Angela's website -- C
Angela Brett's
disintegrated circuit

mathematician by numbers, programmer by myself, physicist by association, linguist by dint of cunning, writer by Sunday midnight

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Eventually I thought I ought to learn a 'real' language, what with HyperCard being perceived as rather toy-ish. I taught myself C (and later relearnt it at a blisteringly painful pace at university) and mucked around with it a bit. I didn't really find it that interesting, since I could only do console-IO and some tweaks to a Mac GUI example. Then I discovered something useful that can be done with console-IO... websites! Yep, I wrote CGIs. The first version of the Apronyms site was written in C. It was pretty painful in some ways, C really wasn't made for web programming. But it was something useful, something interesting, something pretty!

Years later, I got a job at Software of Excellence where I programmed in C (and a tiny bit of C-in-.cpp-files) for Windows. I did that for three years.

Meanwhile, C turned out to be a useful basis for learning C++ and Objective-C.

This page has been accessed times since 2024-07-06 23:07:52 Last updated: 2007-01-27 12:01:15
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