Sharply. Angela Brett, when Dustan's mother expressed interest in buying Apple shares.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% BYE FOR NOWBecause You're Especially Forlorn Over Retreating, Never Overemphasize Withdrawals Sean Lamb
Communication:Hello & Goodbye
100% BYLINEBy Your Leave I Need Exposure! Rico Leffanta
100% BYRONBecause You're Really Obviously Nice Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% BYTEBitwise, You Take Eight. Angela Brett
100% BYTE (2)Beware, Your Teeth Electrocuted! Angela Brett
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% BYTE (3)Before Yesteryear's Text Editor Susan S. As a programmer of 30 years, I experienced pre Text Editor programming. It brings a whole new meaning to "plug and play".
89% BY THE WAYBefore You Think He's Ended, Wit Appends Yackety-yak Tony McCoy O'Grady
Assorted Phrases
100% BYZANTIUMBooming Yesteryear Zone - And Now Termed Istanbul Under Musselmen Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CACalculator's 'About' Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the historian's habit of not bothering to calculate the dates of birth or death of historical characters precisely, instead calculating loosely on the lines of Tony McCoy O'Grady 1950 ca., when they were too lazy to check it out.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% CA (2)Clearly Around Rico Leffanta
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
80% CAASCan't Anyone Agree on Something? Credit: Spoof of a project with the same acronym. This expansion better describes how the project is going.
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% CAATINGACovering An Arboreal Tract In Natural Granite Area Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CABContains Autoist Bottom Dustan Dowsing
100% CABBAGECertainly At Best Boiled, Always Gets Eaten Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink
100% CABINETCaring About Business Induces Negative Employer's Threat Dundee
100% CABINET (2)Collectivity Assures Blame Is Never Effectively Tackled Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CABIRCells Affected By Internet Rage Sean Lamb (Cabir is the name of the first worm to infect cell phones)
100% CABIR (2)Creating Another Bluetooth Infection Readily Sean Lamb (Cabir is the name of the first worm to infect cell phones via their bluetooth capabilities)
100% CABLECrappy Asyncronous Bandwidth Limited Experience SafT
100% CABLE (2)Connect And Begin Leeching Excessively Angela Brett
100% CABLE (3)Chewing A Bit Lacks Excitement Tony
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% CABLE MODEMCan Anyone Bite Large Exterior? May Obviously Damage Entrails, Ma'am. Jeff Anonymous
Computers:Do Not Eat
100% CACKLECreated Audible Comedic Kinesis... Logically Enough Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CACKLE (2)Children And Counterparts Keep Laughing Endlessly Rico Leffanta
100% CACKLINGChuffed About Carrying Key Lime IBook - Not Gloating! Angela Brett, who still grins/cackles joyously when she thinks about having a KEY LIME IBOOK, and how she came to have it.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
100% CADCowardly And Deceitful Tony McCoy O'Grady
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% CAD (2)Can't Actually Draw Tony McCoy O'Grady (CAD usually stands for Computer Aided Design)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% CADMIUMChemical Apparently Defends Metals In Unfriendly Milieus. Tony McCoy O'Grady
89% CAFFEINECola And Fizz For Extensive Infusion of Nightly Energy MLF
Food & Drink:Drinks
100% CAIROCan Another Incarnation Recruit Others? Sean Lamb (Cairo was Microsoft's code name for Windows NT 4.0, which was supposed to get everyone off the Win9x kernel series)
100% CAITIFFCharacter Always Inclined Toward Inheriting Friend's Fortune Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships
100% CAITLINCan Actually Involve Taking Life's Inconveniences Naturally Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% CAIUS MARCIUSCoriolanus, An Invincible Uptight Soldier, Makes Aufidius Resentful - Crushed In Unsuccessful Siege Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's Coriolanus
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:Coriolanus
100% CAKECooks A Kiss Edible Rico Leffanta, because of a woman who told him the only way she could kiss her sons was to bake them a cake.
Food & Drink
100% CAKE (2)Change, Accountability, Knowledge & Entrepreneurship Tony
People & Relationships:The Workforce:Employee Recognition Program
100% CAKE = TOO REAL PIE!Circumference (Around Kitchen Edible) = Two (One + One) * Radius * (Eating Always Luscious) Pi (Irrational Escape!) Charles H. Montgomery, Jr. Boston Cream Cake: Also (Too) Pie!
Food & Drink
100% CALCIUMCommon And Like Chalk It's, Unusually, Metallic Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CALCULATECosts: Accurately Logged! Counter Unnecessary Longings! Advance Truth Empathetic! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% CALCULATORComplex And Liberating Creation - Users Lose Ability To Orchestrate Ratios Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CALCULATOR (2)Challenged - Arithmetically Love Computing Using Least-Advanced, Typically Onmoney Reckoning! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% CALCULATOR (3)Children Always Love Computing Using Least-Advanced, Typically Onmoney Reckoning! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
100% CALCULATOR (4)Children Always Look Comfortable Using Least-Advanced, Typically Onmoney Reckoning! Charles H. Montgomery, Jr.
80% CALCULUSComplicated Algebraic Logic for Calculating Useful Limits and Undefined Sums Angela Brett
100% CALENDARComplete Annual List, Entaililing Numerous Divisions And Rectangles Matthew Oram
100% CALENDAR (2)Creation Actually Lists Every "Next Day". Annually Replaced. Roger Williams
100% CALIBANCreature Accepts Life Is Brutish And Nasty Tony McCoy O'Grady, referring to the character in Shakespeare's The Tempest
Art & Literature:Shakespearean Plays:The Tempest
100% CALIFORNIAClimate Always Lovely, Is Fruitful Of Rising Newcomers In Arts Jan Morgan
Places:States & Regions
100% CALIFORNIUMClassified Actinide. Lecturers In Fusion Often Refer. Named In University's Memory. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CALL A COPCancel All Laws Limiting Any Christmas Office Party Rico Leffanta
People & Relationships:Law & Order
Time:Special Occasions:Christmas
100% CALL BACKSCompile A Little Log Book About Customers - Keep Secret! Tony McCoy O'MayIHaveFiveMinutesOfYourTimeToDiscussXYZ?
100% CALLING TREECommunication Ala Land Line In Necessary Goings To Reach Everyone Eventually Jan Morgan -- many organizations use this system so one person doesn't have to make 50 or so phone calls
100% CALLIOPECould A Lovely Lady Inspire One Poet's Eloquence? Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends
100% CALMComposed A Lot, Moderate Jan Morgan
People & Relationships:Personality Traits
100% CALORIECannot Allow Living Off Rapturous Impulsive Eating Rico Leffanta
Food & Drink
100% CALORIE (2)Can A Living Organism Release Its Energy? Angela Brett
100% CALUMETCan Anyone Lend Us More Egalitarian Tobacco? Rico Leffanta
100% CALVARYChrist At Last Validated And Respectfully Yielded Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CALVINCan Achieve Little, Vision Is Nil Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% CAMBODIACompletely Appalling - Millions Butchered Or Died In Atrocities. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CAMELCigarettes Affect Many Emphysemic Lungs Tony McCoy O'Grady
83% CAMEL (2)Carrying Amorous Males to Exquisite Ladies Mary Carr
100% CAMELBACKCab's About Middle. Engineer Looks Back And Controls Kettle. Sean Lamb (a camelback locomotive is a steam engine where the control cab is wrapped around the middle of the boiler rather than at the rear end of it; smaller locomotives were also sometimes called 'tea kettles')
88% CAMELOTCourt Arthur Made (into) Exceptional Legend - Or Truth? Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Arthurian Legend
100% CAMELOT (2)Can A Myth Endure, Lingering Over Time? Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Arthurian Legend
100% CAMELOT (3)Could A Mythology Evolve Loosely On Truth? Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Arthurian Legend
100% CAMEOCharming And Magnificently Executed Ornament TMcCO'G
Household Objects:Clothing:Jewellery & Accessories
100% CAMEO (2)Caught Amongst Movie Extras Once TMcCO'G
100% CAMERACapture A Moment - Enlargements Readily Available Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CAMERA (2)Can A Machine Easily Record Activities? Roger Williams
100% CAMERONCaring Adult Manages Educating Rambunctous Observant Novices Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Male
100% CAMEROONCentral African Mountainous Equatorial Region, Offshoot Of Nigeria. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CAMILLAGATECould A Man In Love Leave Another Girl... And The Empire? Angela Brett, referring to the 1993 'Camillagate' scandal involving secretly recorded phone conversations between Prince Charles and Camilla Parker-Bowles.
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% CAMILLE JAVALCan Any Man In Love Leave Early Just As Virgin Accepts Love? Rico Leffanta (Camille Javal is better known as Brigitte Bardot)
Names:Famous people:Actors & Actresses:Little known real names
100% CAMINOCan't Anyone Make Intelligent Naming Options? Rob Rix (they changed Chimera's name to Camino recently. I think there is/was an X-Windows browser called Chimera already out there.)
Computers:Internet:Web browsers
100% CAMLANConflict As Modred Lead Arthur's Nemesis Tony McCoy O'Grady
Art & Literature:Myths & Legends:Arthurian Legend
100% CAMPAIGNCome And Make Protest, Abuse Is Growing Nationwide Tony McCoy O'Grady, in response to this request on the Apronyms Forums: We are forming a new community group to end abuse, we are looking for a catchy acronym using the A for abuse. We don't want to limit ourselves to only family violence, or child abuse. Our purpose is to educate and raise awareness.
People & Relationships:Abuse
88% CAMP FOXCourtesan's A Military Prostitute - Financed Outta X-factor Tony McCoy O'Grady - who just discovered that British service personnel are paid an 'X-factor' to compensate for the disruptions and disadvantages of life in the armed forces..... and thought "what better way for a soldier to spend his X-factor than on a Camp Follower - maybe even a foxy one.
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% CAMPINGCanvas Accommodation Mightn't Persist In Nasty Gale. Angela Brett
Sports & Recreation:Travel
100% CAMPING (2)Create A Mobile Paradise In Nature's Glory TMcCO'G
Sports & Recreation:Travel
100% CAMPUSConveniently Assembled, Many Professors & University Students Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CANADACanucks Are Not Americans! Dammit All! Tony McCoy O'Grady
86% CANCERCan Anyone Not Comprehend? (it's) Entire Rot! Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CANCER (2)Cell Apoptosis? Never! Choke Every Rival. Angela Brett
100% CANCER (3)Cells Attacked, Never Ceasing, Enters Radiation Jan Morgan
100% CANCER (4)Causing Anxiety Neurosis, Capable, Emotional Resolve Jan Morgan -- can be a hypochondriac, but keeps emotions in check
100% CANCER (5)Cancer Avoidance Needs Clever/Comprehensive Educational Resources Tony
100% CANDELACalculating A Non-Dark (Electrically Lit?) Area Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CANDLECylindrical Artifact, Non Dripping, Light Emitting. Tony McCoy O'Grady
Household Objects
100% CANDYChocolates And Nougat Delight You Tony McCoy O'Grady
Food & Drink:Confectionery
100% CANDY (2)Caring Adult Needs Details, Yet Jan Morgan
Names:First names:Female
100% CANDY (3)Cavities Advantage, Never Doubts You Jan Morgan
Food & Drink:Confectionery
85% CAN I HAVE ONE?Could Angela Nab It? Hallowed Apple Vendors Even Offer Not-for-sale Evangelism. Angela Brett, commenting on the many pieces of Apple merchandise (some of which only staff of Apple and AppleCentres should be able to get a hold of) she's managed to acquire for free simply by asking friendly Apple dealers.
Computers:Macintosh & Newton
92% CAN I SMACK YOUCouple Are Newly Into Sado-Masochism & Although Comfortably Kinky, Yet (are) Obviously Understated TMcCO'G
People & Relationships:Love & Lust
100% CANNABISCommon Around Netherlands, Not Accepted By International Society Angela Brett
100% CANNABIS (2)Class A Narcotic? No... A Barely Illegal Substance. Angela Brett
80% CANNES 2000 MOVIE STARSCinema Awards Nailing Names Especially Stars 2 (to) 0 (oh!) 0 (oh!) 0 (oh!) Move Over Venus! I'm Easily Superior To Aphrodite's Regional Success! Rico Leffanta
100% CANNOT FIND SERVERConnectivity Across Network Nodes Often Tangles Files Innocently Named. Decent Security Ever Requires Vigilance, Especially Remotely Sean Lamb
100% CANOECan Anyone Navigate Ocean Ebb? Rico Leffanta
100% CANOE (2)Can A Novice Overturn Easily? Roger Williams
Sports & Recreation
100% CANOE (3)Canada's A Neat Overseas Experience Angela Brett, who spent a fair bit of time in canoes while visiting Canada.
Sports & Recreation
100% CANOE (4)Canada's Apparently National Overwater Experience Rob Rix
Sports & Recreation
100% CANOPYCan Abundant Nylon Overhead Protect You? Tony McCoy O'Grady
Sports & Recreation:Parachuting
100% CAN'T SEECannot Actually Notice Things, Sadly 'Empty' Eyes Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CANVASCreative Artists Need Vacant Art Slates Sean Lamb (most paintings that I've seen are on canvas, after all)
Art & Literature
100% CAPACITIESCupful And Pint And CC, Intended To Itnternationalise Exact Standards Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CAPE VERDEClaimed As Portuguese Earlier. Volcanic. Emerged Republican, Destitution, Emigration. Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CAPIContemptible And Pitiful Interface CAPI = Crypto Application Programming Interface (Microsoft)
Re-expansions of existing acronyms
100% CAPITALChief Among Population's Inhabited Towns Across Landscape Tony McCoy O'Grady
Places:Towns & Cities
94% CAPITALIST COUNTRY Creation of A Product, Intensive Television Advertising, Launch It, Start Taking Cash Off Unwary Nitwits. The Revenue's Yours Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CAPITAL LETTERS PLEASECould All Participants Integrate Their Acronym Lettering. Let's Explain That This Eases Reading. Some People Leave Expansions Abyssmally Sloppily Executed! Tony McCoy O'Grady, when Edwin didn't capitalise the initials in his expansion.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms
100% CAPITOLCongested Area Politicians Inhabit To Oversee Legislation Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CAPRICORNCan A Prediction Really Indicate Close Ones' Romantic Notions? Tony McCoy O'Grady
100% CAPRICORN (2)Can Acquire Patience, Reliable Individual Considers Opinions, Reasonably Neutral Jan Morgan -- neutral = adaptable
100% CAPSCease All Pathetic Shouting Steve Keate
People & Relationships:Advice
100% CAPS LOCKCreating Acronyms? Please See Listed Obligations - Charter's Known Tony McCoy O'Grady and Angela Brett, because of the rule in THE ACRONYMISTS' CHARTER saying that IF YOU PUT A WORD IN CAPS YOU MUST ACRONYMISE IT.
Words & Wordplay:Acronyms about Acronyms

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