BRAIN BOWL | Bright Resourceful Abecedarians Interrogated Nightly By Other Witty Learners. |
Peter & Christina - The Brain Bowl Team participates in Jeopardy-like competition in a state-wide event every year. Sports & Recreation People & Relationships:Thoughts |
MISS CARSWELL | Man, Is She Stupid. Can't Anyone Remember Something We've Ever Learned Lately? |
Peter & Christina Names Education |
MRS. WESCOTT | Math, Really Stupid? Will Everyone She Cracks On Take Trig? |
Peter & Christina Names Education |
TRINITY CHRISTIAN ACADEMY | Teachers Really Intimidate Nobody. Instead, They Yak. Can He Really Intimidate Students That Interrupt Another Notorious Academic Class? All Dimwits Evade Men Yelling. |
Peter & Christina - We both attend Trinity Christian Academy, a fine institute of learning. Education:Schools |
YEARBOOK | You Easily Are Ruined Because Of Obnoxious Kids |
Peter & Christina - We're the co-editor and editor of the yearbook staff. Enough said. Education Communication:Periodicals |