Angela's website -- Apple Expo
Angela Brett's
integrated cheese

mathematician by myself, programmer by day, physicist by association, linguist by dint of cunning, writer by the lake

English Français

Apple Expo

I went to the Apple Expo in Paris in 2005, and found that, as expected, I had no problem understanding the Mac demos in French. I couldn't understand much else, but I did find I got a lot more French practice in Paris than in Geneva. Not that people wouldn't speak English to me... they were just as quick at switching to English as the Genevans are. But the difference was that if I persisted in speaking in French, they'd switch back, even though both of us knew that they spoke English better than I spoke French.

Before going to the Apple Expo in 2006, I joined the MacGeneration forums in the hope of meeting some French speakers at the expo. I figured that geeks would be easier to talk to because they'd talk about universally understandable things like Macs. I actually ended up meeting some people from other francophone Mac forums and went to the MacLAN. It's true, Mac geeks were easier to talk to... but mostly because of the usual geek habit of typing to the person next to you instead of talking to them. I'm much better at writing French than speaking it, especially when I have WordReference on hand.

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