Angela's website -- TV et DVDs en français
Angela Brett's
integrated circus

mathematician by the way, programmer by day, physicist by reckless misapplication of the Uncertainty Principle, linguist by listening to silly songs in many languages, writer by neglecting everything else

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TV et DVDs en français

Desolée, cette page n'a pas encore été traduite en français. Voici la version anglaise.
The TV in my previous apartment had teletext, so I watched TV shows in French with the subtitles for the hearing impaired. That way, I can more easily recognise the words I know, and I can learn the spelling of words I don't know so that I can quickly look them up on WordReference. The subtitles aren't always identical to the audio, so sometimes I learn different ways of saying the same things. I never watch with English subtitles... it's too distracting trying to understand the same thing in two languages at once, and I'd probably end up not paying any attention to the French.

I have also bought DVDs of movies and TV shows which I really like, and I know I could stand watching enough times that I come to understand every word. Many of them I have not watched yet, or I have only watched in English. However I have some nature documentaries which are only in French, without even French subtitles, and after much careful listening and stopping and starting, I now know a lot of dolphin-related vocabulary in French.

Back when M6 played Smallville on Saturday nights, I joined the forum on their website and made a few posts about Smallville.

This page has been accessed times since 2024-10-02 02:35:30 Last updated: 2008-09-14 00:08:26
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