Angela's website -- Le Mystère de la Patience, par Jostein G
Angela Brett's
disintegrated biscuit (that's the way the cookie crumbles)

mathematician by Jove, programmer by trade, physicist by and by, linguist by listening to silly songs in many languages, writer by neglecting everything else

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Le Mystère de la Patience, par Jostein G

Desolée, cette page n'a pas encore été traduite en français. Voici la version anglaise.
This is an incredible book, much better, in my opinion, than Gaarder's much acclaimed Sophie's World. I've read it several times now. I've even read it in French. It has fantastic stories within stories which interrelate and it all resolves beautifully.. It was interesting to read it again after Gödel, Escher, Bach, since the concepts of tangled hierarchies, stacks and strange loops all apply in some way.

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