Angela's website -- Macs
Angela Brett's
differentiated circuit

mathematician by Jove, programmer by the power of grayscale, physicist by gedankenexperiment, linguist by 2017, writer by neglecting everything else

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I'm a bit of a Mac nut.

Enough of a Mac nut that in 1999 I had a Mac logo painted on my face for an Apple Update.

Enough of a Mac nut that in 2004 I went on a 'pilgrimage' to San Francisco for the 2004 Apple Worldwide Developers' Conference (with part of my hair dyed key lime to match my iBook) and ended up going to a concert with Steve Wozniak. That was a lot of fun, but you're going to have to trawl through my travel log to read about it, because I never got around to making a way to link to individual posts.

Enough of a Mac geek that I got my sister to dye my hair in Tiger stripes before I went to the Tiger Tech Talks in Sydney (though unfortunately, not experienced enough at girly hairdressing stuff to avoid messing up the stripes.)

Enough of a Mac nut to make websites for each of my Macs and one for my Newtons... although, I have had a PowerBook G4 for nearly two years now (the iBook is still alive and well, she was adopted by a friend) and I haven't got around to making it a page yet.

Enough of a Mac nut that the two best presents I got for my 21st birthday were Mac OS X and a custom-made Apple logo pendant, which I never take off.

Put simply, I'm one of the crazy ones. Well, alright, I'm one of the downright bonkers ones.

This page has been accessed times since 2024-07-06 19:33:59 Last updated: 2007-01-28 08:46:24
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