Angela's website -- Sounds
Angela Brett's
immigrated circus

mathematician by the way, programmer by night, physicist by the power of Greyskull, linguist by using outdated web development experience to wrangle into a Masters program, writer by drinking tea, taking baths, and going for walks.

English Français


I've also listened to some things, how 'bout that? I extracted some information from iTunes using AppleScripts, and I was going to put it up here, but I've decided not to reinvent that particular wheel. Here's my account to show you what I've been listening to since 26 November 2007. It's a good thing I did extract that information though, because I lost it from the songs' metadata when the iPod died. Here's the information I extracted about what I listened to before April 2005.

Some songs I like because the lyrics are funny, some because the lyrics are profound... the majority of lyrics are hard to hear or otherwise don't make sense, but I like the music. Some don't have lyrics. Some are funny even though the lyrics don't make sense... I knew that Das Münchner Weisswurst Lied was funny even before I had figured out what the words meant, because a song about sausages can't help being funny. If there's a song about sausages out there which isn't funny, I'd like to hear it. It would make me laugh simply by being a song about sausages which isn't funny. Far from desensitising me, years of finding comedy wherever I can have left me very easily amused, and it's a great way to be as long as I'm not trying to drink something, eat, or explain to the people around me that I'm not really laughing at anything worth knowing about, and I'm mostly just amused by how insistent they are to find out what it is. I like one song simply because it reminds me of the first time I saw snow falling, when I listened to that utterly un-snow-related song all day.

This page has been accessed times since 2024-07-02 06:51:01 Last updated: 2008-05-22 19:52:05
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