Angela's website -- Objective-C/Cocoa
Angela Brett's
disintegrated biscuit (that's the way the cookie crumbles)

mathematician by the method of exhaustion, programmer by the light of my PowerBook display, physicist by night, linguist by dint of cunning, writer by Sunday midnight

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For my 21st birthday in May 2001, my brother gave me Mac OS X. I think that's the nicest thing he's ever done for me. I had exams coming up, so knowing that a shiny new operating system would be very distracting, I tried to resist installing it until they were over. I didn't succeed. The night before my C++ exam I was learning Objective-C.

I love Objective-C. It's nice and dynamic, and although it's a compiled language it has ways to do many of the things I love about scripting languages (the sort of things that involve turning strings into code or variable names.) I've done a fair bit of programming in Objective-C, although regrettably I haven't had much time for it recently. You can see my Cocoa sofware on

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