Angela's website -- Pimsleur Quick and Simple French for English Speakers
Angela Brett's
integrated cheese

mathematician by L'hopital's rule, programmer by all accounts, physicist by the power of Greyskull, linguist by 2017, writer by Sunday midnight

English Français

Pimsleur Quick and Simple French for English Speakers

The very first thing I did, in late January 2005, the day I found out that I'd be moving to Geneva, was to download Pimsleur's French for English Speakers audiobook from Audible (now available on iTunes.) I'd listened to the equivalent audiobook in German and it seemed like a good enough way to get a basic introduction. It's eight half-hour lessons covering exactly the same stuff as the German one. Down to the exact phrases and conversations, with slight variations to suit the language. Hello, do you speak English, I speak a little bit of French, where is Rue Saint-Jacques, Rue Saint-Jacques is not here, Boulevard Saint-Michel is here, Rue Saint-Jacques is over there, etc. It's a good way to get a few basics and a general feel for the language just as somewhere to start from, though everything I learnt has been long since been overwritten by a more general grammatical understanding.

When I was in Paris for the Apple Expo in September 2005, I ended up being near Rue Saint Jacques and Boulevard Saint Michel. Naturally I took photos of them.

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