Angela's website -- BASIC
Angela Brett's
disintegrated biscuit (that's the way the cookie crumbles)

mathematician by the method of exhaustion, programmer by trade, physicist by gedankenexperiment, linguist by 2017, writer by employing several thousand monkeys

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I'm not sure when I started programming in BASIC. I'm pretty sure it was before we moved to Auckland, so I was eight or younger. The first computer which was actually partly mine (shared with one of my brothers) was an Amstrad CPC 464. I wrote a couple of text adventure games, a Wheel of Fortune game (complete with a large-breasted Lana Coc-kroft walking across and turning the letters, and a spinning wheel which my brother helped me with) and Warm Fuzzies, which I later made a Cocoa version of.

This page has been accessed times since 2024-07-05 12:57:25 Last updated: 2007-01-27 12:07:39
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