Angela's website -- Online Sitemap
Angela Brett's
disintegrated biscuit (that's the way the cookie crumbles)

mathematician by Jove, programmer by all accounts, physicist by virtue of owning three Newtons, linguist by listening to silly songs in many languages, writer by the lake

English Français

Online Sitemap

This sitemap was generated from the OmniGraffle sitemap which was in turn generated by an AppleScript extracting the structure of this site from the database. For more inforation on how it was made, see the main sitemap page.

It is an imagemap, so you can click on any node to go to the appropriate page. White nodes represent pages which have both English and French versions, grey nodes represent pages with only English. Red nodes are pages which don't exist yet, but which are linked to... if I'm properly checking everything before making this site live, there shouldn't be any. The two different kinds of colours of connections represent the different kinds of links between the pages... thick yellow links are used when one page is considered a sub-page or subcategory of another, thin green links represent links within the text of the page.

Unlike most site maps, this one is not really intended to help you find your away around. It just uses several hundred KB to give you a horrifying vision of the complexity of the site you're lost in. But once you get over the shock, you can click directly on a page on the map instead of following the links to it.

This page has been accessed times since 2024-07-04 22:38:11 Last updated: 2007-09-09 06:05:30
