Angela's website -- Eureka's Languages of the World
Angela Brett's
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mathematician by the way, programmer by night, physicist by the power of Greyskull, linguist by dint of cunning, writer by employing several thousand monkeys

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English Français

Eureka's Languages of the World

Desolée, cette page n'a pas encore été traduite en français. Voici la version anglaise.
I really loved this software because it allowed me to learn French the same way I learn a programming language... by getting a general overview, and then diving in and looking things up as I go along. The main idea is that there is a passage in French, which the software can read aloud (word by word, phrase by phrase, or continuously.) Clicking on each word or phrase will give the translation, information on the grammar, and other stuff. There are also games based on the text, such as a cloze exercises and crosswords, which can be customised to use only certain parts of speech, or only certain words which you have trouble with. There's even a way to practise oral French, which gives feedback on pronunciation! I didn't use that much as in some cases I couldn't figure out what was supposedly wrong with my pronunciation, but I should try again now that my pronunciation has theoretically improved. And I got all this for NZ$10. The DVD contains not just French but nine other languages as well.

I haven't touched the program for a long time, because I got to the point where I understood (and had practically memorised) the entire passage and all of its grammar so there wasn't much point in doing more with it. But I might revisit it to see if there are any subtle grammar points in there which I've forgottten.

This page has been accessed times since 2024-10-03 22:30:52 Last updated: 2007-01-03 11:23:35
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