Angela's website -- Podcasts in French
Angela Brett's
immigrated circus

mathematician by L'hopital's rule, programmer by trade, physicist by a trick involving renormalisation, some dork matter, and a goat, linguist by 2017, writer by drinking tea, taking baths, and going for walks.

English Français

Podcasts in French

Many of the podcasts I listen to come from Radio Suisse Romande. This way I greatly increase my exposure to spoken French, and at the same time I gradually learn about Swiss culture and everyday life. I hope that it will also develop a tendency toward a Swiss accent, if such a thing exists. To have a recognisably Swiss accent rather than simply a foreign one would be the ultimate feat in phonetic mastery.

I have no problem understanding the serious podcasts such as On en parle, Haute Définition, and La Capsule Multimedia (though I am sure it wasn't like that in the beginning... practice really does help!) The comic podcasts such as La Soupe, Le son du jour, and Cauet can take a bit more effort, partly because of the wordplay and colloquial language involved and partly because of the different voices and accents used for comic effect. This of course means I learn more, in a linguistic sense (though perhaps not so much in terms of facts.) As I am a comedy addict this makes these podcasts particularly rewarding. Most of the series on Le son du jour have a repetitive element, which makes it a little easier... at least I learn phrases like '...marchait paisiblement sur un chemin de terre aride, quelque part dans l'Idaho' by heart, though I don't know how useful that would be. Such memorised phrases are often useful as examples to remind me of a grammatical rule, or the gender of a noun. Demain, il fera beau !

And finally, something I understand in any language, is the Mac. So I listen to the Croque Pomme & Apple-Exchange podcast. This is a bit more difficult to understand than the 'serious' RSR podcasts, because even though they are speaking about things I am very familiar with, the tone is more informal and things are not as clearly pronounced.

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